
Forum > Suggestions > HoF search parameters.
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User Name [245]
2012-10-10 16:03:01 🔗
[12 years, 107 days ago]

I'd like the HoF search parameters to be changed so that I'm not required to know the beginning of the name.

For example I'd like to be able to search lord and it shows me every name with lord in it, not just the ones that begin with lord.

Unique Force [192]
2012-10-10 16:09:02 🔗
[12 years, 107 days ago]


Ender [1]
2012-10-10 21:49:42 🔗
[12 years, 106 days ago]

A couple issues with this:

  1. Performance - The current "query*" search is efficient because it can utilize the basic indexes on username/botname. There are more complex indexes that can do "*query*" matching, but this will take some work. Also, doing this without an index isn't unreasonable because there are only ~25k*2 names to search, but this would eventually need to be optimized.

  2. Too many results - More importantly, this inflates the number of search results too much and makes pagination necessary, making this a more involved project. I tried the simple tweak using an unindexed version and though slow, it worked, but even searching "Ender" didn't show my name on the list. Some sort of advanced filtering based on activity (e.g., give more weight to bots that have been online recently) or something would be needed in addition to result pagination.

User Name [245]
2012-10-10 22:08:20 🔗
[12 years, 106 days ago]

Yeah. I figured it be more involved than what you have now, nor was I expecting it to be something that could be implemented in a matter of minutes. Just thought it'd be nicer to be able to search the Hof without the restriction of it being based of the beginning characters.

Also of note is even the way you have it now can return too many results, such as the case with Nosferatu (considering I built 80+ bots with that beginning).

User Name [321]
2013-10-08 21:59:51 🔗
[11 years, 108 days ago]


Forum > Suggestions > HoF search parameters.
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