To help the problem of running out of trophy points by using ones main bot instead of dumpers, bots with a postive energy ratio above approx (maybe higher)1.20 or more could recieve a buff for energy and possible battle speed?
escwd7 [80] |
this buff would still apply to dumpers and only make the situation worse |
A higher ratio requirement wouldn't necessarily alleviate the situation either, with everyone making new dumpers so frequently. Although it would encourage me to chase after more wins. |
Fishwick [130] Moderator |
He meant energy ratio, an energy ratio of 1.2 pretty much means that bot isn't a dumper, so this could be useful. |
With the EPH set to 60, I can get that on all my energy dumpers by attacking win dumpers relatively easily and quickly. |
Fishwick [130] Moderator |
As soon as you start to dump you'll lose it though... |
you can just reset it once you dump it all then regain the buff from the win dumpers. energy dumpers need ratio upkeep anyways |
Sure you can reset to 1.00 energy ratio and 0 EPH, but you have to get back to 1.2 ratio, easy enough. As soon as you start losing energy and dip below 1.2 again, you would lose the buff. So unless you want to be earning energy more than dumping, you wouldn't bother with the buff. |
once they dip below the 1.2 energy ratio they'll just use a Dark Energy and Spirit of Wolf buff. |
This isn't about punishing dumpers, or even changing how they work. Its intended to reward "main bot" energy scorers, while hopefully not being useful to dumpers. |
I'm saying you are rewarding dumpers too much that the dumpers will gain more benefit from this than a single main bot energizing |
I'm saying you really don't understand how it would work. It wouldn't be beneficial for dumpers to use it, but would be very useful for "normal" scorers. |
I can clearly see how it rewards a single main energy bot, but you also have to think of game balance and its repercussions along dumpers. If you give a single bot energizing +10% efficiency and dumpers +200% efficiency, then that isn't helping main bot energizers. You have to think of the ways that dumpers can exploit this buff. |
Wow... they literally cannot exploit it. Thats the point. To exploit it they would have to be above 1.2 energy ratio or all the time (or whatever number it would be set to) To do that, you have to win at LEAST 33% of your fights, meaning the dumper would have to spend a lot of time collecting energy in the first place, just to make his other fights quicker. It wouldn't be beneficial. |
There will be a breakeven point, where dumpers will gain efficiency with this buff (by dumping atking dumpers) dependent on the energy ratio limit and the buffs and buff %s provided |
Then you would make the buff never be useful to dumpers, whether thats making it require a 1.5 or 2.0 energy ratio. Or even energy ratio only matters if you "attacked" for that energy, not got it dumped on you. |
Assuming it would be at a less efficient rate for dumpers, then it would be useful for Ender to consider this suggestion, but I think PVE content should take priority imo and PVE and PVP content will require some of balancing. Ender may want to consider adding this to his long list of chores, but atm I think he's bitten off more than he can chew |
I agree with shoy. I don't think adding anything should be the focus. Because then you'd have to worry about how to balance the new things added. Rather he should focus on adding the elements he has already stated he wants to focus on and balance them out before undertaking anything new to add to the list of chores. |
An offshoot to this idea would be to give passive buffs to bots with a certain win ratio in that month. Maybe +50% energy and battle speed for having a 3+ ratio and +100% energy and battle speed for having a 6+ ratio. Dumpers could get the 3+ ratio and the buff but they would have to win at least 600 fights for every 200 dumped in the month. Also, maybe a minimum of 1000 wins can be needed in the month before the buff is activated. |
The fact you are trying to solely model certain buffs around a particular amount of "activity" is asinine. Not everyone has the same amount of time to invest into games as everyone else, thus your "ideas" would not only be restricting dumpers (which is apparently you're only focus, however short sided it may be) but also put an unnecessary amount of strain on casual players and players with little time to invest. This doesn't go against the idea the more time you invest the better your chances of winning should be, but rather you shouldn't alienate your community base based solely on activity. |
Using dumpers at the moment is the bots equivalent of trying to get/stay rich in Obama's America. You succeed, and the system changes to drag you down. You still succeed, and the system changes again. You still succeed, and people complain and about you and want even more changes to drag you down even more, and you eventually realize that the real problem isn't the system itself, it's that as long as someone is better off than others, despite their success being the fruit of their own labours, some of those below will always complain that the world is unfair, and that something should be done. To add perks for them and penalize those at the top. Because, according to them, "Why should I have to work just to enjoy the same things he does?" and "Why is he allowed to have so much when I have so little?" |
^This. |
td;lr for neps post: Everyone wants every damn thing. Only problem is that some try and others don't. Not that it needs to be td:lr'ed. trollface |
neps this thread is not against you. nos your missing the point. zal? fish, you almost have it. the idea was that if the energy ratio was positive for the majority of the month (not a dumper), this may be a figure of (x1.30) energy ratio, possibly higher depending on ender's preferences. the idea would be that bots with a positive energy ratio above a certain amount would recieve a buff at the end of each month to save the trophy points on a persons "main bot". Dumpers can be replaced ect and get new bots with more rophy points, so its just giving back to those who either dont use dumpers or dont have time. its just an idea that could be put into place if dumpers are here to stay, which im also not against. |
Fishwick [130] Moderator |
If its at the end of the month, whats stopping me dumping for 29 days, rejoining my clan and then scoring 500 energy to get a nice high energy offset? |
But idle energy still got changed as well :P It seems a lot of people don't really know what they want, yet they still ask for things. (that could be voting in your analogy) |
@TheEnnd I literally did not read any of this thread. I couldn't care less what the shit you guys are talking about a buff or energy offset or whatnot. You're picking at straws. |