
Forum > Suggestions > Stars and ordering
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Aqua Regia [94]
2011-03-14 06:32:47 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

I was thinking about an alternative to ordering items, one that's cheaper (requires less stars).

Instead of actually ordering, you can have the B.O.T.S. Union bmail you when a certain item is available in the showroom. It would cost like 10-25% of the item's price, and require only 1 star. More stars would let you "monitor" more items at the same time.

t0r [76]
2011-03-14 07:36:59 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Nice idea. I think that would work.

numbertwo [42]
2011-03-14 08:01:19 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

number likes this

dragonrose [36]
Head Moderator
2011-03-14 13:35:28 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Whilst I potentially like this idea Manny I have a few questions.

Do you reserve the item & thereby exclude others from buying it?

Or you rush to the shop with no guarantee of an item? If so do you still pay the notification fee?

Plus how does this service work if you are offline?

Aqua Regia [94]
2011-03-14 13:41:06 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

1 - "Do you reserve the item & thereby exclude others from buying it?"

2 - "Or you rush to the shop with no guarantee of an item? If so do you still pay the notification fee?"

3 - "Plus how does this service work if you are offline?"

1. No.
2. You pay the fee when you order the service, no refund.
3. You'd still get a bmail, but of course you'd be unable to read it in time to buy the item.

It could also be time limited, if you only have 1 star, you can only monitor 1 item for 1 hour, then you have to pay the fee again. With 2 stars you could monitor 2 items for 1 hour, or 1 item for 2 hours, something like that.

t0r [77]
2011-03-15 01:51:03 🔗
[13 years, 360 days ago]

I think the 1 item for 1 hour and 2 items for 1 hour idea would have to be refined. Higher level equipments is a lot rarer then once an hour. But other then that I like the idea.

CharlieSheen [53]
2011-03-16 15:44:58 🔗
[13 years, 359 days ago]

I think we should have old star system.

Since now you will loose much often then against whores ( witch will result in loosing more kudos ) there is no point of fighting hard bots if you need to buy some high priced item ( ex. Manic ).

So if you have 1,5 mil kudos and your non-int bot you really wont go fighting and risk loosing money and at the same time seeing message that Manic is up in showroom. So all that is left is to camp showroom so stars would be useless in this way. They would only be good for having extra storage space.


Forum > Suggestions > Stars and ordering
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