
Forum > Suggestions > Promo day
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Leader [92]
2013-04-09 03:08:03 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

1 random day of the month you should put a promo day on and increase the amount of trophy points you gain for buying a star (say 300) on that day and then increase the energy cap for x amount of minutes for everyone for every star bought

Gouken [74]
2013-04-09 03:28:40 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]


Leader [92]
2013-04-09 03:30:23 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

nope you buy a star you get 300 trophy points and everyones energycap is increased for x amount of minutes

Number Two [33]
2013-04-09 08:14:13 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

i like this

hyp [50]
2013-04-09 08:24:19 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

bots with stars is already overpowered

Leader [92]
2013-04-09 08:41:21 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

well its not as if its hard to gain some i have never bought a star on this game and got over 30 and you clearly don't see the point of the suggestion

hyp [50]
2013-04-09 09:16:52 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

instead of that i would prefer rape day (attacks without limits)

Leader [92]
2013-04-09 09:21:02 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

and that suggestion will never/shouldn't ever happen

hyp [50]
2013-04-09 09:21:27 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

why not ?

Leader [92]
2013-04-09 09:26:16 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

what a stupid idea it is thats all

hyp [50]
2013-04-09 09:27:22 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

I always enjoyed that day when it was on bots2

Sangu [145]
2013-04-09 10:12:01 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

Rape day wouldnt work, just because its no more point in raping someone. While it was cs in bots2 it worked, but now its energy system so you attack someone only while target have energy...

/Steel Rat

Fishwick [131]
2013-04-09 10:36:18 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

Both points have their weaknesses. Rape day doesn't work with energy as steel said, and giving more benefits to donaters is a slippery slope

ProjectOne [137]
2013-04-09 10:39:59 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

^ its a greedy slope

New Alan [100]
2013-04-09 12:10:58 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

Ed has talked about making special days. Like his bday, day bots2 went down, etc.

SG2 [80]
2013-04-09 13:21:32 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]
* Total:
* Played time:
    39 years, 8 days, 6 hours, 39 minutes, 16 seconds [16 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes, 7 seconds per day]
* Experience:
    193,914,879,091,723 [enough to get to level 422]
* Trains:

So... special buff when we reach 30k bots, total play time reach 50 years, total exp reach 200,000,000,000,000 and when we´re at 20 million trains??

shoyuken [175]
2013-04-09 18:35:55 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

Hm... i do like the sound of buffs for total time played for all bots across the server. it encourages all players to play more

Ender [1]
2013-04-09 19:43:33 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

I'm not really a fan of OP's suggestion exactly as it's worded. I agree that that sounds like too big of a boost for donators.

I do, however, like an idea it touched on - smaller temporary bonuses for all players when someone donates. The browser-based game I played before bots2 did this and it always made things a little more exciting for everyone when someone donated. I discussed this on IRC with some players last year - from memory/skimming, we discussed bonuses like global battle speed increases and higher showroom restock chances, which are more in line with what I'd be okay with because they are very temporary.

shoyuken [175]
2013-04-09 19:48:18 πŸ”—
[11 years, 334 days ago]

hmmm so draoi is 200 and eph is capped. lol quite an interesting read

Mithrandon [166]
2013-04-10 12:06:11 πŸ”—
[11 years, 333 days ago]

+1 on the showroom restock

Forum > Suggestions > Promo day
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