
Belok [80]
2011-03-18 10:18:27 🔗
[13 years, 314 days ago]

If you could do a small version of the XP bar for the top status box (below level/wins/losses/ratio/energy) that would be a huge improvement.

This way you could see your status as you train, instead of having to go to the workshop to check.

I know every battle ends with "### xp remaining" but having something visual is really helpful in games like this.

Also having "notches" on the xp bar would be good as well. So we could quickly tell that we are x% done with the level.

These additions would give the XP bar more of standard RPG feel, and I think would be widely appreciated. Since you already have the code for the xp bar in the workshop, this should theoretically be a pretty easy job.

Emanuel [78]
2011-03-18 10:27:15 🔗
[13 years, 314 days ago]

There's a script that will show you stuff like xp/hour, time to level, trains/fights to level and lots of other stuff.

It's displayed in a box that you will see on every page, you can even move the box around by right-clicking and dragging.

Belok [81]
2011-03-18 10:36:17 🔗
[13 years, 314 days ago]

Great script!

Wow, this (or some version of it) should be standard with the game.

Ender [35]
2011-03-19 17:41:23 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

Yes, I would like the expand the top bot info to the left of the game logo into a HUD which includes a miniature version of the workshop exp bar.

Ender [35]
2011-03-20 17:55:07 🔗
[13 years, 311 days ago]

I added notches to the exp bar. You'll probably have to refresh the workshop to load up the new image.

ActiveX [69]
Head Moderator
2011-03-21 04:24:51 🔗
[13 years, 311 days ago]

I noticed. Very nice :)

Sokram [55]
2011-03-21 07:49:16 🔗
[13 years, 311 days ago]

Very nice indeed!