
Forum > Suggestions > showroom
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mara 1 [32]
2014-12-14 16:52:46 🔗
[10 years, 85 days ago]

would be good to add option: for example "show items between 100<str<200"

and add option to check-uncheck "show unique items only"

to make it easier for us who camp in shop

Nosferatu [272]
2014-12-14 16:55:25 🔗
[10 years, 85 days ago]

Any and all suggestions for the showroom are moot, because Ender has "plans" to overhaul the entire thing and is grouping all said showroom suggestions under the "it'll come when I do that" rug.

Pothead [100]
2014-12-14 17:23:03 🔗
[10 years, 85 days ago]

It's a very good suggestion though Mara :)

Forum > Suggestions > showroom
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