Obviously your not going to change the clan limit ed because you like this and the system is great but I was thinking what happens when we want to retire our bot or take months off. Not so much the clan but just 1 person, obviously were going to want to be as active as we can but we don't want to kick loyal members just to still be active. So I was thinking there should be a garage or bench area in the clans.
The 20 active bots will get Energy like all other clan bots but the bench bots will still be in the clan but can lose energy or gain it. There energy still goes into the total energy (for previous months) But they wont gain energy for this month. This way old people like jans could step aside and run the clan or people like Rivan, Basher so on could actually take months off without having to worry about being kicked because there not active enough after gaining 200k energy in 1 clan.
Really like this suggestion. |
So basically a variation of http://bots4.net/forum/4/606 ? |
Hmm, didn't fully read correctly if that is the case. |
number [68] |
i like what jans is saying more. either all in or fuck off for the month. |
Jans is referring to a different suggestion though. |
The point is not just so we can sit out but think if Jans were to quit the game again and wanted to stay in the clan we really couldn't stay competive but a bench area lets us put players off to the side who are inactive or not ready for clan competition. I love greens idea as when you get put off to the side you could lose all monthly energy. This will be good so if you have multiple bots you can rotate them in per month so you don't have to camp as much or put Clan Leveling bots in there...it allows you to created a bigger clan if you want but at no disadvantage to smaller clans. 20 players on 1 bot will be just as good as 5 on 4 bots. This is a damn good idea Jans and you know it so suck my floating flap of skin that is my scrotum. |
There's nothing wrong with the idea. I like it. It's basically like a sports team. You have 30 guys and you have to select 20 to play ball. It's nice. People can say "i'm working on my bot this month, let someone else ES" (has that caught on yet?) |
ewww... flappy scrots... thats diiirrttyy haha |
I don't know it would be that much work to implement. Basically you could just have a special rank for the inactive bots. |
Damn it, give us an edit button! |
Yea i suppose a special rank could work. 'inactive', or something. For instance: |
agree with the post above this =) |
damn you jans! |
Doesn't matter, you agree with that post as well ;) |
well yes =) but that is beside the point lol |
>>> Making someone 'inactive' resets his monthly score of course. But there should be a time lock as well; once a member has gone inactive during a month, he can't be active again for hmm i'd say a week. Or it would be abused. |
Sokram [69] |
Bah! Just raise the clan limit to 100 and let's get it on! :D :D |
even 35? or 40? that aint to much bigger than it is already and it aint to big either =) more energy more targets =) |
Belgarath [64] |
You go girl! |
So were in agreement Jans, there should be in Inactive/Retired list? |
<No Clan>
As long as I can permanently steal a inactive slot. |
Does the game record energy gain after a month has finished as a total energy ever? like the old clanscore? |
Yes it does. |