we all know them.. clan leaders that suck so much they should be impeached..
for instance.. my clan leader in strung out is an asshole, he's lazy, mostly high or lost in his personal k-hole, he does nothing about recruiting and he doesnt seem to care about winning any clan race..
now, for good clan leaders, we have trophies, referring to good US presidents.. How about we also choose the worst clan leader every month and give them a throphy referring to a bad president?
as a Mehican i dont know any US presidents ofc, but i heard something about some USA-hole called donald duck or donald trumpet or something? maybe we should give bad clan leaders a Trumpy award.
Having said this i may actually have mentioned a good idea too: how about a monthly trophy that is awarded to someone by a group of peers for something they accomplished.. like best newcomer award or sumthing.. see, i contribute (at times)