
Forum > Suggestions > "Last Post"
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Emanuel [145]
2010-12-16 15:50:06 🔗
[14 years, 84 days ago]

When you're at the "last post" column should show in what thread the latest post was in (and link to it, of course), like this:

Slight design change
by Emanuel [145]
2010-12-16 15:25:15
[10 minutes ago]

That looks quite messy though, maybe only show the date in subforums?

Ender [2]
2010-12-16 22:18:53 🔗
[14 years, 84 days ago]

If thread titles were guaranteed to be short, I'd do this, but since they can be arbitrarily long, I think this would clutter things up.

A way around that would be to automatically put "..." into titles to shorten them for previews, but this seems like more effort than it's worth.

Alan [75]
2010-12-16 23:21:52 🔗
[14 years, 83 days ago]

/me votes for titles over 20 chars be dotted at the end o/

Emanuel [145]
2010-12-17 02:00:22 🔗
[14 years, 83 days ago]

I don't think it'd be too hard, something like:

title.length > 40 ? title.substring(0, 40) + "..." : title;

Ender [2]
2010-12-17 09:47:50 🔗
[14 years, 83 days ago]

Still seems kind of clutterish...hmm.

Forum > Suggestions > "Last Post"
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