
Asta [75]
2024-11-17 09:57:06 🔗
[93 days ago]

Something that has bugged me for a long time when you spent hours on multiple bots and have multiple browsers open and say are working on low level leveling or something is that the Save Changes button is on the right side of the screen and should really be underneath the stats on the left side instead. Reason being that if you just want to add stats to your bot fast you don't have to either scroll the screen right or maximize the screen EVERY TIME you want to add points.

Please change it if possible, thanks :)

Ender [1]
2024-11-17 12:33:47 🔗
[92 days ago]


Details: I have no idea why it was on the right. My best guess is that it was like that in bots2, but I couldn't dig up a bots2 workshop screenshot to confirm. I took a quick survey of other similar pages on bots4 and save buttons seem to most often be on the left (workshop settings, redis spending, clan settings, etc.), so I moved it. The clan ranks page was the only other place I found that had it on the right, so I moved it left there too.

I'll be curious to see if this gets any complaints - it's been on the right for so long and this is such a core part of the game that it's bound to be tied to muscle memory for a lot of people. :)

Asta [75]
2024-11-17 12:52:12 🔗
[92 days ago]

Thanks ^_^

The oddest thing is that there's pretty much nothing you click on the right side of the screen in the Workshop other than Redistribution points but those are rarely clicked on except at level 1 for a free 5 points and maybe if you want to make a 45 int bot to 100 or a tournament bot etc. but the amount of time spent on it versus stat distribution is small if you don't use your redis much.

Manganes [139]
2024-11-19 08:33:50 🔗
[91 days ago]

Ender, is it possible in settings page, to make 1 save button for everything?

Nosferatu [355]
2024-11-19 12:59:55 🔗
[90 days ago]

Definitely taking some getting used to...

Ender [1]
2024-11-21 08:16:47 🔗
[89 days ago]

Ender, is it possible in settings page, to make 1 save button for everything?

I remember when I'd first read the title of this thread, I got through "Change the Save Changes in the workshop to" and up to that point assumed that this is what this thread was actually going to be about. Having a save button for each section is an outrageously bad design, I have no idea at this point why I built it that way, but I agree it should change. Somewhat low priority, but it's on my radar.

Asta [75]
2024-11-21 08:54:02 🔗
[89 days ago]
Definitely taking some getting used to...

I got used to it super fast really. Saves me a lot of maximizing.

ziaodix [298]
2024-11-21 10:03:38 🔗
[89 days ago]

I'll assume you haven't been playing for 20 years, leveling thousands of bots.

Mr Red [30]
2024-11-21 10:11:33 🔗
[89 days ago]

maybe placing it in the centre, would help us get used to it

Asmodeus [291]
2024-11-22 18:40:34 🔗
[87 days ago]

I have often thought about suggesting this but never got around to it. Most of the time I am leveling bots I am using a small window and scrolling across to save changes is a bit of a deterrent. This is a nice change.