
Forum > Suggestions > Historical Energy HoF
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Vegas [66]
2024-12-27 15:38:07 🔗
[69 days ago]

Adding a section in each bots profile that displays total energy gained.

I'd say minus resets (so only the active current tally from the most recent reset assuming you have one, otherwise doesn't apply). I'm sure an addition of "Total lifetime gained" could also be discussed.

The HoF for this could be located at the bottom of HoF under the historical data section.

And when Ender does get around to account linking, could even have a section on the main bots profile that displays "Total Aggregate Energy" or something similar.

Quentin Tarantino [24]
2024-12-27 15:42:41 🔗
[69 days ago]

I'm not even sure the game knows, as energy/clanscore has always been so linked to current clan... personally, however, I've always thought those scores should be your scores and even if you left a clan and went to another one last minute of a month then it should come with the bot...

ZalTheTarnished [51]
2024-12-27 15:58:20 🔗
[69 days ago]

I like the idea of having total aggregate energy across all bots associated with an account when we get around to have the one account system. So if say, this bot and my MiniZal/DrEvilZal were on one account then their energy could be combined along with all the other bots a person owns but because so much energy has been accumulated on long-time dumpers etc. at this point it might end up becoming a large number for certain people. But it'd be neat to look at. Having a way of keeping total energy displayed when you leave a clan would be nice too. For example, when Escapism collapsed, those bots had lots of energy records but now they're gone forever and that sucks.

Fishwick [135]
2024-12-27 16:35:22 🔗
[69 days ago]

Would definitely support this, obviously its nice for records and curiosity, but it also gives people more freedom to move clans which can only help the clan competition

AlanTheTarnished [26]
2024-12-27 16:35:51 🔗
[69 days ago]


Forum > Suggestions > Historical Energy HoF
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