
Forum > Suggestions > Bot Birthday Banners
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Laurence [82]
2025-01-27 14:13:11 🔗
[62 days ago]

This is a suggestion I have that's just kinda out of left field and has no effect on gameplay, but it would be neat to have a banner at the top of the home page that shows all the birthdays for each bot that has been active in the past 365 days. Seeing as how long the game has been running now, it would be cool being reminded of how long certain players/bots have played this game; especially the ones still active in 2025. Obviously, I'd prefer to see potential new gameplay mechanics and implementations prioritized, but due to the nature of the simplicity of the b-day banner idea, this could just be a cool little thing Ender could try and implement when he's bored one day

Forum > Suggestions > Bot Birthday Banners
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