
Forum > Suggestions
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Thread Replies Views Created Last Post
"Colored Interface" 2 588 kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:35:03
[13 years, 319 days ago]
kenson [43]
2011-04-13 12:10:08
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Mobile CSS Style 0 618 kenson [43]
2011-04-13 11:54:47
[13 years, 319 days ago]
kenson [43]
2011-04-13 11:54:47
[13 years, 319 days ago]
leveling up 7 720 branje [63]
2011-04-10 20:55:24
[13 years, 322 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:36:33
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Search bar 3 569 spongebot64 [69]
2011-04-13 09:46:58
[13 years, 320 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:32:23
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Minimum forum post level 15 697 Voxymaus [133]
2011-04-12 00:46:05
[13 years, 321 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:31:20
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Trinket for open beta 4 624 Zao [47]
2011-03-28 21:02:50
[13 years, 335 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:26:53
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Android app 21 1,090 Genesis [8]
2011-03-27 01:34:29
[13 years, 337 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:25:37
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Instead of Captchas... 24 1,090 valkyrie [35]
2011-04-09 05:51:56
[13 years, 324 days ago]
kenson [42]
2011-04-13 11:23:13
[13 years, 319 days ago]
Usable/unusable switch 6 596 ColdCactusKing [30]
2011-04-11 07:58:17
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Mr Grey [74]
2011-04-12 03:19:36
[13 years, 321 days ago]
discouraging online attacking 75 1,535 ActiveX [105]
2011-04-09 05:44:16
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Intsecuris [102]
2011-04-12 00:41:23
[13 years, 321 days ago]
Block function 10 684 spongebot64 [53]
2011-04-11 04:49:44
[13 years, 322 days ago]
ActiveX [106]
2011-04-11 11:41:03
[13 years, 321 days ago]
Clan/member lists sort order 1 514 Dipsy [51]
2011-04-11 09:56:32
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Ender [53]
2011-04-11 10:26:22
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Insurance 15 775 FinalWorld [41]
2011-03-26 04:39:26
[13 years, 338 days ago]
aafrostan [28]
2011-04-11 09:32:47
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Forum post counter 27 700 Evyl [64]
2011-04-10 09:51:11
[13 years, 323 days ago]
Skeith [72]
2011-04-11 05:33:12
[13 years, 322 days ago]
HOF 4 600 TestCause [33]
2011-04-10 13:20:37
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Sera [110]
2011-04-10 17:36:08
[13 years, 322 days ago]
Colour options for the damage numbers 3 566 Paulus [29]
2011-04-10 10:54:50
[13 years, 323 days ago]
Champion2 [74]
2011-04-10 11:13:21
[13 years, 323 days ago]
Please Ender. 36 834 Spawn [87]
2011-04-09 04:02:42
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Ender [52]
2011-04-09 13:23:04
[13 years, 323 days ago]
Timer for forum posts 6 551 bluei [69]
2011-04-09 07:40:39
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Emanuel [116]
2011-04-09 13:08:29
[13 years, 323 days ago]
Add some form of skill element 18 871 Gohan [34]
2011-04-01 16:23:51
[13 years, 331 days ago]
Champion2 [73]
2011-04-09 09:13:34
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Clans need to be 'noobfriendly' 45 1,473 Sera [72]
2011-04-03 19:01:11
[13 years, 329 days ago]
Sera [110]
2011-04-09 05:54:48
[13 years, 324 days ago]
HoF 12 639 Invalid User [43]
2011-04-08 04:52:22
[13 years, 325 days ago]
Contrasted [73]
2011-04-09 05:52:47
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Opponent damage tracker 7 545 spongebot64 [33]
2011-04-08 15:06:50
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Skeith [71]
2011-04-08 22:59:38
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Energy gain/loss from offline attacks 4 570 Champion2 [72]
2011-04-08 08:59:27
[13 years, 325 days ago]
Ender [49]
2011-04-08 12:14:30
[13 years, 324 days ago]
Bot Deletion 32 969 ForThePeople [92]
2011-04-06 05:19:55
[13 years, 327 days ago]
Spawn [87]
2011-04-08 08:58:22
[13 years, 325 days ago]
Next to public forum: public and private groups? 20 826 Jans [72]
2011-03-25 08:10:47
[13 years, 339 days ago]
Skeith [70]
2011-04-07 17:12:55
[13 years, 325 days ago]

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Forum > Suggestions
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