£1 of real money per poin. More money in your pocket, more points in our hands. Yes, I know that this would give rich people a severe handicap, but imagine the money you could get from it.
FOTEPX [35] |
BooKitty [56] |
If that's the case, might as just well pay per level-up as opposed to points. |
bluei [69] <Zero>
I think Ender briefly mentioned the possibility of earning extra points somehow as a way of differentiating bots, but I don't think buying points would be something he'd consider. One of the aims of stars in bots2 was to reward players, but not to such an extent that they would have a significant advantage over others. This would count as a significant advantage. |
Head Moderator |
I don't like the idea of buying individual points, but the idea of buying a reset appeals to me. |
as in total reset of all points to redis as you wished? yeah, i'd vote for that =) |
More like as in Hobo will get reset to lvl 1 and no rediss points :P |
Cuss-Cuss ya Quattie. We all will eventually anyway lol |
Head Moderator |
yes exactly Hobo. |
=) i liked my idea.. imaginr gettin to lvl 150 and then bein all ARgghHH i fucked it!! pay ender some coinige, like 15 bucks or somethin, duno maybe more(mayhap depending on lvl) and Booyah lvl 150 with 596 points to allocate |
If you fuck up your lvl 150 build... just keep training. It´ll all even out in the end ;). |
Hombre [23] |
just keep swimming just keep swimming. wait... i mean training.. |
galve [48] |
buying points would make this game unplayable. buying redis wouldnt be to bad or a complete point reset( I would like to see a limited option for this though, like you could only do this once a month or something) |
Once a month is to often imo. Try once per year. Or pay Ender. Best thing would be to just make a new bot tho... you know, practice makes perfect and all that. |
Reset as much as u like for 20 us dollars. I support. Doubt many people will use it though. |