
Forum > Clans > Need a Clan. 2 bots!
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Detox [31]
2011-06-01 07:54:48 🔗
[13 years, 243 days ago]

I need a clan for 2 bots: Detox and Xetod
Both are level 31 and the finest of their builds.
Detox a Balanced/Strength Bot with a 200+ ratio at the moment and Xetod is a Dexterity/Shield Bot with a 5+ ratio at the moment and rising. Both bots are built for massive energy income.
Clans with Hostiles that include low levels
A lot of hostile clan targets
Active members
Experience clan owner

Thanks for reading

Umbrella7 [33]
2011-06-01 07:59:12 🔗
[13 years, 243 days ago]

There are no wars in bots anymore.

Xetod [31]
2011-06-01 08:03:35 🔗
[13 years, 243 days ago]

Hmm.. Then whats the point of clans then? =/

Zal [95]
2011-06-01 08:10:14 🔗
[13 years, 243 days ago]

The point of clans is what it was to begin with: to join together with your friends and fight others in order to be recognized as the number one clan. The only thing that has changed is member limit and the war/hostile way of gaining cs. All you do is attack anybody in another clan and you gain energy now. Its all real wars now buddy.

As for your clan request, you can join mine if you like. We aren't that active but we're a fun bunch of guys.

Detox [31]
2011-06-01 08:12:17 🔗
[13 years, 243 days ago]

Why not.. If it's just all in good fun now send Detox and Xetod an invite

Forum > Clans > Need a Clan. 2 bots!
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