
Forum > Clans > Avonar looking for a clan
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Avonar [33]
2011-07-03 10:39:29 🔗
[13 years, 211 days ago]

The title says it all really.

Back in BOTS 2 I kept a pretty consistent green ratio as well as earning a decent amount of clan points (Or energy as it now seems to be called). So yes, I'm looking for a clan to join, preferably one that knows what they're doing.

zipter11 [60]
2011-07-03 15:31:08 🔗
[13 years, 211 days ago]

Dinosaur Kings is recruiting members. Our old members are still yet to play since release but i am trying to recruit about 10 new players:)

Forum > Clans > Avonar looking for a clan
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