
Forum > Clans > Fields of Babylon
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EarlyDemise [51]
2011-07-24 11:26:35 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

think since there are some old bots2 clans here, ill contact Dyl and start up FoB again. anyone else in? =D

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 11:36:55 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

Isnt rapture the only significant clan here thats renamed after bots2 clans.. :P

EarlyDemise [51]
2011-07-24 11:37:41 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

not even. why do you think they are in 3rd and soon to be 4th?

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 11:42:15 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

I dont think you really read what I wrote..

EarlyDemise [52]
2011-07-24 11:44:49 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

that rapture is the only good clan from bots2 thats been renamed in bots4. yes i read it. again, i disagree 890179879487%

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 11:47:55 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

Your hatred for rapture twists my words ;)

Significant does not mean I admire Rapture nor do I mean that they are great. Significant means that they are a full size clan which not many other clans can say and they are in the top 10..

Actually my question to you was.. what other clan besides Rapture exists in bots4 that you so claim to be "some old clans from bots2"?

EarlyDemise [52]
2011-07-24 11:50:53 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

none that kept their names. Gr33n who was in 12m made a new clan here which is basically full of old 12m members. im saying FoB , after talking to Dyl, should make clan in bots4. idc about crapture. they have some respectible players but not all of them.

EarlyDemise [52]
2011-07-24 12:03:37 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

and btw Sera

idk how long you were around in bots2 but i dont really respect anyone. i have known alot of players in bots2 and only a few do i respect.

Odad Asian Ma Stu Jans Dyl

thats pretty much it. and if you dont know those first 3 names you werent in bots2 that long

Alan [119]
2011-07-24 12:09:33 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

sera played blue i think. final awakening.

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:11:14 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

i was on blue before he was. back before a clan named ruckus took the number 1 stop random created and took first the month it was made.

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 12:19:48 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

Your.. lets say impulsive for a lack of word or for trying not too sound- well bad.

All I asked of you was more or less to list a few clans :P You took that as me respecting rapture, in my whole text there was never a word of respect or anything.. The only word in my first post that could remotely be linked to that was significant, and with that I mean clans that actually have an impact in this game atm and whether you like it or not rapture is in the top 10 clans.. and therefore has somewhat of an impact in this game. They are as you said, also the only clan that have kept their name. Therefore it was easy for me to use their name, obviously somewhat of a sore point for you... not that I would have known that in the first place?

Essentially all you had to do was to say none except Atreides is somewhat like 12monkeys and The Bruces close to RwD.

But I think your a tad rash, and maybe got smth huge against Rapture so saying the words significant and Rapture in one sentence should not be used when your around..

If I look at my first own post I dont think I did anything remotely to antagonize you, but your last post is antagonizing me, so..

Your latest post.. thats kinda smth out of the picture.. If your trying to test me.. I know all those names and so what? Its history.. And to be honest as Alan said I played blue, therefore I do not remember or know all names, but I played in the time where they played. Odad isnt his full name and didnt play much after I started to play.. Odadyxxx smth I think.

Everyone knows ma, hell he occupied the number one HoF way too long.

Asian... I started out in Asians clan GameFAQs, we were pretty close till I start my own thing.

Stu, happen to actually play with me in blue.

Jans.. didnt play blue.

Anyways theres not much point in this but since you were kinda seemingly to challenge me I had to reply right?

Ruckus was after I played on blue, do not worry I precede that.. Final Awakening wasnt my first clan it was a merger.

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:27:48 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

no no see you are taking this the wrong way. i know what your post said. btw thats the wrong odad. the one im talking about is well known, well was well known before he quit. Odadijan or odadijin. i have nothing against you sera, im not trying to pick a little internet fight, im saying that yes rapture is the only clan from bots2 to keep the same name here on bots4.

ActiveX [103]
Head Moderator
2011-07-24 12:29:23 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

odad scared me :P

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:31:38 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

how so? do you remember when me and him posted in the fourms about building a bot to lvl 10 to see who was better? me and him were cool after that. small fight then cool. btw after seeing how you talked about stu on blue, he wasnt known for blue, he was known for his part on green. most wins, most cs. i think he had those 2 spots for what, 5 months? maybe more

ActiveX [103]
Head Moderator
2011-07-24 12:34:02 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

um who are you?

& just to add my twopenneth. I think the Bots2 clans should die with Bots2. Remaking is sucky I believe.

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 12:36:08 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

I am not either, I just asked what other clans there were, since firstly I didnt play n the last years of bots and secondly I never really cared or bothered about green therefore I wouldnt know any green clans except really known ones, and looking at the clan lists I dont really see any of your so called "some" clans from bots2.

Thats all really. Information seeking- which is what forums are about.

I know who you mean with Odad.. I told you already I played in that time already Odadyjian/Odadijian would sound alike. And since I know it wasnt his full name I would of known him yes? He didnt play much the time I was around, but I remember he was in blue. Seighart the pinoy spammer and Roffler was around that time too, but I guess you dont respect Roff not many ppl do.

And that with Stu. Ofc I know he was known in green, god you talk to me like sif your superior. I only mentioned Stu in that regards because he was actually playing with me in my clan on blue so I had alot of interaction with him. Not saying hes not famous in green I never even raise that subject - again your twisting words..

Your not superior just cause your so long in this game, I never even raised the subject or try to intimidate people with throwing "oh i have known all these people do you?" kind, your double post did that. Your playing a bully, look at your post yourself objectively. Ypou just counter with I have known all these famous people on bots2.. there was never even that discussion to begin with until you started that.

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:36:51 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

you know i dont really remember my blue names considering i only played it for like 2 months then came to green. but idk about the clans dieing with bots2 ordeal. bots2 didnt really die, say the game was old and just time to close shop and move on. it was hacked and many people that played it everyday waited to see if it would come back, so it finally did in bots4, which is where they took it upon themselves to remake the clan they once had before.

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:39:52 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

lol sera just shut up, youre putting words out there and trying to act as if you are sitting next to me or even insid emy head and can see that im supposedly mad or trying to be a bully. all i was saying is i know these people that i respect and asked if you knew them, like you said this is the fourms - information seeking.

Sera [106]
2011-07-24 12:45:59 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

Sorry either my English is really bad or yours is.

My first post in this thread is information seeking. After all its a question.

Your post that I mean with you saying you know all these people ends with:

and if you dont know those first 3 names you werent in bots2 that long.

Thats not a question. Thats like a show of strength of yours. Thats like hey Iam superior cause I know all these people. Or at least you seriously need to look at how you phrase your wordings I cannot see how many friends you have if you talk to them like that.

Its more like hey did you know those people that played back in the day, not like if you dont know that your a newb who hasnt played long enough so hush hush.

In any case I wont post anymore in here. You do seriously need to see how you phrase your stuff though, if you dont want people to misunderstand you.

EarlyDemise [53]
2011-07-24 12:47:50 🔗
[13 years, 191 days ago]

or maybe you should just slow down and read more carefully?

Glorfindel [96]
2011-07-24 15:17:48 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

I love this. I recently took a writing class and it describes many different argument fallacies in which it states the most widely used one is an "ad hominem" fallacy. This is where the person makes an attempt to attack the person making the statement rather than the statement itself. I only bring this up because here on these forums I notice this being used a lot, one for example is this thread.

Also, on a side note (to get back on topic), wasn't this thread suppose to be about getting FoB back and yet it has been completely deterred into a personal flame war thread.

Mancer [46]
2011-07-24 16:21:55 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

You're so old school that you deserve a clap.

Glorfindel [97]
2011-07-24 16:29:00 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Thanks, but I already recieved that from your mom. (Ad hominem attack)

xdalex [65]
2011-07-24 19:26:14 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Now now.. enough flaming!

I know exactly what Sera meant, Rapture is currently the only clan to have come through from bots2 with nearly the same members, and name.

Sure, Atreides is made up of some ex 12m members, but not on the same scale as Rapture.

I don't think I'll be re creating FoB any time soon, especially without Dyl and Tave, if I was to remake, i'd be going for no.1 :) That being said, I'll have to make it so no one else does.


EPIC [88]
2011-07-24 19:37:53 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

EarlyDemise... just shut up... you know what? go and start FoB. Stop trying to measure each others phallic area, for i shall undo the holy zipper and unleash the Rainbow Serpent to devour all in a cloud of jizm.


Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 07:28:35 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Stu was just another old shool cheater, i don't care what anyone says.

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 07:41:15 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

That's interesting Kerrod. Do you still believe I'm a cheater as well?

Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 07:48:24 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

No, but when you beat Roffler when he was cheating, points to the obvious.

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 07:51:23 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Hm? Roffler got ~250k, I only just reached 200k on the last day.

Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 07:54:02 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

I was talking about stu not you :s

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 07:56:00 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

I don't remember Stu beating Roffler...? Anyway you responded to my question so I figured you were talking to me. I'd still be interested to know though.

Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 07:57:49 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

There is no proof anymore so..

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 07:59:04 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

I don't need proof of anything ;) I'm just interested to know your opinion, right or wrong.

Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 08:01:27 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

I didn't even know you were accused of cheating so not sure about you. And i can't say i ever though you were if that's the opinion you are after?

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 08:06:37 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Ah short memory I see. Blademaster, Jan 2007, ring any bells? The only reason I ask is because I remember you being the main prosecutor, especially when you were onlining me on the last few days of the month. It's all water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned, I'm just testing how accurate your accusations are I suppose.

Alan [119]
2011-07-25 08:08:03 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Alrighty guys. It's all in the past. New game. New accusations.

Blitz [75]
2011-07-25 08:12:18 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Heh, now i do remeber didn't know that was your Nick, but in theory anyone who gets 200k + a month has to play at least 12 - 14 hours a day.

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 08:18:49 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

And playing 12-14hrs/day = cheating to you? Fair enough I suppose, it's a pretty obscene amount of online time. Heck I've made my fair share of accusations in private too, but there's a difference, in my opinion, between spending a lot of time online and engaging in suspicious behaviour that appears to be cheating.

That's all I wanted to say really, no strings attached.

Myriad [147]
2011-07-25 08:33:55 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Btw, Rose why shouldn't old clans from bots2 be remade? Although it's not the same thing, it's not like you renamed your bot even though it is no longer a clan bot for CMT ;)

Sphinx [71]
2011-07-25 08:36:28 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

It's threads like this that make me understand the theory behind a global war. If people can become this hostile through playing a text based online game, and devote scores of time and money into it, then it's easily understandable when one world leader decides he is better than another and wants to fight about it.

That said, I even participated in Bots2, when the likes of Asian and Ma were around. No one knows me, simply because I never wanted or felt like I needed anybody to. But this doesn't give me any sort of powerful feeling. That's like telling someone they're insignificant because they're a month younger than you - that you were here first. Some of the hostility I've seen on these forums is laughable, usually involving someone's less experienced view or suggestion.

There's a massive, but still minuscule difference between discussing, and arguing.

Expo [86]
2011-07-25 09:00:44 🔗
[13 years, 190 days ago]

Well said Sphinx agree totally.Ive been around in the Bots game since 2002 and have had Bots in RWD and FoB and pretty much stayed in the background,just did my bit for the Clan and never really got involved in any of the politics/mud slinging that used to go on. To me, Bots4 is a fresh start and we should all be gratefull to Ender for a great game,after all thats all it is,just a game,so enjoy it people.


ActiveX [103]
Head Moderator
2011-07-26 12:23:31 🔗
[13 years, 189 days ago]

Just a personal opinion Pat.

I take your point that I have recreated a couple of my old bots but that's slightly different as it my identity and with that comes the recognition (good & bad) from players that I have interacted before.

Clans are a different kettle of fish as they are a grouping of individuals. & much like I do not believe in giving a broken relationship a second go because it is never the same. You can not recreate what once was. I feel the same about clans.

Ideotik God [93]
2011-07-26 12:53:45 🔗
[13 years, 189 days ago]

Well just like your single identity of a bot, some of those clans were the identity of those grouped individuals and thus the reputation of those people, good or bad, rest within those clans.

Now you suggest that because the game died so should the relationships of the members of those clans, where in fact the majority of people within clans actually either knew the other members outside of the game or had obtained a close bond with their clan mates and thus speak with them on Facebook, msn, etc. outside of the game.

This would refute your argument that the bonds of the clan should die, and therefor recreating what was taken, not split on a mutual grounding, would just be reigniting the spark that the hacking of the server attempted to prematurely extinguish.

ActiveX [103]
Head Moderator
2011-07-26 13:28:06 🔗
[13 years, 189 days ago]

It's not an argument Nos, it is my personal opinion.

00E [1]
2011-07-26 13:39:17 🔗
[13 years, 189 days ago]

What a fantastic read this thread turned out to be.

Tintin [49]
2011-07-26 16:53:39 🔗
[13 years, 188 days ago]

ahhh what I nice trip down memory lane. Thanks :)

Ruckus, I remember that. Think I was in a newb clan named Horus or something. With Dodot ? If anyone can remember him. I got raped by Rose and Roffler all the time.

And as a side note. It's funny how it's always the really old school players that "we" tend to call out as our most respected or whatever.

Stu didnt do shit. What he did was sit in his room with All-Stars clicker and gain insane amounts of wins,, jans. Pretty sure that's the truth for most of the high performers over the years. Just what I think.

But someone in this thread said it. New game.. so let's create something new to talk about.

bozanstvo [137]
2011-07-26 20:50:51 🔗
[13 years, 188 days ago]

lolz to referring to people playing bots as famous!

DarkNinjaMaster [67]
2011-07-26 22:23:04 🔗
[13 years, 188 days ago]


FoB was an awesome clan full of awesome dudes, if it came back that'd be awesome too.

bozanstvo [137]
2011-07-27 18:42:59 🔗
[13 years, 187 days ago]

the only thing FoB had going for them was Bwhore...

Dark Entity [50]
2011-07-27 19:07:56 🔗
[13 years, 187 days ago]

Wow spam.. I was in FoB in bots2 If it was to start again, probably would help to have a new name and new members since it's a new gamee...

dyl [37]
2011-07-29 09:14:19 🔗
[13 years, 186 days ago]

My beloved FoB :)

We only had a handful of big csers, but collectively - through mateship we did enough to collect 5 or 6 wins and a handful of 2nds. Had some great battles. Including the epic 24 hour final day battle vs. Boondock for our first win. Best bunch of hard working honest clan mates I ever had. I think we finished 2nd or 3rd for overall clan by jans index for bots2 history. I'm sure someone has a final screen shot somewhere.. anyway, Ender and co have done a great job on bots4 - congrats :)

My bots legacy is over. I won't be remaking FoB - but I encourage Dale to do so and I am sure there will be a swift and strong following. With the final aim of having fun - I'm sure FoB will figure in the top 10 every month for years to come.

I'll have to check in in a couple of months to see if FoB is alive and kicking.

Mental [68]
2011-07-29 09:22:48 🔗
[13 years, 186 days ago]

Dyl, eyes are now all watery :)

Oh, what would I give to get back in time and to be once again part of 12Monkeys and Rise of Nations, to see merging of great clans, epic wars of fierce clan leaders, be able to once again chat with all friends/clanmates (who's names i've forgot now due to my age, haha)...

Shit, this nostalgia is now killing me :)

Forum > Clans > Fields of Babylon
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