
Forum > Clans > Brotherhood
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Sesshomaru [59]
2014-06-03 19:20:40 🔗
[10 years, 240 days ago]

I thought it was time for a recruitment post so yeah, if you want to join me (Zal), Frust from le old bots2, and Luc for some old fashioned fun, then join today! Ratio, wins, all thaat stuff don't mean that much to us :) Just be active and talkative and you'll fit right in! Who knows who else will join! Maybe even Dyna? THE WONDER NEVER ENDS ON THIS ADVENTURE!


DarkNinjaMaster [41]
2014-06-15 20:38:52 🔗
[10 years, 228 days ago]

*posting because this thread looks lonely*

GL Zal

Train Again [242]
2014-06-17 12:15:52 🔗
[10 years, 227 days ago]

Rithy could always team up again.

olli [228]
2014-06-17 13:06:05 🔗
[10 years, 227 days ago]

Maybe i should join you guys. To feel more adventure

Forum > Clans > Brotherhood
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