
ArkhamKnight [95]
2015-07-23 15:16:41 🔗
[9 years, 190 days ago]

I used to play bots2 and I just started playing bots4 recently. I'm looking for a clan to join and am an experienced player.

Nosferatu [280]
2015-07-23 16:26:19 🔗
[9 years, 190 days ago]

Experienced Bots2 player = Average Bots4 player. A lot of new game element and tweaks were added when Ender took the helm. Might take you far less time than a person with zero experience in the game to master, but there is a slightly new learning curve.

Welcome back though.

Zord [60]
2015-07-24 15:20:24 🔗
[9 years, 189 days ago]

Go for Escapism :-)