
Forum > Clans > 12 Monkeys?
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Jaker [51]
2011-04-17 23:51:47 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Remember back in the day when 12 Monkeys was up?
I don't know who started it or if they are still playing but if they are it should definitely be reinstated...just a thought

Draoi [130]
2011-04-17 23:53:15 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]


Smeagol Hurts [111]
2011-04-17 23:54:06 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

I think when beta is over we will see alot of the old clans comming back to life, with our without the old time members :)

Jaker [51]
2011-04-17 23:55:16 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

when beta is over, will we get to keep our bots or have to restart?

Smeagol Hurts [111]
2011-04-17 23:56:01 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

you keep your bot, but it will be reset back lvl 1

Hobo [83]
2011-04-17 23:56:44 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

cant wait. its gunna be a bloodbath =)

Jaker [51]
2011-04-17 23:57:33 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

but.....but....I just got my vampire gaze!
i had to pwn many a whore for it! :P

Smeagol Hurts [111]
2011-04-17 23:57:35 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

haha indeed, going to be hilarious the first couple of hours

Jans [76]
2011-04-18 01:10:46 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

<< 12M

Who were you in Bots2, Jaker? :)

I have no plans recreating 12 Monkeys btw. This is a new game, time for new things.

Jaker [51]
2011-04-18 08:33:04 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

I had a couple of bots....but i never had a bot past level 80 :S
Usually at that point I would start a new one
One of my bots was named Jaker
I think the other was Cromagnum but i forget, that was a a long time ago back when i was in highschool

I gotta say its nice to have bots back!

Dragon [90]
2011-04-18 08:34:11 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

think i remember Cromagnum from when I was in highscool lol

Jaker [51]
2011-04-18 08:37:27 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

ya they always did pretty well, i just never had the patience to keep leveling after 80 :P

gr33n [81]
2011-04-18 08:58:07 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

12 Monkeys will be resurrected as 20 Guido's.
This to reflect the maximum clansize.

Jans [76]
2011-04-18 10:11:58 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

*fist pumps*

ActiveX [111]
Head Moderator
2011-04-18 13:05:41 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

*shakes head*

Kun [32]
2011-04-18 14:31:13 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Omg, 12 Monkeys was my first clan ever :D..back in the old days, when Pauss and I were learning Jans how to curse in croatian...i think Kronixz was there too and maybe Linuxxx...can't remember now, it was a light years ago :D

Scarab [33]
2011-04-18 14:33:08 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Physicist police in the house. A light year is a measurement of distance. Sorry for being a douche

Kun [32]
2011-04-18 14:46:58 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Hehe, i know that light year is a measurement of distance, maybe i should use another measurement...something like "it was eons ago". Better now? :D

Scarab [33]
2011-04-18 14:50:28 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Sir, grade A for you.

Jans [76]
2011-04-18 15:50:34 🔗
[13 years, 255 days ago]

Cursing is all you croats ever do. And it sounds like klingon, so, double win ;)

Kun [34]
2011-04-20 04:39:45 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Damnit Jans, that's not true. We don't curse like all the time :). As i recall you enjoyed cursing in croatian and u were quite good at it, so my win :D

Jans [76]
2011-04-20 05:20:18 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

I didn't say it was a bad thing, gloopan :P

Kun [34]
2011-04-20 05:25:26 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Hahaha, "gloopan", nice one, very close. Try "glupan" next time :)..but you have potential to become ultimate croatian curser :)

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:28:05 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Boli me kurac.

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:29:56 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Jedi govna, pusi kurac

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:31:33 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Pas mater

Kun [34]
2011-04-20 05:31:42 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

I see Hobo took some classes, u curse like a pro :D

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:33:30 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Popusi mi kurac Vrag ti sri&#263;u odnija! and yes.. i have a certain fondness for insults =)

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:38:36 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

ah!! that went all wierd lol!! here is some Afrikaans =)

Fok jou Etterkop! (fuck you pusshead)

Gaan Pluk jou riem!(Go and jerk off)

Gaan kak op jou ma se poes! (Go shit on your mother's pussy)

Gaan snuif jou dop kaas! (Go sniff your dickcheese)

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:52:34 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

and some australian =)

I'd rather drag my balls through broken glass than..... (I am hesitant to do so)

I could eat the arse end out of a low flying duck. (I'm hungry)

as good as a hatfull of arseholes (useless)

bumtoucher (a man who touches rectums or gayman)

cactus, as in "we're/you're cactus!" (fucked)

carpet muncher (lesbian)

curry muncher (Indian person)

get on your knees and smile like a donut (suck my dick)

get ya end wet (have sex)

get ya cunt out (I would like to see your vagina)

put the dick on the barbie (have a barbecque)

dumb as dog shit (a stupid person)

feed the snake (blowjob)

alright i got a little carried away there... but i love my country. where else do people speak like this?

gr33n [81]
2011-04-20 09:04:19 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Kun, Jebo ti pas mater.

Have you heard of Pauss lately? We miss him!

Kun [35]
2011-04-20 10:31:53 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]

Damnit, stop cursing me ffs :)

No, i haven't heard from Pauss in a long time, dunno where he is or what is he doing, sry.

Pas [78]
2011-04-20 12:14:06 🔗
[13 years, 253 days ago]


Forum > Clans > 12 Monkeys?
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