I've bought a few bots, Now what's with this energy thing??
btw hi :P
I've bought a few bots, Now what's with this energy thing?? btw hi :P |
Train Again [184] |
Yo welcome to bots (or welcome back?). Energy is basically the scoring system for competitive play. Energy can be stolen from bots if you beat them, so generally you need a strong build otherwise most energy gaining efforts will be in vain. |
This bot has war clubs and I've scored 24,529 energy in 1r.. Is that any good |
Train Again [184] |
Well the low levels are easier to get away with most builds. Once you get into the 50's or 60's it gets a lot less forgiving. Most people don't want exp down there from high ratio bots. But yes, 25k in an hour is good energy. |
is my build decent enough? 1int as well |
Train Again [184] |
I don't know war clubs off the top of my head. 1 int is always good though that's for sure haha. I don't really do anything lower than frozen blades. |
they can hit 200+ damage and I just got a b-mail to join New alans clan :) |
You look like a good prospect in my book :D |
TellTheTruth [1] |
You bought multiple bots without knowing how the game works? |
Energy is used in the clan race, it is generated by bots in clans at a rate determined by how good the bot is, from 20 to 60 energy-per-hour. Energy is exchanged between bots in clan that fight, with the winner getting between 18-60ish depending on the conditions of the win, mainly how long the fight lasted. You lose energy if you lose. Most advanced players will make clans of lower level bots to generate energy which they will then "dump" onto their higher level "main" bot in order to increase their score. |
If you use common sense and read forums ect.. before you start the game it helps alot |
Howdy! |
Hello o/ Forums helps a lot. But you can always ask to a more experienced players. :) |
Batiatus, This guy seems to have a problem with me |
Lol. Attacking bots doesn't signify a problem, its the point of the game. |
Constantly though.. :( Hhaha aye well I guess your rigt |