What's with the changes to the xp received at level1 from training bots?
I didn't notice it on my c.beta bot but it's taking forever to progress from level1 on this one.
The first training bot provides as good as zero exp/coin, while the second provides diddly squat as well, and you can lose against it too.
Are you trying to encourage fighting from level 1? (as opposed to level 5) - with everyone having the same stats at level1, it would mean you're a 50/50 chance of winning a fight so after a few fights at worst you should have leveled (instant level for a win)
Any reason for the change however?
spud1 [3] |
Wraithan [54] |
Noticed it too, decided after I leveled once or twice, I didn't give a fuck. |
Administrator |
To be clear, there was no change in the experience received from training bots at level 1, or any level for that matter. What changed is that you don't start with daggers anymore. |
spud1 [9] |
Makes sense mate. |
Yeah, now I have to train 3 times to get my 5 redispoints! This is outrageous.. |
spud1 [40] |
My thoughts exactly! :p |
in bots2 it was only 2 training fight which was perfect, since you could buy your 5 redis points in between, now it took me like 8 training fights. And we all know those fights seem to last forever:S... |
Aqua Regia [67] |
The chance to win a fight at lvl 1 is greater than 50% :) |
Aqua Regia [67] |
If you're the one attacking, that is. |
Ed said something along the lines of "It makes the those first levels worth it when you buy that first weapon. Seeing the whitebox in the showroom turn to green is a sort of milestone in make your bot" |
CarbonChaos [11] |
Well you know i would love to BUY my first weapon and armor but all these assholes keep attacking me and everytime i log on i have 1 kudo and i can never build up enough while i play to buy it so yea deduce from there |
correzz [2] |
takes ages before you get the daggers tho its boring ;( |
correzz [2] |
takes ages before you get the daggers tho its boring ;( |
From what i understand it takes about 15 to 20 mins? For a first time player, that might be a little long. |
correzz [3] |
Well with the fights that take ages and having to buy redis points, It took me about 45 minutes to get to level 3 with 2 daggers equipped. |