
Forum > Complaints > Eternal
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Alan [9]
2012-05-02 20:37:57 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Just looked at the hof rankings and looked at the top energy of the month. Rootin for Rith, but the top ~35 spots are probably 25 of them Eternal.

You guys are ahead by 250k energy. I'm not into going big anymore or nothing like that, I'm just saying break it up guys. It's cool to have HUGE numbers. It's cool to be in the #1 clan. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

So...What I'm proposing is for some of you guys to go NC one month. Then make some new bots and break up Eternal.

Discuss :D

Ibrahimovic [95]
2012-05-02 20:40:58 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I'm not into going big anymore

Is that a joke?

N 008 [179]
2012-05-02 20:41:52 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Are you a commie?

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 20:42:18 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Easy plats are just too easy :)

pun intended

DHW11IdrA [130]
2012-05-02 20:44:53 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

with the new PVE focus coming in, and Eternal nearing a year of consistent #1. Cut the active clan member sizes to 10 members

neps [343]
2012-05-02 20:45:25 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

[/] some of you guys to go NC one month

[/] Then make some new bots

[ ] break up Eternal.

Nosferatu [50]
2012-05-02 20:47:23 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I think Alan needs to be slapped.....

Alan [9]
2012-05-02 20:52:36 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Every single big person left is in Eternal.

It's kinda dumb really.

Beer [127]
2012-05-02 20:56:27 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

SaiyanZ is in Atreides :P

Myriad [308]
2012-05-02 22:07:37 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

It's an artifact of a small player base and the tangible benefits for finishing first. It would be cool to see more top players join other clans (like Escapism for example ;)), but I can understand why people would want plats for minimal effort as opposed to working your ass off and potentially having just a gold trophy to show for their efforts (Wegandi anyone?).

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 22:28:36 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
It's an artifact of a small player base and the tangible benefits for finishing first. It would be cool to see more top players join other clans (like Escapism for example ;)), but I can understand why people would want plats for minimal effort as opposed to working your ass off and potentially having just a gold trophy to show for their efforts (Wegandi anyone?).

I thought you were going to mention yourself from last month.

Ender [1]
2012-05-02 22:50:36 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Maybe giving the members of the winning clan an extra set of platinums if they overtake the previous month's winner could provide some extra incentive to compete instead of join. I of course don't mean to give the impression that I'm anti-Eternal, I just want to help promote healthy competition.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 22:52:16 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
Maybe giving the members of the winning clan an extra set of platinums if they overtake the previous month's winner could provide some extra incentive to compete instead of join. I of course don't mean to give the impression that I'm anti-Eternal, I just want to help promote healthy competition.

If you continue on that line, you should give us extra platinum's for keeping the streak alive for so long.

Trio [181]
2012-05-02 22:53:41 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

The greater the reward, the greater chance for cheating to get that reward.

Beer [131]
2012-05-02 22:54:58 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

A platinum for a year of firsts would be nice :P

shoyuken [147]
2012-05-02 22:55:08 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Hm.... Eternal could hypothetically switch clans every month, but then they wouldn't be able to keep their energy totals.

Trio [181]
2012-05-02 22:56:10 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

In this case, energy dumpers are cheating, but with how easy they are compared to fighting 'real' bots some people complain about it like it is cheating, but it's just the way of the game. At least right now.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:01:33 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I'm not sure how "Energy Dumpers" are cheating is even brought up?

I think he meant Autoclickers. Eternal is Dumpers.

Ender [1]
2012-05-02 23:03:43 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

If you continue on that line, you should give us extra platinum's for keeping the streak alive for so long.

I'm not sure I follow. Wouldn't additional rewards for the current top clan stifle competition?

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:04:47 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

If you never ask, you'll never receive.

Trio [181]
2012-05-02 23:17:23 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I was continuing with my thought, the two other guys posted before I could post a second reply. And the way people have complained about energy dumpers in the past one would think it's cheating. You could almost feel the heat from the torches and blinded by reflective glare off the sharpened pitchforks as villagers raised them in anger in past instances.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:21:55 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
I'm not sure I follow. Wouldn't additional rewards for the current top clan stifle competition?

It would stop us from creating a 2nd clan and alternating months on which one wins to get double plats every month.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:24:29 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Put him in a corner why don't you?

  • If you don't change it, we will never let any win.

  • If you gives plats to the clan for taking over the last clan, we will be the second clan.

  • If you don't do that, give us plats for winning every month.

shoyuken [147]
2012-05-02 23:28:59 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I feel like little neps, rivan and shoegazer wouldn't be willing to switch clans to give saiyan Z the top total energy plat.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:30:37 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I meant make yourself NC to make a new bot. Instead of 20 eternal guys, make it a 10 on 10.

Nosferatu [50]
2012-05-02 23:36:10 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Maybe giving the members of the winning clan an extra set of platinums if they overtake the previous month's winner could provide some extra incentive to compete instead of join. I of course don't mean to give the impression that I'm anti-Eternal, I just want to help promote healthy competition.

It would stop us from creating a 2nd clan and alternating months on which one wins to get double plats every month.

Anyone else see Eternal II springing up if this happens. :P

shoyuken [147]
2012-05-02 23:37:52 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

If eternal does make a second set of bots for the second clan and leaves their mains in the first clan. They would be lose considerable ground in the total energy rankings and the total wins rankings.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:38:55 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Also I would like to constructively comment on some other posts in this thread:

with the new PVE focus coming in, and Eternal nearing a year of consistent #1. Cut the active clan member sizes to 10 members

I am not sure what you mean here or how this will negatively effect us besides cutting some idlers that get some decent score.

Every single big person left is in Eternal.

The last player we recruited that had a significant impact in eternal with score was shoegazer, which was back in november. Any other new recruits did not score in the top10 besides Chapo on Zarnarkand in february because he didn't like alan and dynasty.(who is now in escapism with Inferno, Myriad and Rene who were all part of Eternal for at least one month or more.)

Considering we have lost Smeagol and Champion, both potential huge scorers since founding, we are basically at the same point(or less) since founding. The only REAL difference is that players have been in the same clan for a quite a while and have been consistently active for that past year building bots to create a successful environment conductive to eternal winning.

Honestly, this thread seems a lot like whining about how 'unfair' the current clan competition is or just that a select few want us to lose because of personal issues.

And the way people have complained about energy dumpers in the past one would think it's cheating. You could almost feel the heat from the torches and blinded by reflective glare off the sharpened pitchforks as villagers raised them in anger in past instances.

I'm not a huge fan of dumpers either, they are a bit of work and endlessly tiresome. However, they will ALWAYS be more effective than not using dumpers as long as there some sort of limit on buffs. Why? Because you have an endless supply of buffs on dumpers while you have a limited supply on your 'main'. Either limited by trophy points or 1 purchase/day.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:39:12 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

You don't understand....

Make second bots. The other bots stay in Eternal.


Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:41:11 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I'm not saying it's unfair. At all. You guys win every month with Ease.

I'm saying it needs to change.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:42:17 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
I'm saying it needs to change.


Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:43:00 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

It's the same thing every month. Nobody likes a team that wins every year do they?

It gets stale.

Dream Theater [93]
2012-05-02 23:44:28 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Because fuck you that's why.

JakeandAmir5 [111]
2012-05-02 23:45:32 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

If all the people that whine about Eternal winning spent less time whining and more time playing, maybe we wouldn't have won every month :P

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:46:26 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I've given it two tries to beat Eternal to no avail.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:46:33 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

lol, at least have a good argument. Go work on your own game, you sound so naive with these asinine comments.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:47:57 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

It's about all the argument you can have.

Don't "piss" on my game Draoi.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:52:49 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
It's about all the argument you can have.

Don't "piss" on my game Draoi.

Why are you always taking things so personal? You seriously always have this problem and constantly get into trouble because of it.

neps [343]
2012-05-02 23:53:53 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I like how people think we're invincible. It makes winning month after month so much easier.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:55:21 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Because you irk me more than anyone really. You bring up my game like you want to piss me off. You call me an ass and naive. How does that not make it personal? I haven't made fun of you.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-02 23:56:34 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

So....turns out you don't know what asinine means. I guess that just proves that you are asinine :)

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:57:07 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Neps, It makes people not want to try because we all know Eternal will win.

Dynasty passed Eternal for a few days by 200k or so. Well, You came in and pulled like 700k energy in like what 4-5 days?

No one can compete with that.

Alan [16]
2012-05-02 23:58:15 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

: extremely or utterly foolish : of, relating to, or resembling an ass

Close enough.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-03 00:00:30 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
Dynasty passed Eternal for a few days by 200k or so

Let's just not mention you had an auto-clicker on your team.

Zanarkand [82]
2012-05-03 00:00:43 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Asinine XD

Sanity5 [120]
2012-05-03 00:02:04 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]


Alan [16]
2012-05-03 00:02:11 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

More than you even know Draoi.

Alan [16]
2012-05-03 00:02:56 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Let's log on every dumper clan Eternal has and post with a random bot.

Draoi [53]
2012-05-03 00:04:05 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
More than you even know Draoi.

So you had more than one auto-clicker on your team?

Alan [16]
2012-05-03 00:05:36 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

The past is the past. What's caught is caught.

Dream Theater [95]
2012-05-03 00:06:59 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I autoclick all day every day.

Wivan [1]
2012-05-03 00:07:40 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

I think we should disband Eternal if it's causing the community so many issues.

JakeandAmir5 [111]
2012-05-03 00:08:41 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Cool name bro!

Blitz [116]
2012-05-03 00:30:47 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Haha epic name.

neps [343]
2012-05-03 01:20:00 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]
Neps, It makes people not want to try because we all know Eternal will win.

Dynasty passed Eternal for a few days by 200k or so. Well, You came in and pulled like 700k energy in like what 4-5 days?

No one can compete with that.

Like I said:

I like how people think we're invincible. It makes winning month after month so much easier.

If you fail to see how your post proves my point, well, it only proves my point even more.

So far I have not seen any reason, why, theoretically, a team who put the time and effort we did into this game could not win. You went against us and lost, that means no one can win? You seem to think so. Which leads to my conclusion:

You, Alan, consider yourself better than all the rest of the non-Eternal players of the server. Because you seem to be arriving at the conclusion that if you were unable to pull something off, no one else can either.

This is where all your logic leads to. Now, did you ever consider that this might not be the case?

PunchWhore [150]
2012-05-03 03:41:28 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

This is one of the down sides to not have clan score. If you do clan score you need to do the work to get the score, with the EPH you can sit back and not do anything the whole month and still get in the top 25 and even top 10...

Sera [1]
2012-05-03 03:49:09 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

We lost alot of players over the time really. In addition to what Draoi said about the players such as Smeagol, Champion, Mainor, Myriad etc we lost some of our core players that made Eternal what it was in the beginning. In addition to those Kerrod didnt play for 5 months, Rivan didnt play for 3 months. In the beginning I would of said if we had a month without Rivan, Kerrod and Smeagol we would probably loose, but thats before neps went into his crazy 1mil a month sprees.

As Draoi said I have pretty much stopped actively recruiting players. I pretty much have stopped pushed Eternal. We pretty much have 0 new players since December except of Chapo, Wegandi and Ville. Needless to say Chapo was a friend of two members, Wegandi and Ville from a failed clan project and internal striving.. that honestly is just missmanagement of a clan that could have potentially rivaled Eternal - except you didnt have any long term vision and goals just a short burst of energy. Dynasty required at least 2-3 months in existence and patience to beat Eternal. Any clan requires that to beat Eternal. Escapism is currently the most potential to do that as even if they strive for the win they are patient.

Be patient. Locate new players. Dont burn yourself out on a single go, cause we aren't. Know that ALL of Eternal new recruits these days are pretty much players who are good friends in the clan or who are joining because theres no better leadership elsewhere. Of course they love the plats too, but you cant blame them that they haven't tried for a few months in other clans to bring down Eternal.

gr33n [77]
2012-05-03 04:16:21 🔗
[12 years, 300 days ago]

Just looked at the hof rankings and looked at the top energy of the month. Rootin for Rith, but the top ~35 spots are probably 25 of them Eternal.

Dear Alan,

25 spots out of 35 for Monthly energy are owned by eternal you say? I'm impressed that their NC's can also score, no wonder why they win.

There are only 20 spots sunshine ;) Now continue your whining, Eternal will be on top for a while, they just have the most dedicated/active players. Whining won't solve anything for that, they won't just split into two clans, no one would like to lose their current HoF totals.

Gpof2 [60]
2012-05-03 05:53:30 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

I read all of this and can't continue counting the number of brain cells I've lost along the way.

Alan [16]
2012-05-03 08:02:40 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

20 out of 35 spots. Sorry gr33n.

I consider myself better than the rest of non eternal people? Of course not. Have I said that? No. The latest clan to rival Eternal was Dynasty ran by me and Ville. It fell through, it's okay.

No long term goal? I did have a long term goal. We were planning to build new bots, dumpers etc. Since we lost, everyone bailed.

neps [343]
2012-05-03 08:08:18 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]
I consider myself better than the rest of non eternal people? Of course not. Have I said that? No. The latest clan to rival Eternal was Dynasty ran by me and Ville. It fell through, it's okay.

That's what I thought. Then maybe you shouldn't judge a task as impossible based solely on your failure to do so.

No long term goal? I did have a long term goal. We were planning to build new bots, dumpers etc. Since we lost, everyone bailed.

See? Looks to me like you already know what it takes. You just didn't have the dedication to follow through. You could start building dumpers now, you know? In a few months you can have a golden army.

Alan [16]
2012-05-03 08:23:06 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

I did have the dedication.

neps [343]
2012-05-03 08:36:23 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

I don't know how you define dedication then. You got knocked down and didn't get up, and now you're once again reduced to making threads like this instead of actually doing something. That's not dedication. Or maybe it was, just not enough.

Nosferatu [50]
2012-05-03 09:50:27 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

The latest clan to rival Eternal is Escapism, and they're still working this month. They might not be pushing for a win, but you can bet your ass after last month's loss they're aren't just sitting back whining about how they couldn't win. They're doing something about.

Zanarkand [82]
2012-05-03 12:46:13 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

Last month was fun!

And the month Dynasty got beat was very fun as well. And it is true that you need patients. Alan, like basically was expecting to make CEO in a company in his first month. Not going to happen. Just let it go, and get to bot building!

Draoi [53]
2012-05-03 14:42:40 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]
And it is true that you need patients.

Who are you going to be working on? I didn't know you were running some sort of infirmary or healthcare system.

LeonHeart [75]
2012-05-03 14:48:06 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

Oops. Patience* lol XD

Zal [112]
2012-05-03 15:01:49 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]
Gpof2 [60] rank 9 8 2012-05-03 05:53:30 [9 hours ago] I read all of this and can't continue counting the number of brain cells I've lost along the way.

My sentiments exactly.

dragonrose [47]
Head Moderator
2012-05-03 15:57:13 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

Eternal are not unbeatable.

There are many players out there as good if not better than most of eternal, sayain, myriad, rene, shoyuken just to name a few. But to beat a hard working, dedicated TEAM, you need to assemble a hard working, dedicated TEAM.

Not expect a win in month 1.

Not give up at the first set back.

Not whine about losing (as this auto gives the other team the advantage)

You need to build & consolidate, be as smart as your opponents & play hard!

Zal [112]
2012-05-03 16:04:57 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

Or you can quit and play something more fun Les ;)

goes off to play Pong

ActiveX [165]
Head Moderator
2012-05-03 16:06:44 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

more fun than bots?????




Eddie Vedder [150]
2012-05-03 17:09:19 🔗
[12 years, 299 days ago]

Dedicated enough not to demote your bot :P

I know you've heard this before, but what you say and what you do doesn't add up.

Leader2 [85]
2012-05-08 08:18:35 🔗
[12 years, 294 days ago]

anyone else think this thread kicked off eternal??

C himpus [21]
2012-05-09 11:09:11 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

Alan, let it go that you tried to make a clan to beat eternal and it failed. Face facts that Eternal put in the work each month to get the top spot, yeah it is sometimes boring and predictable but thats the game. Put in the work and then you get results. Stop whining like a bitch!

Number Two [69]
2012-05-09 11:23:24 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

tbh we arent so hard to beat.

you guys just are unable to use your brains and assemble a team that can do it.

Uprising [40]
2012-05-09 21:53:07 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

im with c himpus

im not about to bitch and whine that eternal done a better job at doin what they do

i mean im escapism all the way but if they work harder and longer at it then congrats

well just have to try harder the next month and the next and the next and so on and so forth until we get there

so to the whole eternal clan - i tip my hat to you and congrats on the win

Alan [19]
2012-05-09 23:09:43 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

C Himpus, you're my fucking hero.

Disturbed [165]
2012-05-09 23:29:56 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

Mine too.

Haruki [116]
2012-05-09 23:32:14 🔗
[12 years, 293 days ago]

And mine as well.

Zal [112]
2012-05-10 11:34:49 🔗
[12 years, 292 days ago]

C himpus for president!

Made2shred [78]
2012-05-11 06:40:12 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

C himpus for unquestioned ruler of bots... oh wait. the spots been filled by the one they call neps. oh well, maybe next time :P

Alan [19]
2012-05-11 07:49:45 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

C himpus [22]
2012-05-11 07:57:25 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

I am badass. Its just one of those things, deal with it alan ;)

Off [49]
2012-05-11 12:06:40 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

What can I say Alan... stop being pussy. gg

C himpus [22]
2012-05-11 12:40:55 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

don't say anything like that to him Off or he'll make a picture of you and try to hurt you feelingz!

Zanarkand [82]
2012-05-11 14:34:03 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

I knew it.

ActiveX [167]
Head Moderator
2012-05-11 15:31:54 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]


Is that SJ in the background?

Off [53]
2012-05-11 16:45:57 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

Oh noes he will poke all my facebook pictures trying to hurt my feelingz! :(

Alan [19]
2012-05-12 00:01:19 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

Woah...That's my dad. Cool.

Thanks Zal.

Made2shred [78]
2012-05-12 00:35:23 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]

I has a neps :D

neps [345]
2012-05-12 01:40:53 🔗
[12 years, 291 days ago]


Zal [112]
2012-05-12 17:28:07 🔗
[12 years, 290 days ago]
Woah...That's my dad. Cool. Thanks Zal.

What'd I do? Chapo is Zanarkand. Why do I keep having to say I have nothing to do with Escapism?

I stand by my C himpus for president statement though.

C himpus [33]
2012-05-17 15:45:23 🔗
[12 years, 285 days ago]


"Im C himpus and YES WE CAN"

neps [356]
2012-07-01 14:41:21 🔗
[12 years, 240 days ago]

Thought I'd bump this thread in honor of in commemoration of on year of uninterrupted Eternal domination.

To all the haters, thanks for all the whining and bitching, sure makes winning a hell of a lot more fun!

neps [356]
2012-07-01 14:42:30 🔗
[12 years, 240 days ago]
in honor of in commemoration of on

Lol word salad. Sorry.

Zal Eh [9]
2012-07-01 14:50:00 🔗
[12 years, 240 days ago]

In commemoration of every other clan losing to Eternal this past year, I would like to hand out Loser trophies for those of you who made their success ever so much sweeter with your glorious losing. You can pick it up on the way out of the banquet :)

neps [356]
2012-07-01 15:33:16 🔗
[12 years, 240 days ago]

Lol, Zal you meanie.

Alan [71]
2012-07-01 17:20:39 🔗
[12 years, 240 days ago]


Et Fo Lyf!

Forum > Complaints > Eternal
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