
Forum > Complaints > Where's the celebrations forum?
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Jans [66]
2011-03-11 06:55:31 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

Complaints have a dedicated section. And i like to complain, so that's fine. But where's the yang to the yin? The dex to the str? I have to file celebrations, compliments and other expressions of joy under 'miscellaneous'? That's a little underappreciated..

Anyway, here goes;
What i really really like about the new clan competition is that while i'm getting 24 energy per win, i'm actually taking the rival clan down for an equal amount. 48 points per fight, woo! And im beating this guy 5 to 1, woo!

correzz [12]
2011-03-11 07:15:43 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

Jans you actually have a normal build this time?
thats amazing :P

Jans [66]
2011-03-11 07:22:15 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

Actually, it was pretty bad too :P
I didnt pay much attention to it, thinking it'd be reset for open beta. Alan gave me a build to work to.

widz02 [66]
2011-03-11 07:58:36 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

thats me i guess... that guy ^_^

Number Two [76]
2011-03-11 08:07:03 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

it is awesome, isnt it? we might see a clan getting big early lead just to stumble down with points once everyone and his mother starts raping the ass out of it.

Jans [66]
2011-03-11 09:02:05 🔗
[13 years, 322 days ago]

@widz02: yes :)
And your clanmate, witit.

Intsecuris [101]
2011-03-12 17:28:07 🔗
[13 years, 320 days ago]

Oh Jans, you´re make me all teary-eyed.

ActiveX [8]
Head Moderator
2011-03-16 12:05:41 🔗
[13 years, 317 days ago]

I like the buy redis points page. No more trying to calc if you have enough kudos :D

Draoi [91]
2011-03-16 18:43:51 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Wasn't the celebrations thread something that always had a rainbow color title and kept hitting thread limits in 12M?

Off [117]
2011-03-16 18:47:01 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

in Rapture clanforum we had raimbow coloured celebrations thread too lol

Draoi [91]
2011-03-16 18:49:41 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Lets have a 'who had one first debate'

Jans [69]
2011-03-17 01:48:32 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Ya we had those. All gay and pretty.

Draoi [91]
2011-03-17 04:08:10 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Wasn't it pauss that made it all gay looking?

Jans [69]
2011-03-17 07:06:41 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Probably :) Who are you btw? You're Ferrigan, aren't you?

Draoi [91]
2011-03-17 15:54:11 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

ha! Did you figure that out cause of seeing me on gmail chat or something?

ActiveX [39]
Head Moderator
2011-03-17 16:53:14 🔗
[13 years, 316 days ago]

Could it be because you named one of your bots Kevin? ...

Draoi [91]
2011-03-17 16:55:52 🔗
[13 years, 315 days ago]

hmm. Kevin is a fine name.

Jans [69]
2011-03-17 20:23:44 🔗
[13 years, 315 days ago]

Sneazy, whats up ;)

It just made the most sense it was you. Hadnt noticed the Kevin-bot yet.

ActiveX [103]
Head Moderator
2011-04-07 03:27:20 🔗
[13 years, 295 days ago]

You were only able to donate 165,231 kudos to your clan.

I like that it takes exactly what is needed, saves calcing the amount :)

Forum > Complaints > Where's the celebrations forum?
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