
Ender [1]
2014-02-14 00:40:15 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

The following bots have been locked/reset for cheating:

  • New Alan
  • Foda Escapismo
  • The Joker
  • iChampion
  • Bud Light
  • Alan WinDump200
  • Alan Str
  • Alan Con
  • Sadist
  • Pure Talent
  • Reality Rift
  • Wannabe
  • Raider
  • Lord Raider
  • Project Week
  • ShadowScythe

I know these people have more bots (a lot more), but frankly I'm tired of digging through logs to track them all down. It's tedious and it's not how I want to spend my time, so this is where you guys come in. If you know of any of their prized possessions (high level, high wins, lots of stars, etc.) that I missed or see them trying to pawn off their merchandise in the marketplace, please say so in this thread and I'll deal with it.

Shoegazer [100]
2014-02-14 01:15:15 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

alan again :/

Ville [133]
2014-02-14 01:29:03 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

I want to apologize on behalf of my clan. I was naive as to think that Alan would not be cheating. It appears that he went and gave a clicker to multiple bots in Zion, as we have lost a significant amount of energy. (3 of my clan mates got locked) I let Alan in Zion due to a conversation he had with Ender in chat months ago. Ender said that he believed he was playing the game fairly, that in itself was enough reason for me to give the guy a second change. I've had a lot of conversations with Alan and he comes off as a really good guy, I was fooled.

I also need to apologize to Fishwick, Sam, Cali, and other members of the community as I defended my guys through all of this. I know ignorance is not an excuse, but I was oblivious to the obvious, ignored all the clues people were given me, and made myself look like a dick. For all of that I greatly apologize. Hopefully this can be a positive move forward for Zion, and the bots community.

~ Ville

"Foda Escapismo" so indeed it was one of my guys leveling Escapism(s) bots. It's safe to say that there will not need to be a need to retaliate on Escapisms behalf, as the retaliation has already been served.

Ender [1]
2014-02-14 01:33:18 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Aye, I'm rethinking my "I don't ban people for cheating" policy because of this. It's been my policy until now just because it's a pain in the ass to enforce. If someone's motivated enough, they're going to find a way around whatever I put up. That's not really a battle I'm personally interested in fighting because there's a lot of manual effort involved in tracking people down. I'd rather spend my time building fun new features. Maybe this is a necessary evil though. Or perhaps I could setup proper tooling to delegate this task to certain trusted members of the community...though that too is something I'm not really interested in spending time on.

shadow_rith [75]
2014-02-14 01:35:57 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

On that last note ender it would have to be really really trusted people because you dont want people abusing the ban hammer. Just throwing that out there. Moo. That is all.

dragonrose [65]
Head Moderator
2014-02-14 03:35:10 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

/hugs Ville

I feel for the non cheating Zion members. Don't let this take you down.

Onwards & upwards!

Earl Grey [99]
2014-02-14 03:36:20 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

just 1 word, disappointed


fifty2 [173]
2014-02-14 03:40:05 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

shame on you guys

Fishwick [133]
2014-02-14 03:42:54 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Glad to see justice for all guys involved, good job Ender. No need to apologize Ville, like I said beforehand, I fully understood you were not implicated.

The race is still on thanks to both clans losing a similar amount of energy. I feel I should also point out reality rift was a new comer to escapism and I ensured we kept our distance when I was suspicious of him.

Leader2 [70]
2014-02-14 05:26:34 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

I'm also sorry to Apex and some of you Escapism members, I also thought it wasn't one of them guys levelling your bots. I'm the person that reported this to ender of Rift/Sadist clicking I'm also glad he caught our members too I'm very disappointed in them all, Thought I could trust Alan the second time round.

Let the race continue :)

MikeiiiBoy [130]
2014-02-14 06:25:03 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

When something seems too god to be true ..

I wasn't aware that Alan had cheated before. Always thought of him as a clown, so it's not the biggest surprise.
I hope this incident will force clan leaders to be more careful in choosing their army. Or co-leaders. But it's always easy to be wise, afterwords. And in the desperation of winning a month, one may be blind. It's like love.

But I am sorry for the clans who has lost energy. But you'll both bounce back. No doubt.

And great job Ender pointing out the sinners. And keeping the community informed. Much appreciated.

Black Mirror [65]
2014-02-14 06:30:59 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Well done on catching these people Ender. I've also just had an offer to use this rubbish...

sten [62]
2014-02-14 07:11:10 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

someone send me the same message :-(

2014-02-14 07:18:52 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

i think that all of bots community will get the message to use/rent script...i know i did...

shoyuken [175]
2014-02-14 07:35:28 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

These are most of his bots in his RW clan. (according to alan's profile)

[150]   Freaked     Iron Horse  Iron Horse      3   3,026   469     6.45    63,045  19,210  (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [100]   Perfect     Insane  Wurd        1   12,688  2,165   5.86    62,988  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
3       [80]    Freaked     Multiply    Multiplier  
        15,212  5,825   2.61    126,628     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
4       [110]   Ratio   The Dynasty     The Dynasty         1   16,881  2,372   7.12    69,906  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
5   rank 1  [90]    Ratio   Tech School     Linn        1   10,814  1,395   7.75    70,031  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
6       [71]    Freaked     Equalize    Equalize    
        1,669   317     5.26    126,649     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
7       [91]    Freaked     Answerize   Answerize   
        5,633   1,428   3.94    62,951  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
8       [140]   Freaked     Bulldog Basics  Bulldog Basics      2   3,196   277     11.54   63,057  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
9       [160]   Commander   Aftershock  Aftershock      3   1,500   53  28.30   126,646     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
10      [110]   Perfect     Abstract    Abstract    
    1   18,198  446     40.80   45,060  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
11      [67]    Perfect     Nickelback  Nickelback      1   1,961   2,268   0.86    73,305  2,268   (x0.31)     20  offline     
12      [60]    Ratio   60wizard    60wizard    
        621     165     3.76    9   9   (x0.00)     60  offline     
13      [61]    Perfect     Kynes   Liet            5,626   432     13.02   0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
14      [121]   Ratio   Fishwick4   Fishwick4       1   7,480   2,707   2.76    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
15      [43]    Recruit     Level1  Level1      1   4,286   149     28.77   0   0   (x0.00)     49  offline     
16      [50]    Recruit     Level 2     Level 2         1   3,897   1,020   3.82    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
    [115]   1 Star  Lamborghini     Lamborghini     
    2   19,686  6,234   3.16    5,082   5,082   (x1.00)     60  offline     
2   rank 6  [180]   5 Star  Scatterfax  Scatterfax      5   15,545  5,132   3.03    5,405   361     (x0.00)     60  offline     
3   rank 5  [180]   Commander   Gandhi  Gandhi  
    13  37,165  4,950   7.51    126     36  (x0.00)     60  offline     
4   rank 1  [35]    1 Star  Agron   Agron   
    1   2,505   71  35.28   36  36  (x0.00)     31  offline     
5   rank 1  [60]    1 Star  Stage II    Stage II    
    1   1,828   179     10.21   4,212   12  (x0.00)     60  offline     
6   rank 1  [46]    1 Star  scarabara   scarabara   
    1   7,210   172     41.92   11  11  (x0.00)     59  offline     
7   rank 3  [155]   3 Star  Segovax     Segovax     
    3   14,055  3,599   3.91    20  10  (x0.00)     60  offline     
8   rank 1  [56]    1 Star  Xenai   Xenai   
    1   5,541   520     10.66   0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
9       [87]    1 Star  Fishwick3   Fishwick3       1   6,298   1,451   4.34    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
10      [102]   1 Star  Fishwick5   Fishwick5       1   9,402   1,612   5.83    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
11  rank 5  [200]   5 Star  Fishwick12  Fishwick12      13  121,250     18,785  6.45    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
12  rank 1  [67]    1 Star  Crixus  Crixus  
    1   3,695   319     11.58   0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
13      [115]   3 Star  Varro   Varro   
    3   5,533   1,213   4.56    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
14  rank 1  [94]    2 Star  Batiatus    Batiatus    
    1   2,358   606     3.89    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
15  rank 1  [80]    2 Star  Auctus  Auctus  
    1   3,243   617     5.26    0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
16      [135]   3 Star  Barca   Barca   
    3   10,258  2,025   5.07    20  0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
17  rank 1  [100]   1 Star  Stage VI    Stage VI    
    2   8,223   1,448   5.68    4,140   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
18  rank 1  [50]    1 Star  Stage I     Stage I     
    1   999     118     8.47    3,790   0   (x0.00)     54  offline     
19  rank 1  [70]    1 Star  Stage III   Stage III   
        917     340     2.70    4,200   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
20  rank 2  [140]   2 Star  LetsCrush Alan  LetsCrush Alan  
    5   20,413  3,401   6.00    1,192   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
21  rank 1  [120]   1 Star  Last II     Last II     
    1   5,332   1,910   2.79    4,116   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
22  rank 1  [80]    1 Star  Stage IV    Stage IV    
    1   3,457   290     11.92   4,142   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
23  rank 1  [90]    1 Star  Stage V     Stage V     
    1   2,218   447     4.96    4,140   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
24  rank 5  [160]   5 Star  KITT    Mike Traceur    
    4   6,907   2,363   2.92    4,560   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     

    [110]   Recruit     ArouZal     ArouZal     
    1   20,520  4,274   4.80    15,060  15,060  (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [58]    Recruit     Tifa Lockhart   Tifa Lockhart   
    1   5,253   121     43.41   15,060  15,060  (x1.00)     60  offline     
3       [128]   Recruit     Juiced Fatboy   Fatboy Supreme  
        1,721   390     4.41    15,060  15,060  (x1.00)     60  offline     
4       [34]    Recruit     Jill Valentine  JillValentine       1   1,625   74  21.96   5,332   5,332   (x0.87)     20  offline     
5       [69]    Recruit     Claire Redfield     ClaireRedfield      1   1,932   2,098   0.92    1,640   1,640   (x0.28)     20  offline     
6       [157]   Recruit     Extraction  Extraction          3,019   12,065  0.25    960     520     (x0.08)     20  offline     
7       [110]   Recruit     Fireman     Fireman         2   1,283   113     11.35   0   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
8       [124]   Recruit     BadAss  BadAss      1   1,512   12,033  0.13    0   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
9       [173]   Commander   Alan LvL    Alan LvL            4,237   1,418   2.99    10  0   (x0.00)     60  offline     

And these are all the dumper bots he owns

    [90]    Alan    Chlamydia   Diagnosis2  
        594     565     1.05    213,978     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [94]    Alan    Chancroid   Diagnosis1  
        2,778   1,540   1.80    277,958     19,184  (x1.00)     60  offline     
3       [85]    Alan    Cirrhosis   Diagnosis3  
        710     717     0.99    212,852     19,182  (x1.00)     60  offline     
4       [93]    Alan    Genital herpes  Diagnosis5  
        863     744     1.16    211,809     19,153  (x1.00)     60  offline     
5       [85]    Alan    Hepatitis   Diagnosis7  
        865     924     0.94    188,842     17,037  (x1.00)     54  offline     
6       [93]    Alan    BIG GREENMACHINE    Luthrin1    
        2,402   553     4.34    15,060  15,060  (x1.00)     60  offline     
7       [91]    Alan    0010111010  Luthrin7    
        796     892     0.89    160,200     13,379  (x0.99)     44  offline     
8       [90]    Alan    Crabs   Diagnosis4  
        351     544     0.65    122,433     8,320   (x1.00)     26  offline     
9       [92]    Alan    BIG BALLS   Luthrin3    
        745     1,241   0.60    118,060     6,964   (x0.99)     24  offline     
10      [85]    Alan    Candidiasis     Diagnosis   
        341     670     0.51    113,904     6,390   (x1.00)     20  offline     
11      [120]   Alan    Blue Waffle     Diagnosis16     
    1   3,473   5,723   0.61    5,327   5,327   (x0.60)     20  offline     
12      [52]    Alan    1101010110  Luthrin4            27  37  0.73    5,020   5,020   (x1.00)     20  offline     
13      [100]   Alan    Syphilis    Diagnosis13     
        524     1,174   0.45    17,565  145     (x0.02)     20  offline     
14      [71]    Alan    BIG DICK    Luthrin2    
        1,092   790     1.38    63,045  0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
15      [40]    Alan    1001010110  Luthrin5    
        3,533   399     8.85    50,496  0   (x0.00)     42  offline     
16      [85]    Alan    Gonorrhea   Diagnosis6  
        388     323     1.20    6,902   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
17      [85]    Alan    Herpes  Diagnosis8  
        306     371     0.82    1,280   0   (x0.00)     35  offline     
18      [31]    Alan    H I V   Diagnosis9  
        2   8   0.25    2,740   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
19      [29]    Alan    Human papillomavirus    Diagnosis10     
        2   11  0.18    2,740   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
20      [28]    Alan    LGV     Diagnosis11     
        5   18  0.28    2,740   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
21      [35]    Alan    Scabies     Diagnosis12     
        10  11  0.91    2,740   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
22      [115]   Alan    Vaginitis   Diagnosis14     
        720     880     0.82    0   0   (x0.00)     44  offline     
23      [80]    Alan    Yeast infection     Diagnosis15     
        270     158     1.71    8,001   0   (x0.00)     60  offline     
24      [54]    Alan    Granuloma inguinale     Diagnosis17     
        58  59  0.98    2,140   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
25      [30]    Alan    PID     Diagnosis18     
        2   11  0.18    2,420   0   (x0.00)     20  offline     
26      [80]    Alan    MPC     Diagnosis19     
    1   416     682     0.61    71,780  0   (x0.00)     23  offline
    [100]   Recruit     Scoilet08   Scoilet08       1   856     810     1.06    86,358  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [100]   Recruit     scoilet09   Scoilet09       1   713     693     1.03    123,154     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
3       [100]   Recruit     LCS2    LCS2    
    3   3,750   1,920   1.95    204,622     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
4       [100]   Recruit     LCS3    LCS3        3   2,507   1,174   2.14    240,969     19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
5       [100]   Commander   Hermann     Tortoise02  
    2   1,358   995     1.36    84,536  19,200  (x1.00)     60  offline     
6       [100]   Recruit     Leopard     Tortoise01  
    2   1,654   1,893   0.87    30,560  16,960  (x1.00)     53  offline     
7       [100]   Recruit     African Spurred     Tortoise03  
    3   863     965     0.89    82,843  16,320  (x1.00)     51  offline     
8       [100]   Recruit     catch   fetch   
    3   6,873   7,024   0.98    10,620  10,620  (x1.00)     60  offline     
9       [100]   Recruit     Scoilet01   Scoilet01   
    1   3,711   2,981   1.24    10,620  10,620  (x1.00)     60  offline     
10      [100]   Recruit     LCS1    LCS1    
    3   3,893   2,302   1.69    10,620  10,620  (x1.00)     60  offline     
11      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet02   Scoilet02   
        4,052   2,622   1.55    10,560  10,560  (x1.00)     60  offline     
12      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet03   Scoilet03   
        3,426   3,209   1.07    10,560  10,560  (x1.00)     60  offline     
13      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet06   Scoilet06           1,482   1,672   0.89    9,462   9,462   (x1.00)     54  offline     
14      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet07   Scoilet07       2   792     1,127   0.70    107,986     7,241   (x0.48)     20  offline     
15      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet04   Scoilet04           1,851   2,296   0.81    83,638  7,062   (x0.58)     20  offline     
16      [100]   Recruit     Scoilet05   Scoilet05       3   1,826   1,701   1.07    102,051     5,314   (x0.43)     26  offline     
17      [100]   Recruit     Skyward     Skyward             827     1,339   0.62    100,243     220     (x0.01)     20  offline     
18      [100]   Recruit     Skyguard    Skyguard        1   817     1,396   0.59    99,915  20  (x0.00)     20  offline     
       [55]     Knight  Knight1     Knight1         1   423     101     4.19    64,131  17,932  (x1.00)     56  offline     
2       [55]    Knight  Knight3     Knight3         1   318     100     3.18    61,196  16,951  (x1.00)     53  offline     
3       [55]    Knight  Knight6     Knight6         1   223     1   223.00  63,152  16,000  (x1.00)     50  offline     
4       [55]    Knight  Knight4     Knight4         1   424     7   60.57   65,029  15,590  (x0.98)     48  offline     
5       [55]    Knight  Knight5     Knight5         1   222     2   111.00  62,033  15,410  (x1.00)     50  offline     
6       [55]    Knight  Knight2     Knight2         1   219     100     2.19    57,691  13,760  (x1.00)     43  offline     

[56]    Mule    Mule8   Mule8       1   1,827   959     1.91    10,396  10,396  (x1.00)     58  offline     
2       [56]    Mule    Mule6   Mule6       1   1,722   900     1.91    10,266  10,266  (x1.00)     58  offline     
3       [55]    Mule    Mule12  Mule12      1   1,738   919     1.89    9,856   9,856   (x1.00)     56  offline     
4       [55]    Mule    Mule7   Mule7       1   1,620   889     1.82    9,558   9,558   (x1.00)     54  offline     
5       [55]    Mule    Mule9   Mule9       1   1,641   896     1.83    9,558   9,558   (x1.00)     54  offline     
6       [55]    Mule    Mule14  Mule14      1   1,680   936     1.79    9,504   9,504   (x1.00)     54  offline     
7       [57]    Mule    Mule17  Mule17      1   1,534   951     1.61    9,504   9,504   (x1.00)     54  offline     
8       [55]    Mule    Mule11  Mule11      1   1,643   933     1.76    9,328   9,328   (x1.00)     53  offline     
9       [55]    Mule    Mule13  Mule13      1   1,637   923     1.77    9,328   9,328   (x1.00)     53  offline     
10      [55]    Mule    Mule15  Mule15      1   1,642   934     1.76    9,328   9,328   (x1.00)     53  offline     
11      [56]    Mule    Mule18  Mule18      1   1,580   946     1.67    9,328   9,328   (x1.00)     53  offline     
12      [55]    Mule    Mule16  Mule16      1   1,560   924     1.69    9,152   9,152   (x1.00)     52  offline     
13      [55]    Mule    Mule10  Mule10      1   1,423   871     1.63    8,800   8,800   (x1.00)     50  offline     
14      [56]    Mule    Mule19  Mule19      1   1,334   926     1.44    8,272   8,272   (x1.00)     47  offline     
15      [56]    Mule    Mule20  Mule20      1   1,236   894     1.38    8,184   8,184   (x1.00)     46  offline     
16      [56]    Mule    Mule2   Mule2       1   2,054   1,222   1.68    5,830   5,830   (x1.00)     55  offline     
17      [57]    Mule    Mule3   Mule3       1   1,722   1,185   1.45    5,335   5,335   (x1.00)     51  offline     
18      [55]    Mule    Mule1   Mule1       1   1,862   1,207   1.54    5,300   5,300   (x1.00)     50  offline     
19      [56]    Mule    Mule4   Mule4       1   1,730   1,174   1.47    5,200   5,200   (x1.00)     50  offline     
20      [55]    Mule    Mule5   Mule5       1   1,809   1,103   1.64    3,020   3,020   (x0.48)     20  offline     
    [70]    Commander   DeanDump1   DeanDump1       1   347     94  3.69    127,534     19,201  (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump2   DeanDump2           119     505     0.24    33,721  4,698   (x0.73)     20  offline     
3       [72]    Need Leveled    DeanDump6   DeanDump6           49  1,013   0.05    13,996  480     (x0.08)     20  offline     
4       [72]    Need Leveled    DeanDump9   DeanDump9           59  1,114   0.05    14,080  480     (x0.08)     20  offline     
5       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump10  DeanDump10          85  946     0.09    16,745  444     (x0.07)     20  offline     
6       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump4   DeanDump4           49  1,603   0.03    14,638  400     (x0.06)     20  offline     
7       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump5   DeanDump5           45  969     0.05    12,002  92  (x0.01)     20  offline     
8       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump8   DeanDump8           46  902     0.05    13,566  76  (x0.01)     20  offline     
9       [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump3   DeanDump3           60  1,314   0.05    8,078   56  (x0.01)     20  offline     
10      [70]    Need Leveled    DeanDump7   DeanDump7           44  923     0.05    12,560  44  (x0.01)     20  

Some of reality's dumpers

    [100]   Commander   Fringe01    Fringe01        3   3,659   3,200   1.14    1,200   1,200   (x1.00)     60  offline     
2       [100]   Recruit     Fringe02    Fringe02        3   3,662   2,993   1.22    1,200   1,200   (x1.00)     60  offline     
3       [100]   Recruit     Fringe03    Fringe03        3   3,660   2,989   1.22    840     840     (x1.00)     60  offline     
4       [100]   Recruit     Fringe04    Fringe04        3   3,420   2,859   1.20    840     840     (x1.00)     60  offline     
5       [100]   Recruit     Fringe05    Fringe05        2   3,457   2,904   1.19    780     780     (x1.00)     60  offline     
6       [100]   Recruit     Fringe06    Fringe06        2   3,443   2,690   1.28    780     780     (x1.00)     60  offline     
7       [100]   Recruit     Fringe07    Fringe07        3   3,243   2,526   1.28    720     720     (x1.00)     60  offline     
8       [100]   Recruit     Fringe08    Fringe08        3   3,240   2,505   1.29    720     720     (x1.00)     60  offline     
9       [100]   Recruit     Fringe09    Fringe09        3   3,260   2,425   1.34    720     720     (x1.00)     60  offline     
10      [100]   Recruit     Fringe10    Fringe10        3   3,230   2,447   1.32    720     720     (x1.00)     60  offline     

shoyuken [175]
2014-02-14 07:44:02 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

More of Reality's energy dumpers unclanned:

[116]   TX666   goon            1   in the showroom     offline
    [116]   gru     gru             1   in the showroom     offline
    [116]   kajak   kajak               in the showroom     offline
    [115]   NRD     NRD             1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   yupi    yupi            1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   quickybot   loop            1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   heat2   heat2           1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   biffy   biffy           1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   yupi1   yupi1           1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   cr3zy   cr3zy           1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   cone    cone            1   in the showroom     offline
    [115]   heat1   heat1           1   in the showroom     offline

[100]   yikes17     yikes17     
        2   training against Terminator 2000    offline
    [100]   yikes18     yikes18     
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes03     yikes03     
        1   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   yikes11     yikes11     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes09     yikes09     
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes02     yikes02     
        1   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   yikes04     yikes04     
        2   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   yikes16     yikes16     
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   PursePie    PursePie    
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   Zion Devil  Lutheran 666    
            in the showroom     offline

    [100]   yikes07     yikes07     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes15     yikes15     
        2   training against Trainmate  offline
    [100]   BotsPie     BotsPie     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   CupPie  CupPie  
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes10     yikes10     
        2   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   yikes08     yikes08     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   Master Of Arms  hon3    
        1   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes05     yikes05     
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes12     yikes12     
        3   training against T202   offline
    [100]   yikes20     yikes20     
        2   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes01     yikes01     
        1   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   yikes14     yikes14     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes19     yikes19     
        3   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   yikes06     yikes06     
        1   training against Infant     offline
    [100]   Yellowknife     Northwest Teritories    
            in the showroom     offline
    [100]   Artillery   hon1    
        1   in the showroom     offline
    [100]   Emerald Warden  hon2    
        1   in the showroom     offline
    [96]    SOULS   LuCuS666    
        1   in the showroom     offline
[96]    Rico    Rico    
            taking a Turing test    offline

shoyuken [175]
2014-02-14 07:54:46 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

One more

MikeiiiBoy [130]
2014-02-14 08:27:51 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Hell's of a lot of my old buts. Looking forward to see what will happen.

MikeiiiBoy [130]
2014-02-14 08:28:01 πŸ”—
[11 years, 12 days ago]

Haha. Bots*

Satanus Inaximasus [284]
2014-02-14 10:44:13 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

lol fair play for using an AC tbh atleast you dont have to do what all us cunts do and thats sit here clicking train again/fight again

2014-02-14 11:16:10 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

well...after seeing all this i'm wondering one thing...

building all this bots required a lot of time... buying all those stars that those bots had costs a lot of money...

why cheat then if you know that if you get caught that all that effort and money will be thrown away?

i'm not saying that punishment isnt is stated in rules that this will happen...i'm just wondering why...

Rivan [151]
2014-02-14 11:21:26 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

lol - not surprised at all to see this :P

Crab Whistler [130]
2014-02-14 12:13:10 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

Now it feels good I made a bot called Newest Alan a while back.

Great catch Ender!

Shoegazer [100]
2014-02-14 12:34:09 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

as a great punishment, i think the yikes bots should be given to me as i owned them at one time and never cheated with them

Crab Whistler [130]
2014-02-14 12:46:28 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

I´m pretty sure Mikeii never cheated with them either...

Shoegazer [100]
2014-02-14 12:48:05 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

fine, half to me and half to mikeii :P

Crab Whistler [130]
2014-02-14 12:49:32 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

Much better :)

ActiveX [236]
Head Moderator
2014-02-14 12:50:30 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

hey I never cheated either! cut me in ;)

Fishwick [133]
2014-02-14 12:51:13 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

Does this mean I get all my ratio whores back too?!

King Zal [80]
2014-02-14 13:17:41 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]


As for the get people to patrol the game, I could do that if you wanted. I got a good track record. And since I'm not playing or want to play I'd be as fair as you are in the process Ender.

Oh, and since when did moderator tags become a thing? Congrats to Fishwick on his moderator-ship :)

Fishwick [133]
2014-02-14 13:19:06 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

Oh, that tag is public? I thought only we could see it.

Since this morning :) Congrats to shoe too!

Nosferatu [232]
2014-02-14 21:38:19 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

I'm glad I sold my bots to Benny.

shadow_rith [75]
2014-02-15 04:08:49 πŸ”—
[11 years, 11 days ago]

I sold to benny ville Nd alan.

Linn [90]
2014-02-15 18:14:37 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

It's all over. Sad thing I guess. I've been playing since May 06. Tons of memories. Tons of friends. Exactly 2 years ago, this exact thing happened. My clan Dynasty was taken from the lead because Skipper got caught. It's funny really.

I've given Ed ideas on how to shut down auto-clicking. I've had my clicker since closed beta. It does solve captchas. It was a huge project for me. It does run in your browser via Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey. Good catch on that Fishy.

I finally had the game I wanted to play. 100 stars, Ratio whores, dumpers. A good clan to be in. Finally. $1100 of stuff I had. I think this has taught me a lot though. I see myself at work, working on one project then skipping to the next trying to be good at all things instead of working on one thing and perfecting it.

This is just to make peace with this game so I don't have anything left to say reading the forums. I want to apologize to my clan and my friends that I lied too. Just to say, I never logged on Wannabe or Raider. I bought most of Raider's stuff then let him use the stuff.

Am I going to miss the game? Yup. I don't do much after work since my girlfriend doesn't live with me yet. I also don't have many people from Highschool that I hang out with, if anyone. Mainly my college guys. This game was a place for me to talk to people who liked the same stuff as me.

An End of A Terror Is Over. o/

Linn [90]
2014-02-15 18:15:29 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

Oh, btw. There are two more people who play this game that use it. You guys can take that how ever you want.

ActiveX [237]
Head Moderator
2014-02-15 18:19:01 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

Then do the right thing Alan & give the names to wiggin.

Satanus Inaximasus [284]
2014-02-15 18:20:59 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

no alan dont be a grass keep it too yourself lol

Fishwick [133]
2014-02-15 18:21:29 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

^ would be a half decent way to attempt to repair any damage.

Also, yay for me spotting it running. Going to continue making bots 5?

God of Thunder [36]
2014-02-15 18:24:27 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

i know i dont have a say but for the good of the game them other people should be routed out. they spoil it for all of us -_-


Sully [83]
2014-02-15 18:56:40 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

Is anyone else concerned that ender is getting tired of trying to catch the cheaters?

God of Thunder [43]
2014-02-15 18:59:16 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

i know i just dont get this cheating thing you will always get caught eventually :D


Trio [344]
2014-02-15 20:36:54 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

Just don't want to see it persist so that Ed loses interest and abandons the game...

ActiveX [237]
Head Moderator
2014-02-16 06:47:34 πŸ”—
[11 years, 10 days ago]

I strongly suspect skipper is going to try & sell his bots and maybe stars.

Buy at your own risk; as there is a good chance that wiggin will reset.

Avoid buying bots with the prefix yikes, rhb, hon & misc.

If you are unsure of the seller talk to someone in irc or bmail a mod, they can probably enlighten you as to who you are buying from.

Emizel [50]
2014-02-16 11:57:17 πŸ”—
[11 years, 9 days ago]

Is anyone else concerned that ender is getting tired of trying to catch the cheaters?

In bots nomenclature we call that the "floR syndrome".