
Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 05:08:55 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

And before I begin, I'd just like to say, no offense to anyone, I just feel that, well, this is the complaints section, why not use it?


Like I said in that other topic, why the fuck are stupid suggestions being considered, yet actual balance and useful suggestions aren't? Like, the basis is a big shift wants to be avoided, yet a lot of these changes that are being discussed/considered would do a hell of a lot more to fuck up the game than balance tweaks.

I'm sure that, say, buffing Dex would be a lot easier and a lot less of a gigantic change that'll divert old and new players than stuff like holy fuck a weapon/armor that's marginally better and slightly gives me a better chance to win after camping for 6 extra days to get it.

Holy fuck.

I'm annoyed.


More to come, I got lazy halfway through.

Ninja [77]
2011-03-22 05:11:22 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]


Nightmare [57]
2011-03-22 06:08:13 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

So basicaly you want dex bots buffed?

kofi [141]
2011-03-22 06:28:55 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

no he wants the absorb formula balanaced

Number Two [80]
2011-03-22 07:30:26 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

yes, talk about absorb when my str bot had 55% and my balanced bot has 49% on similar level but with 3x more dex.

dusk shroud ftw

kofi [141]
2011-03-22 08:02:28 🔗
[13 years, 342 days ago]

Well it's really only super noticeable at higher levels, aka where strength starts to dominate 75ish and up. I feel like you'd know this -_-

Ender [36]
2011-03-22 10:59:09 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Oh, you posted this here too. My copypasta response:


Don't attack me for responding to this thread, but not another. I read all threads and just because I don't respond to one does not mean I haven't considered it. Consider the fact that there are 163 new forum posts since I went to bed last night and that I have maybe a few hours a day to spend on the game. If I spent all my time going back and forth on every little point that every person made, I'd never get anything done. I'm forced to be selective about what I respond to.

For the specific topic of general game balancing, I've stated that I will look into this after the release. It's a complex issue that I will want to spend some time doing simulation and extensive testing with before making any changes. I'm not going to just go into the database and start randomly nerfing things without verifying things myself.

Jans [71]
2011-03-22 11:32:00 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I guess the main question is, do you feel/agree the game needs balancing?

If you do, it makes more sense to focus on that issue during beta, i think. But if you're not convinced yet, and want to investigate it first, i can see why you would want to wait until the bulk of your remaining work is done. But it might be harder to implement changes after the game has been officially released.

(i dont have an opinion on the matter btw. Builds aren't my expertise and i havent looked into it yet)

Ender [36]
2011-03-22 11:38:04 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I do see an awful lot of complaints about dex bots, so I think it's worth looking into at the very least. Any change would likely come in the form of a buff to block or shields or dex weapons or something, so I don't see it as imperative that this be done before beta ends. Different builds are nerfed/buffed all the time in most online games, so I see this as okay.

Plus balancing is slow, boring work that will likely get me yelled at no matter what I do. I'd rather add exp bars and other "safe" stuff. :)

Jans [71]
2011-03-22 12:06:08 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

You held "HoF1 level" for quite a while, you should be immune to mindless yelling from Internet strangers :P

Ender [36]
2011-03-22 12:16:36 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

The mindless ones I can deal with. It's the ones that actually put some logic into their thoughts that can get under my skin. Especially if I think it's an unfair criticism.

correzz [80]
2011-03-22 12:16:47 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Every sane person understands you have plenty of work to do and as you noted yourself giving a buff to the shield defense sounds like a good plan to me. Another good option is giving a dex requirement to certain weapons. Buffs and nerfs happen in every game and people will always whine :).
"ZOMG frost mage is way too imba right now" etc, etc..

Emanuel [86]
2011-03-22 13:16:52 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I'm sure you'll do a better job than Blizzard Ender :P

Nerf something by 15% because it was too good, and a few weeks later buff the same thing by 25% because it was too bad. Now that's what I call fine tuning!

Cookie [88]
2011-03-22 14:31:07 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Inc logic bomb 4 u!

kofi [141]
2011-03-22 14:35:08 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I used to love making level one bots and flaming ender for no apparent reason, then he found out it was me and it was a lot less fun. :( sad face

Cookie [88]
2011-03-22 14:36:09 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]


Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 15:26:52 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

The issue isn't that you didn't reply, it's literally that every step of the way you've pretty much spoken out about being against any sort of balancing issues because "it's too much of a change" or something, then other GIGANTIC FUCKIN' CHANGES, and I don't mean visual stuff that you've implemented, but like other stuff being suggested you seem to like and consider.

That's the issue, is that you'd rather do what Riot does with League of Legends, and cater to the fucking mass retards who think they know what they want, end up with a broken shit game with a low skill cap and constant whining about everything, than fix the potential issue that could potentially create a game that's competitive to the point where there's a sense of balance.

Dude that was a brilliant fucking way to explain it. And you can get it without ever playing League of Legends, which, if anyone argues it, IS DotA for fucking down syndrome children.

Ender [36]
2011-03-22 15:54:45 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Actually, I mostly work on what interests me and add things that I think would benefit the game. There were no "fucking mass retards" asking for things like threaded bmail conversations, an experience bar in the workshop, or indicators on the sidebar for bmail/forum posts. I added these things because I think they are neat and add to the experience of playing the game. If you're going to go ahead and paint me making one reply to a suggestion thread about an idea I'd already had myself as catering to "fucking mass retards", I really don't know what to say because you've obviously already made up your mind that I don't know what I'm doing.

I think I just need to learn to accept the fact that any action I do or do not take is bound to piss at least some players off. And I'm beginning to understand why floR wasn't active in the bots2 forums...

ActiveX [74]
Head Moderator
2011-03-22 16:08:30 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Wiggin. No matter what you do there will always be someone that is unhappy. That is the way of the world.

Take it as a compliment that people are bombarding you with ideas & suggestions. They do that because they know you'll consider & if possible implement. (maybe a to do list in priority order would help manage peoples expectations)

Please don't distance yourself, you'll miss out on seeing your baby grow & be loved :)

Erica stop being an arse & chill out dude :P

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 16:08:39 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Actually, I mostly work on what interests me and add things that I think would benefit the game. There were no "fucking mass retards" asking for things like threaded bmail conversations, an experience bar in the workshop, or indicators on the sidebar for bmail/forum posts. I added these things because I think they are neat and add to the experience of playing the game. If you're going to go ahead and paint me making one reply to a suggestion thread about an idea I'd already had myself as catering to "fucking mass retards", I really don't know what to say because you've obviously already made up your mind that I don't know what I'm doing.

I'm not talking about graphical stuff, I may dislike the new uh, button colors, but other than that I think they're useful.

I'm simply talking about the suggestions that were shot down in bots2 because of them being, well, dumb.

The suggestions like, random stats, superior items, it's more the fact that you seem interested and considering that, which would break the game more than it already is (and anyone that claims it's balanced was a whore raper.) and from my standpoint, it's like you'd rather be interested in new ideas and the like than something which, and this is going to sound egotistical, two vet players that know what they're talking about have suggested.

And it's not like I haven't considered the difficulty of some of this stuff, I realize that the idea/whatever you wish to call it that I have is/would be a hell of a lot harder to implement/work in than most, if not all of the other suggestions people have made. It just seems like you show a lot more interest in those ideas. That's the only thing I've been trying to say, not that you "don't know what you're doing" or that you've "pissed a player off."

It's more of a, as difficult an idea like mine seems to be to implement/figure out, it just seems a lot more of an important issue than something like, say the topic this came up in, randomized stat uniques.

In the end, it is your game, what happens in it is entirely your choosing. Just don't turn this around and make it seem like I'm annoyed because you're working on minor updates which make sense (bmail, notifications, graphics) because that's untrue. My issue is simply the interest going towards what, imo, are stupid ideas, and that's mostly because they work AGAINST what I'm try to get into the game, ie a balanced game (or as balanced as possible).

But yes, you can't please everyone, regardless of what you do, and I'll be here every step to point out flaws :)

Champion [77]
2011-03-22 16:55:08 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Dragon Summoner has a point, but it got lost in the middle of the sweary rant. Calm down a bit.

Takusic [132]
2011-03-22 17:01:09 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I think str bots are a bit overbalanced and easier in most ways. Str bots need less dex than dex bots need str which makes it easier for them to add more con/int to their builds. They get all the armors first(which gives them higher bonuses quicker), hit harder, and absorb massive amounts of damage. And it seems to me its not really that hard for a str bot to get the dex its needs for those 3 hit wins.

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 17:06:35 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Dude I swear I deleted his post from mine before I hit post.

Oh well.

I'm not intentionally being an asshole, it's just how I am, you've known this Rose.

If I have an idea that I seem like it'd work, I'll bring it up and push it.

If there's something that people refuse to talk about, I'll do it. Like the autoclicker thing in the old forums :P

ActiveX [76]
Head Moderator
2011-03-22 18:23:01 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Of course I know that Erica but as Champ said your good & valid points get lost in the ranting. Plus you put people on the defensive & therefore they are less receptive to your ideas.

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 18:36:18 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

I can't have a real discussion without yelling and stuff.

It makes it a fair discussion because you can focus on me swearing instead of the subject at hand.

Jans [71]
2011-03-22 18:44:28 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

It's not that hard to tell the difference though:

Hyper trolling Erica:

Serious 'n involved Erica:
"And before I begin, I'd just like to say, no offense to anyone."

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 18:54:58 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

Fuck you Jans :)

Cookie [89]
2011-03-22 20:27:19 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

tl;dr Don't yell at ender and please do balancing changes during beta (I promise you there will be less angries than during live)

meh [43]
2011-03-22 22:09:07 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

eric lovveess to QQ

its the only reason i remember em lol.

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-03-22 23:26:21 🔗
[13 years, 341 days ago]

It's the one talent I have

Number Two [80]
2011-03-23 15:48:12 🔗
[13 years, 340 days ago]
