
Forum > Complaints > Leader
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Gpof2 [130]
2015-04-06 16:24:42 🔗
[9 years, 337 days ago]

Thread was cleaned up so I'll respond here instead.

Do some research fuckface

Ender isn't even the one who made the clan, nos did. And if you followed your own advice and did some "research" and actually played with us, you'd know we already have people in the clan that don't play bots.

What's your problem with me? All I said was I don't like how you advertised a different clan. You're acting like I personally assaulted you or something.

one hitter quitter [117]
2015-04-06 19:48:21 🔗
[9 years, 337 days ago]


Gpof2 [130]
2015-04-06 22:16:47 🔗
[9 years, 337 days ago]

The conversation started in a forum thread so I decided to keep it that way.

Leader2 [85]
2015-04-07 01:56:14 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

Now why would I wanna play with you guys? What's the advantages when I'll probably be the best in the clan?

He probably got this advice off fishwick, he told me he was powerless in this sections so go post whatever I like, is this the second thread about me now? Lmao

Fishwick [134]
2015-04-07 03:23:41 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

Don't be such a baby, you derailed Nos' thread, so I cleaned it up as requested by Nos. You moaned that I was 'helping a friend because he was losing'. So i pointed out heres another thread you can embarrass yourself in.

I wouldn't have recommended gpof to make this thread, giving attention to trolls makes them worse.

Leader2 [85]
2015-04-07 03:51:56 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

So now You're calling me a Troll?? is that really professional for a forum Mod to be doing?.

So all along it was that big baby Nos Lol.

Ender isn't even the one who made the clan

I didn't say he was? Ender was the one who suggested we made a clan however.

Did i really offend you that much? By posting another clans bio here?

You're all a bunch of tossers anyway

Benny [44]
2015-04-07 05:13:58 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

So much drama :O Just the way it's always been.

Gpof2 [130]
2015-04-07 10:46:19 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

Did i really offend you that much? By posting another clans bio here?

HA that's rich. Yes, I'm so offended that I've resorted to calling people fuckface and whining to the mods.

You haven't read a word I've typed on all 3 threads. For the 10th time, I said I think it's distasteful that you advertised another clan. For whatever reason you can't seem to accept that and continue to tell me to do research and read your clans forum thread as if that affects my opinion somehow.

Satanus Inaximasus [310]
2015-04-07 10:50:25 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

what is the actual problem with him advertising another clan? the thread i started had nothing to do with bots4 clan it was about clash of clans in general so there was no problem with him doing so should i be pissed cause somebody mentioned about bots4 clan? nope i shouldnt so neither should you gpof

Gpof2 [130]
2015-04-07 11:37:54 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

There isn't a problem. I expressed my opinion on it and he got his panties in a bunch.

Satanus Inaximasus [310]
2015-04-07 11:41:52 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

the opinion you didnt really need to say so you started something for nothing sunshine lol

Gpof2 [130]
2015-04-07 11:45:42 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

Ok let's just all hold our opinions to ourselves and never speak on the forum then.

Satanus Inaximasus [310]
2015-04-07 12:02:14 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

+1 that idea gpof

Jans [90]
2015-04-07 12:04:35 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

the opinion you didnt really need to say

That goes for everything here. In fact, IRL too. People don't need to say shit. But as if that will stop them.

Leader2 [85]
2015-04-07 13:46:04 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

I love a good argument :p even if I am I. The wrong ill still stand there and say I'm right lol

You said I said make a clan and ender didn't sunshine

Jans [90]
2015-04-07 15:30:36 🔗
[9 years, 336 days ago]

even if I am in the wrong ill still stand there and say I'm right

That's not having an argument, that's being a tool.

Champion LX [60]
2015-04-09 11:07:26 🔗
[9 years, 334 days ago]

who the hell is this Leader guy anyway? anonymous people in the community trying to take on veterans like Gpof for some air time... shame on him.

Leader2 [85]
2015-04-09 11:30:01 🔗
[9 years, 334 days ago]

You don't even have a say in this you cheat

Champion LX [60]
2015-04-10 04:20:06 🔗
[9 years, 333 days ago]

U_U better call the police.

Nosferatu [278]
2015-04-10 14:07:14 🔗
[9 years, 333 days ago]

"Everybody is picking on me, so I'm going to sell out." - Leader

Leader2 [85]
2015-04-10 16:30:51 🔗
[9 years, 333 days ago]

Not at all Nos I'm still gonna play just need the money to fix my car

Sir Chimpus [126]
2015-04-10 17:23:58 🔗
[9 years, 333 days ago]

leader your a douche

Sully [126]
2015-04-10 21:34:31 🔗
[9 years, 333 days ago]

what has he done to you?

ActiveX [276]
Head Moderator
2015-04-11 02:51:30 🔗
[9 years, 332 days ago]

/pulls down the shutters

move along please, nothing to see here

Forum > Complaints > Leader
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