
MrZal2 [100]
2017-03-12 13:30:03 🔗
[7 years, 349 days ago]

I thought it's been a good 84 days since the last complaint and Ender's been gone a good 26 days now so I thought I'd yell something into the void.

Okay, so currently, there's 133 clans on bots4, which is indeed better than before and shows that activity remains fairly strong with at least new competitors trying for 1st every month. But this is a conundrum for whore makers, for one month there's say Pirate Haven going for first, the next Eternal, the next Malicious Villainous or some other clan, all against Escapism. Now Escapism also uses whores so here's my complaint, who are you supposed to make whores for exactly? If we were all friends, which obviously we're not, we would have all banded together and made a new top clan by now to take on Escapism and it would be easy. But what about now?

So to give an example, say in a month MV and Escapism are going for it, I don't really want to help either clan so I take away my whores. Same with say Eternal the next. So what exactly is the point of clanning them at all? They'll be used before I can use them (if I were still playing) and all I can say about it is "I helped some clans gain some more energy and waste some more time". Boring as hell. You essentially have to be a very selfless person to just give away your time for others. This is why bots2 diplomacy system worked better, you could be selfish. That's why that game thrived. You didn't have to respect anybody, you just had to put the time in and you'd get your reward. Now it's just based on how inactive can you expect people to be in this level range (hint, in a hard fought month, none).

tldr; The confusion about whores and who you're actually helping, dumpers, the future of this game, why we didn't keep good systems, all piss me off and they should bother you too.

Also, F*** Ender's 26 days of inaction and worrying about BS shit.

Cosby [189]
2017-03-12 14:42:55 🔗
[7 years, 349 days ago]

In my opinion, the problem isn't so much that we don't get along, it's that nobody wants to leave their respective clans in order to form an alliance. Pothead would never leave Eternal, Wild would never leave MV, and none of us here at Pirate Haven would leave either. There has been talk about forming an alliance, or teaming up with other clans for a month to go for the win, but nothing has ever really come to fruition. Creating new scoring bots to put into an "Alliance Clan" would be an idea, but that's all time and effort that we could be spending scoring for our own clans.

As far as whores and whore building goes, I originally created mine just for myself back when I was scoring for my one man clan Silence is Golden. Now I've created well over 100 low level whores ranging from 28-40ish for me and my brothers in Pirate Haven to use. Sure, people from other clans are always going to attack them as well, but all whores are fair game as far as I'm concerned. There have been times when I've logged in looking to score a lot, only to find that most of my whores have been drained, and it is kinda disheartening...But I just create even more whores. I intend on saturating the lower levels with so much energy there will almost always be SOMETHING to fight.

Even if nobody in our clan was scoring, I still wouldn't unclan all my whores. Even if I decided to take an extended break from the game, I still wouldn't unclan my whores...And I'd even make sure that they avoid deletion. But that's just me...

As far as Ender being away for so long, I'm actually kinda worried about him :P

Fishwick [134]
2017-03-12 15:57:06 🔗
[7 years, 349 days ago]

I guess whores are the selfless kind of energy generator. If you want to be selfish, dumpers and uprapers are the way to go, but much more investment is required obviously. I do miss Bots2 diplomacy, but the free-for-all that we have now makes it fairer for anyone trying to score and sort of tricks people into getting obsessed with it. Would Pothead have done his crazy months without some of the public whores? Probably not. Current system lets noobs form in tiny clans and still see some results, whereas the Bots2 system tempted you to join an existing clan to get the best results. This might make more solid competition for #1, but would probably mean clans like CarryMyOwnWeight and KillThemAll can't exist as easily.

I don't think its right to say players would never leave their clans, quite a few high profile clan switches have happened (Gpof, Pothead, Samulii, Leader2, Ville, etc) that lost much more total energy than any current potential-switches would suffer. You've just gotta tempt people to. I still think we need someone to gather an army and make a proper opponent, like Rene and Myriad did when they wanted to bring Eternal down, and Ville/etc did when they wanted to bring Zion to #1.

Side note - some of the clans that rely heavily on low level scorers will find a lot of their energy disappears in months where everyone goes for it, so they might want to make a backup plan.

Side side note - Zal, I'll give you a rare compliment in that your whore army has been responsible for many many new players being able to show their scoring chops, including me way back.

The Pirate [185]
2017-03-12 16:16:31 🔗
[7 years, 349 days ago]

Well said in the previous 2 posts.

Now here's my opinion on this.

After pretty much being accused of or rather told that I wasn't doing anything to better the available energy situation, especially in the lower levels I created near 100 whores. 20 of them are level 100 whores (Clinton Foundation.)

My concern also is that I get virtually no benefit (and neither does my clan) from the whores that I have created simply because there is no diplomacy system in place. It took me a month to get 20 bots to level 100 so that my newly upgraded level 100 fighters would actually have something to fight. My whores, especially the level 100s get drained before I can touch them. I'm NOT complaining because I no longer care and I accept that other players (especially new players) have nothing to fight so they fight mine. Thats fine and I do the exact same thing.

So what exactly are the benefits that I get personally? I get the satisfaction of having accomplished something and I get to write up one of my stupid clan profiles that I'm probably the only one that thinks are funny. Plus I enjoy creating whores and whore clans. No problem, I just do my own thing and play the game. They are in the public domain and I am NOT going to declan them. If I decide to take time off from the game (which I'm not considering doing now) then in 3 months my whore clans will dissolve and my fantastically funny profiles will be lost forever as well.

Yes, Bots 4 needs to be changed around some but will it? Highly unlikely and personally I don't think it ever will. I'm no longer going to bitch about it because again, I accept it.

It really is too bad that as players of this game that we can't cooperate with one another more. I don't dislike anyone in this game because honestly, I don't know you because you have never (and neither have I) bmailed each other to just chat. Bots 2 seemed to have a better atmosphere as far as meeting new people went. here a lot of guys post do not disturb signs on their bots. Fine with me. (Other than the great guys in my clan) I only know a few other guys in other clans like Wild and Hoyke.

Like Cosby said above, how can people cooperate or form an alliance. You really can't because guys don't want to leave their clan (and why should they,) I don't, the guys in PH don't either. Its too bad that we couldn't provide a war to the clans "going for it" in order to help them out a bit. But like I said above it simply is not going to happen so I accept it and I'm not going to bitch about it or make any more suggestions about how to improve the game.

About ender, I'm concerned about him as well and wonder whats going on. I hope he isn't ill or anything like that. I guess that I'm kind of selfish as well and hope that the game doesn't suddenly end like it did for Bots 2. That was truly a sad ending.

I'm wondering and concerned whether the same thing will happen to The Pirate that happened to Master Blaster in Bots 2. Pirate made level 185, will ender just not pay the server fees and the game just no longer will be there? (That certainly is a concern I think.) Master Blaster made it to level 240 and a while after that I tried logging in and the site was simply gone for ever with no word about what happened. I hope that doesn't happen here but at present with enders 26 (and counting) day absence, it doesn't seem good and thats more important than discussing whores of all things... Cheers....

Gpof2 [130]
2017-03-12 19:37:45 🔗
[7 years, 349 days ago]

Honestly the only main difference between this system and the old scoring/diplomacy system is that you can't make your whores with whore builds, they need a little class now. Standards around the bots red light district have gone up and people prefer to keep the good whores to themselves. At most they'll share them with some good friends, but they'd never have a night out with strangers.

I suppose another argument could be the availability of score/energy, but both systems did have limitations as far as a single person scoring goes. If you have enough decent bots with energy to sustain the amount of fight agains you click, then you're set. The old system would make each whore able to be used by everybody just as much though.

Not trying to argue any points that were brought up since most of it is true, just giving my two cents.

MrZal2 [100]
2017-03-13 12:00:36 🔗
[7 years, 348 days ago]

Well, I see that some of this could be remedied by adopting clan merging/having people keep their energy permanently into the game. Maybe not have as high a penalty as bots2 where you'd lose a good 1/3 of your clan's score but maybe a 5% penalty or something to prevent clan hopping and over merging. I mean, we all like having a cool name for a clan but I'm sure people would rather have people to talk to etc. than keep a temporary clan name.

As for whores, it really depends on respect. In Cosby's case, there's nothing really stopping a person from making 5 bots at that level and taking all his whores energy day in and out. When this happens he'd just have to grin and bear it and hope that person gains some respect for him and let him attack/use his bots. Which is unlikely and why I brought this up. Some form of diplomacy would do the game good. It was essentially just a mechanism so people would learn respect of others property and time investment. I'm not talking about a direct "have 3 whore clans in rotation and only 3 clans can attack them" like bots2 but all systems of it I can think of have problems with them. For example:

Example 1: Infinite energy up to rape limit + base energy given off of ratio + have a maximum clan member limit (20, 100, who cares)

This would give people more to do since they could attack bots up to their rape limits (which is normally more than the energy they have) and having it based off of ratio would mean exp would factor into having more energy gain versus less. Diplomacy would also figure into this and if done correctly a rotation would be ideal for people who want to do lots of scoring and level ranges etc. like bots2. The biggest problems with this are problems with the game currently. Dumpers would have to be eliminated somehow for this to work since people would just use them for 0 xp. Also the 0 damage weapons would throw everything off. So it's a good idea destroyed by things people enjoy a bit too much on this game to use.

Example 2: The only 100% agreeable way of fixing whores + dumpers, PvE. With PvE people would have more to do by attacking bots similar to train bots and have rape limits etc. It would simply be more to do. Buffs would take effect and you wouldn't have to worry about 0 damage weapons or dumpers. So if you used the highest energy buff with base rates the way they are (which would be stupid) and we gave people 1,000 fights a day, a maximum of 48,000 energy could be generated a day very slowly. 1.4 million or so could be generated a month, which would be plenty for people to do if they don't have any whores or anything to fight. We could lower this (I'd suggest it) and add an option for PvE wins under Wins in the top left and have a new HoF "Energy from PvE Wins" + "Top PvE Wins" for it. People might argue that this would make the game too easy but it'd still be much easier to make dumpers or whores to fight due to time taken, so this is more of a way for people who don't have anything to contribute to their clan + reduce the amount of whores and dumpers needed overall.

But ya, I'm just yelling into the void here. Ender has promised these types of things for so long I gave up on these types of ideas due to their complexity. Ender only seems to want to do simple things.