
Forum > Miscellaneous > shields takkin dmg
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pitbull [53]
2011-06-17 12:01:43 🔗
[13 years, 195 days ago]

is this the new norm :) then how about bousus :) str and con wood be sweet

Draoi [159]
2011-06-17 12:04:32 🔗
[13 years, 195 days ago]

yes, maybe, anything would be nice

Ender [57]
2011-06-17 14:50:56 🔗
[13 years, 195 days ago]

Not sure if this is a complaint about shields taking damage, but just in case:

Yeah, if anything, it's a buff for dex bots. If you block 70% of your opponent's attempts, you're going to take 70% less damage to your armor. Factor this in with the already-lower repairs costs for dex bots and you have yourself a much easier time with camping/repairing.

(because a block prevents your armor from taking damage)

Saiyan Z [120]
2011-06-17 20:53:38 🔗
[13 years, 195 days ago]

Ender, just thought I'd comment on this. Armour will take the same amount of damage on average whether you use a shield or not.

The number of times a bots armour gets damaged in a fight depends on how many hits it takes on average. A dex bots armour lasts longer since it will die (or win) after only taking a few hits. A str bot will take more armour damage on average as it is built to take more hits (more defense).

Using a shield doesn't change much. In fact a dex bot could take more armour damage on average when using a shield for a few of reasons:

  1. If its blockchance without a shield is say 20% then it will need 60% blockchance with a shield to "break even". So if it uses a shield that doesn't get the blockchance up enough it will take even more damage on average. Formula for blockchance needed with a shield is X/2 +50% where X is blockchance without a shield.

  2. Since the build with the shield has more defense the build is designed to take smaller but more hits than the same build without a shield. So if both builds have a similar win percentage the bot with the shield will take more damage on average as it takes more hits.

Ender [57]
2011-06-18 17:32:10 🔗
[13 years, 194 days ago]

Hmm valid points and I think I see what you're saying about dex fights generally lasting longer and therefore resulting in more equipment damage.

Saiyan Z [120]
2011-06-18 21:37:20 🔗
[13 years, 194 days ago]

No, dex bots do take less damage to their armour on average compared to str bots because they're built to take fewer but larger hits. I just wanted to point out that shields do not really influence armour damage in a good way and can actually make a dex bot take more damage than if it didn't use a shield.

The way things are is fine. Though the penalty for equiping items that we don't have the stats for is a bit harsh I think after some testing. The 25% maximum chance is too high and armour needs to be replaced real often. As often as 600 or so fights. So maybe a maximum of 15% would be better.

Forum > Miscellaneous > shields takkin dmg
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