
Forum > Miscellaneous > Sustainability (tatanka style)
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Mainor II [171]
2011-11-01 04:54:36 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

How long will we last?

Treasury: 309,478,122 [0 days of tax]

Daily tax: 4,476,186,394,624

Max treasury: 31,333,304,762,368 [7 days tax]

Sera [85]
2011-11-01 05:01:40 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

3 more days since smeagol will help you a bit :P

Draoi [24]
2011-11-01 11:05:26 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

7 days

Off [132]
2011-11-01 11:06:45 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

we should reach 150 members, get over 10 trillion daily treasure and all die together

little neps [93]
2011-11-01 11:08:09 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

Step 1: Have 0 treasury
Step 2: Spend 6 days training up 1 day's worth of tax
Step 3: Tax collected, Countdown to deletion reset
Step 4: Rinse and repeat.

Off [132]
2011-11-01 11:13:43 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

Then the question comes: How we can get 10 trillion kudos per 6 days?
If my maths are right...:
It's 20 million times more than one bot can carry, so if we assume each bot gets 5mill kudos per train and we have 150 members, each bot in the clan should train 22.2k times per day.

Draoi [24]
2011-11-01 11:23:26 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

big numbers hurt my head

neps [239]
2011-11-01 11:33:46 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

What I meant Off, is that the method I described is the most practical way. If you can't manage to train one days worth of tax in a week, then yeah, you're pretty much done for.

Mainor II [171]
2011-11-01 14:38:19 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

i suppose it would take a year or so...

Peservus [37]
2011-11-01 14:51:41 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

Ain't taxes a bitch?

IronFenix [112]
2011-11-01 15:35:47 🔗
[13 years, 66 days ago]

Daily tax: 4,476,186,394,624
Members: 137
Each: 32,672,893,392 Daily

Or if you go for the 6 day thing. Daily tax: 4,476,186,394,624
Members: 137
Each: 5,445,482,232 6 Daily

Mainor II [172]
2011-11-01 17:43:23 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

so basically everyone needs to donate 1,000,000,000 every day. That's 200 times a 5 mill contribution a day. I'm pretty sure only 200+ bots would come close to that :P

Big Blitz [140]
2011-11-01 17:48:02 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

I can safely say even doing 1k+ trains a day I wouldn't have come close to that amount even at 140 as a Str bot ;)

gr33n [70]
2011-11-01 18:20:49 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Death & Taxes, the only certainties in life.

Made2shred [113]
2011-11-02 02:55:59 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

yeah, taxes are a bitch

Mainor II [172]
2011-11-02 04:15:30 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

00:00:01 [4 hours ago] - Insufficient funds in treasury for daily clan tax of 3,872,424,722,432 kudos. Your clan will be deleted in 6 days if you do not pay up!

k3k3k3k3 xD

neps [240]
2011-11-02 04:18:32 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

She liiiiives!

Smeagol [272]
2011-11-02 05:23:48 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... BAAAZINGA

Mainor II [172]
2011-11-03 03:18:40 🔗
[13 years, 64 days ago]

00:00:01 [3 hours ago] - Insufficient funds in treasury for daily clan tax of 4,471,715,266,560 kudos. Your clan will be deleted in 5 days if you do not pay up!

Forum > Miscellaneous > Sustainability (tatanka style)
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