
Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-10 04:55:14 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

so the FA told england they could not wear poppies on there football shirts for this weekend game which i find disgraceful

but what makes this more interesting is that the EDL (English Defence League) took protest on the FA's rooftop in Zurich and all of a sudden they FA have changed there mind about it but yet everyone is saying its because of David Cameron sending a letter which as we all know is bullshit if the EDL did not take protest nothing would of happened i am not saying that David Cameron had no help in this but what i am saying is that EDL was the main reason they even desided to change this rule

for those who dont know about the EDL (England Defence League)it all started when islams in the UK took the streets of wooten bassett to burn poppies and shout english soldiers are rapists and saying they should burn in hell as lost soldiers from iraq/afghanistan came back to the uk in there coffins also the EDL is a group of 10,000+ people which many of them in numbers of 3000 protest monthly in the UK against the wearing of the burkha and shariah law and also in other countrys such as holland to show there support to Geert Wilder as he was in court for his mohammed pictures which islams for some stupid reason took offence too. they dont like seeing pictures of there god as apparently its an insult to islam but many of them are all for suicide bombings, burning of the poppy, ripping up bibles and more

who else here is happpy of this decision of england football team wearing a poppy?

neps [247]
2011-11-10 04:58:46 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

I did not understand much of your post. I'll wait for other people to reply, maybe through their replies more will become clear to me.

Jans [85]
2011-11-10 05:25:46 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

@neps; none of it matters

iChampion [115]
2011-11-10 05:47:27 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

I dont think FIFA should allow ANY nation to parade political, racial or nationalism stuff.

Mithrandon [136]
2011-11-10 08:54:52 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

agree ... no sport should be about anything other than the sport itself

Nosferatu [1]
2011-11-10 09:31:15 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

I agree, no sports team should wear anything affiliated with ones nation's affiliation based on political, religious, or anything else solely dedicated to that particular nation, unless the sport is only played within a particular nation. Though I'm fairly sure there isn't any sport that isn't played across nations.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-10 10:39:12 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

I want tl;dr version

neps [248]
2011-11-10 12:18:52 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]
Though I'm fairly sure there isn't any sport that isn't played across nations.

There are probably a few. I tried to find some and found this list. Many are stuff you'd hardly call a "sport" though.

dragonrose [81]
Head Moderator
2011-11-10 13:10:03 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

although I do not agree with one word of the racist claptrap SJ posted, yes I do agree that the English football team should be able to wear poppies.

Champ poppies are not nationalistic or political. They commemorate those that have fought in wars. Whether you agree in a war is kind of irrelevant I think it is respectful to once a year give a nod of thanks to those that have given of themselves to protect our freedoms.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-10 13:13:12 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

The NFL(National Football League) is only played in the States.

Rallos Zek [116]
2011-11-10 13:37:24 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

Not technically, there was a game in Canada and England this year.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-10 13:45:35 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

Hmm, I suppose the NFL does 1-2 games a year internationally

Spam [115]
2011-11-10 15:28:22 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

National Football League. Not National Football Sport.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-11-10 17:09:10 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

Champ poppies are not nationalistic or political. They commemorate those that have fought in wars. Whether you agree in a war is kind of irrelevant I think it is respectful to once a year give a nod of thanks to those that have given of themselves to protect our freedoms.

I agree with this. Regardless if you agree with the war (even the one currently going on in Afghanistan), I think you should always respect the people who fight for your country's freedoms, and if that's what poppies represent then they should be allowed to wear them.

Jans [85]
2011-11-10 18:07:33 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]

"They fight for our freedom". Such a cliche, it makes me sick.

The US military has over 700 (!) military bases outside the USA. Fuck if i will "support" that.

I guess i'm singling out America, but hey, they spend more on military than Russia, China, UK, Germany, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Brasil and India combined.

Angry american comments in 3..2..1..

neps [248]
2011-11-10 20:06:13 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 110 days ago]
The US military has over 700 (!) military bases outside the USA. Fuck if i will "support" that.

We don't need them to fight for our freedom, after 300 years of colonial rule by random powers, it was too obvious that they weren't actually the "good guys." All that Manifest Destiny bullshit used to justify occupying other countries to further their goals, and although the term is no longer used today, the same excuse ("it is our responsibility to "help" and "defend" those who cannot help/defend themselves") is still used as a context for what is basically the US invading other countries for ulterior motives.

I'm just glad people saw through it and our Senate finally screwed the Visiting Forces Agreement, and they finally got the fuck out in. Their exit back in 1992 marked the first time since the 16th century that there were no foreign troops on Philippine soil.

neps [248]
2011-11-11 01:19:28 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

By the way, I in no way hate Americans. I know how to distinguish between a government and its people.

Rallos Zek [116]
2011-11-11 01:34:26 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

*Rallos Zek feels hated by neps! :P

dragonrose [81]
Head Moderator
2011-11-11 03:17:58 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

again Jans poppies are nothing about politics. they are just a way of remembering those that have fought & died in wars (any wars).

surely you mainland europeans also commemorate armistice day today (11/11), we just go a step further by wearing poppies.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-11 04:29:58 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]
The US military has over 700 (!) military bases outside the USA.

I'm curious where you found this number and what this source consider's a base.

Fuck if i will "support" that.

You won't support that....right up until you need it. Then you will support the hell out of it.

Angry american comments in 3..2..1..

I'm not sure if these count. I'm proud of my military and you only have your parents/grandparents for being fucksticks and starting world wars so we would feel inclined to put a base in your country.(and for you to allow(or be unable to stop us))

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 06:48:42 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

lesley i would like to see where you see me being racist? so please show me this

neps [248]
2011-11-11 06:50:55 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Probably the part where you made those ignorant generalizations about Islam.

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 07:47:50 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

how was it racism when i only said what as happened and that i find it rediculous that they found pictures of mohammed offencive? Next plz retard

Mithrandon [136]
2011-11-11 09:00:15 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

he's right .. he's not a racist, just ignorant ... like the Islamist's

neps [248]
2011-11-11 09:49:41 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Like I said..

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 09:53:51 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

so because i said many not all people who follow the cult not religion known as islam suicide bomb burn poppies and burn the bible shout abuse at dead soldiers returning from war (which they did do) makes me ignorant? how is that?

neps [248]
2011-11-11 09:57:40 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]


gr33n [72]
2011-11-11 10:38:41 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

So this is about soccer being an act of terrorism? Agreed.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-11 11:17:38 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

I would say he hasn't crossed the racism line yet but he is being very stereotypical which can be almost as offensive.

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 11:30:19 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

not really i wasnt stereotypical at all i just said what many have done in the uk also i said MANY OF THEM i did not say all so not very stereotypical is it???

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 11:33:53 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

this message is for lesley i would read Draoi's post so where is this racism you see lesley? please share with me where i have been racist in this thread

dragonrose [81]
Head Moderator
2011-11-11 13:01:30 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

for those who dont know about the EDL (England Defence League)it all started when islams in the UK took the streets of wooten bassett to burn poppies and shout english soldiers are rapists and saying they should burn in hell as lost soldiers from iraq/afghanistan came back to the uk in there coffins also the EDL is a group of 10,000+ people which many of them in numbers of 3000 protest monthly in the UK against the wearing of the burkha and shariah law and also in other countrys such as holland to show there support to Geert Wilder as he was in court for his mohammed pictures which islams for some stupid reason took offence too. they dont like seeing pictures of there god as apparently its an insult to islam but many of them are all for suicide bombings, burning of the poppy, ripping up bibles and more

i assume that anyone belonging to a political movement called the english defence league is racist. furthermore SJ I am assuming that you consider ALL muslims to be of arab/asian descent. So you are hiding you racist beliefs behind wild generalisations. MANY muslims are not for suicide bombings. MANY muslins do not support burning poppies. MANY muslims do not support the burning of bibles.

It does half amuse me though that you take offense at a small minority desecrating christian belief system by burning the bible & yet when a christian does the same against muslims(Geert Wilder picturing mohamed) you call that stupid.

a little tolerance, understanding & willingness to accept other peoples differences/beliefs on both sides is what is required.

NB if my assumptions about your rascist tendancies are incorrect I apologise. but you are, as pointed out by another poster, still ignorant

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 13:25:05 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

i dont need to hide fuck all if i was racist i would say it i cannot be racist as i have a 3 yr old cousin thats black 1 of my best friends is a pakistani also known as a paki

also this friend i am talking about is also a follower of the edl

and yet isnt the EDL a racial movement you say?? i dont think so

he travels to 90% of the protests and he as said he as never recieved no hate

also 1 of the leaders of the EDL is indian yet never had nobody saying racist shit to him that is in the edl this EDL you say is a racist movement

also just to top it off as you say not all islams are suicide bombers which i have also said but doesnt this go the same way for the EDL, not all EDL are racist

and i do not take offence to nothing at all do what ever they want but if they cant take the shit dont give it out

and this topic was all about how the the papers bullshitted about how Cameron got the FA to change there rules about wearing poppies

and i am not english but i am happy that this rule as been changed as its bullshit that they couldnt wear them but the english should be happy that the EDL as helped to get this bullshit rule changed

Crab Whistler [55]
2011-11-11 13:29:51 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Looks at Satanus Inaximasus flag

Now Iยดm intrigued.

dragonrose [82]
Head Moderator
2011-11-11 13:32:06 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Now let me think if I had a polite letter from an elected prime minister & a visible protest from a far right organisation that incites hatred who would i take note of ...

easy answer! i would ignore the haters & listen to the voice of reason.

so no i do not think that the edl had a jot to do with why the decision was changed.

Draoi [65]
2011-11-11 13:38:05 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Having friends of different races, religions and groups does not automatically exclude you from the possibility of being stereotypical.

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 13:42:14 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

but where was i stereotypical dick head?

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 13:43:29 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

crab i put the brittish flag cause i live in england but im actually ukrainian

Draoi [66]
2011-11-11 13:51:52 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]
so because i said many not all people who follow the cult not religion known as islam suicide bomb burn poppies and burn the bible shout abuse at dead soldiers returning from war (which they did do) makes me ignorant? how is that?

You were in there a few times.

Satanus Inaximasus [149]
2011-11-11 14:03:27 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

but i said MANY which is true so how is that being stereotypical?

Draoi [66]
2011-11-11 14:14:18 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Because the majority of Muslims are not suicide bombers and bible burners? You do realize that 23% of the global population are Muslims, right?

Draoi [66]
2011-11-11 14:16:14 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

Muslim Population by Country

If you are curious.

Satanus Inaximasus [150]
2011-11-11 14:30:14 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

yes but when you say many it isnt an exact amount is it retard

but i give up with thisw now this is the last post i make on this thread

Rallos Zek [116]
2011-11-11 14:32:13 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

well in this case, a number of people will take the usage of the word many as reference to the majority of the people of the religion.

Draoi [66]
2011-11-11 15:16:19 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

The word 'many' refers to a large number, however the group you seems to be depicting is in fact the small, radical minority of worshipers that make up the Muslim population.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-11-11 21:02:29 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 109 days ago]

You people make me laugh! And yes, by "you people", I mean black.

Crab Whistler [55]
2011-11-12 03:57:45 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 108 days ago]

crab i put the brittish flag cause i live in england but im actually ukrainian

Like FTP then, except not Canadian.

CwG [75]
2011-11-12 04:48:38 ๐Ÿ”—
[13 years, 108 days ago]

i love being ignorant ;)