
Forum > Miscellaneous > Religion
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Inferno [105]
2011-12-26 02:23:11 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

So.. I wanna hear some of your views on religion and your beliefs.

Personally, i don't really believe in any religion, nor do I try to get involved with it at all. I'm not fussed with anyone elses religious beliefs, like I wouldn't disagree with their beliefs or anything. However, I dislike the people who try and shove their religion down other peoples throats.

Your thoughts?

neps [288]
2011-12-26 04:23:18 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

I believe that things like this are beyond human understanding, and that anyone who claims to know anything about it thinks himself smarter than he actually is. Atheist and zealots alike.

iChampion [194]
2011-12-26 04:26:21 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Religion threads really don't belong on the bots forum is my opinion.

Inferno [105]
2011-12-26 04:43:07 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Oh come on, its good to hear other peoples opinions :)

dragonrose [43]
Head Moderator
2011-12-26 04:59:52 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

I'm not going to comment on what people do or not believe in, as I can not explain the wonders of life; so who am I to judge what others believe.

But I will say that I think organised religion is a tool to keep the masses under control & keep those that run it rich.

If the populous is uneducated the church uses fear. "you'll rot in the fiery depths of hell for all eternity unless you pay us".

If they are semi educated they use guilt. "repent your sins (& pay a fee) or you'll rot in the fiery depths of hell for all eternity"

If they are rich then the church will simply charge a fee in order to attain the next level of "enlightenment".

That's not to mention the holy wars waged in whatever gods name usually to the benefit of just a few.

Belief in a deity is ok, but blindly following power hungry, controlling, manipulative men is intolerable.

Draoi [82]
2011-12-26 05:03:02 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]
Belief in a deity is ok, but blindly following power hungry, controlling, manipulative men is intolerable.

It's okay to blindly follow power hungry, controlling, manipulative women though?

Jans [86]
2011-12-26 05:50:25 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Eh, how many churches are run by women?

Church of England is the only one i know that even allows female vicars. Most others go out of their way to surpress women's rights.

And when 'celibacy' is involved, things really get fucked up. In Holland an investigation has just been released regarding child abuse in the catholic church. 800 priests, pastors, or whatever they're fucking called, have been named. 20,000 victims. And it was widely known throughout the organisation, for decades.

Conveniently, only cases from the 40's to 70's were documented in the investigation. All expired. So yeah, nothing really happens. "We're really sorry".

neps [288]
2011-12-26 06:56:58 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

Gotta love the good ole' RCC!

iChampion [194]
2011-12-26 07:03:35 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

There are other religions and belief systems you know.

Alan [58]
2011-12-26 10:10:22 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

I used to go to church until I was about 8. Christian church that is. Then, my second sister came along and it was to much of a hassle to go. My dad became busy with work, the church was on the other side of town, etc.

I tried to get back into the whole church thing about a year ago. The stories are powerful, they really are. How they got "saved" and what not, but for me, it just doesn't seem right. To wait for god to give you ideas/beliefs on what to do next. That can ruin people's lives. You only live once and if you use it by waiting on someones/somethings "ideas", you are screwing yourself over.

I'd love to believe in Heaven. My grandpa, who was like a best friend to me, passed away 2 years ago OCT 8. My grandma passed in 06'. I still have one grandma left that I love to see when ever I can because you just never know when they are gone. I can't rely on Heaven because no one truly knows if it is real or not. If it is? Everyone would be Christian and there would be proof all over the news.Until that time, I'll be hoping my grandpa/grandma give me a "sign" of some sort to show they are still around.

I'm entirely to "Big Bang" oriented, so this whole All of a sudden Earth and Heaven were built the first day doesn't compute. The next day he made the sea. Where did god come from? He can't just appear. It's impossible. Humans have evolved from monkeys, like it or not. Quantum leap, where humans began to get exponentially smarter over a few hundred years. The world we live in now, doesn't need religion per say, but people still rely on it because no one likes dying. That's all it is. Yes, I'm scared of dying because to me, your life is just over. Gone. Done. No more.


neps [289]
2011-12-26 10:35:39 🔗
[13 years, 65 days ago]

I like to think of what comes after this as a great and exciting mystery where it is impossible to be disappointed. If there is nothing after this life, you won't be conscious, so no disappointment there, but if there is, well, no one knows for sure what it is, so it's bound to be a surprise.

Satanus Inaximasus [164]
2011-12-26 19:00:12 🔗
[13 years, 64 days ago]


i believe it is all bullshit tbh

first of all

christianity :- its fucking bollox complete utter twats and i can say all this shit and i will still be forgiven thats what makes this religion more bullshit

the religion many do not dare to speak of ISLAM another bullshit religion the so called religion of peace and yet MANY of the so called Hardcore believers of this CULT say kufr should be stoned to death kufr = none believers also lets not forget in this religion a man of 21 can marry a child as young as 3 which is also sickening disgusting

oh yes and lets not forget about the islamic law known better to us as shariah law where men are men and women are cattle yes if a women in a islamic country is raped they get stoned to death for having sex before marriage

there is plenty more religions out there that is complete bullshit also such as the famous jehovahs where they denie there children from blood transfusions and allow them to die catholic well known for allowing the priests play with children mormans they dont only knock on your door to speak to you they break into your house just to try get you convert lol

anyway il stop at this my point is its all bullshit if there is a god there is only ONE so all these religions should believe in the same thing whether it is none believers should be stoned or where women are treated as cattle children denied of blood transfusions

Mithrandon [143]
2011-12-27 12:23:36 🔗
[13 years, 63 days ago]

the only thing i really believe in is the flow of energy, kinda like a big river, like it's described in 'The Silmarillion' by Tolkien. Then our universe would be comparable to a little whirlpool or something like that.

Life and death basically don't matter since we are all in a temporary state of matter or non-energy and sooner or later the universe will collapse and return to pure energy.

Llyud [24]
2011-12-28 07:05:10 🔗
[13 years, 63 days ago]

I used to be a Christian... a very hardcore Christian. And then one day, I took a look around me, threw the wool off of my eyes, and realized that none of it made sense... to me, anyway. If there was a God, how could anyone claim to know what he or she was thinking or wanted them to do?

Anyway, the point is, I'm Agnostic, and what you believe doesn't really matter to me. I just... don't think about things I'll never know the certain answer to. I don't care where I came from, or where I'm going to go when I die. I'll find out when I get there. And if it's too late, oh well.

Jans [86]
2011-12-28 09:49:49 🔗
[13 years, 63 days ago]
I don't care where I came from, or where I'm going to go when I die. I'll find out when I get there.

My point of view too. I don't know and i don't really care. Live your life, do what you want to do, try not to hurt anyone.

Jans [86]
2011-12-28 10:16:57 🔗
[13 years, 63 days ago]


Big lol ^_^

Llyud [30]
2011-12-28 18:46:14 🔗
[13 years, 62 days ago]

While that is pretty funny, I don't think it's right to stereotype an entire group of people, especially such a large one, based on the actions of a few extremists.

Jans [86]
2011-12-28 22:59:40 🔗
[13 years, 62 days ago]

i did? didn't mean to. Just thought it was funny.

iAlan [32]
2011-12-28 23:00:32 🔗
[13 years, 62 days ago]

I thought it was funny. It was on the news a few hours ago :D

Satanus Inaximasus [207]
2012-04-06 06:49:28 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

this is probably not a good subject in all honesty but il join in :)

well where to begin?

christianity - the religion that prays on the innocent and also fears all its a bullshit religion as no matter what you do you will always be forgiven yeah fucking right

and then theres the infamous ISLAM the religion which is no religion its a CULT a CULT from the olden days where men are men and women are cattle where women are treated like shit if they are raped they get stoned for having sex out of wedlock the religion that says kufr should be stoned (kufr = none believers) also they say the burqa is part of there religion which is also bullshit

il finish there as i have alot to say about islam and people will cry and say its racism even though its not its just the truth

Jans [87]
2012-04-06 07:51:58 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

You just had to pick Good Friday to ressurect this thread, didn't you?

neps [336]
2012-04-06 08:28:40 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

You should've waited till Easter to do any resurrecting, if you asked me.

Nosferatu [1]
2012-04-06 09:20:24 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

But he had to make sure it was dead 3 days before first neps. ;)

Forum > Miscellaneous > Religion
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