just a quick congrats to iChampion for getting into the top 10 HoF for level
Thank you! Congrats to Myriad and Eucliwood for securing it on the final day of December, there was only a few billion in it and it was a more exciting (believe it or not) race then any energy race I've been in! |
Head Moderator |
because it's totally down to you :) but to be fair there has been no really close energy races as of yet. Plus you being from blue, that had a single clan dominating, you would've not have experienced it there either :P |
Grats! |
Head Moderator |
PS I still think the top 10 levels should get a plat. |
Nah, plats are special. Highest of anything should get top honor. Otherwise, I'll just sit around 5-10 in top level or something to get a plat. |
Head Moderator |
you can't just "sit around", you have to keep training to keep that position. Much like monthly energy plats you can't gain 100k get top 10 & just sit there. my issue with just 1 plat for level is that it restricts the competition. the no1 hof receives a monthly advantage & can continue to consolidate their lead using their trophy points.(assuming no stars are bought of course.) |
So, you want to make it easier to level fast, get more energy, and wins for everyone? If anyone wants to get that top spot/platinum trophy, then you must work just like the first person did. |
Head Moderator |
you kidding me? compared to bots 2 leveling is piss easy. but you completely miss my point alan. those extra trophy points give the number 1 bot a huge advantage. all i want is that advantage extended to the top 10 bots to even the playing field a little & encourage the leveling competition. |
understand the trophy points gained for buffs. I don't want to argue. It's whatever, Ed will do the right thing. |
my issue with just 1 plat for level is that it restricts the competition. the no1 hof receives a monthly advantage & can continue to consolidate their lead using their trophy points.(assuming no stars are bought of course.) Not to mention the current #1 doesn't really need the points, considering he got over 16k points from All-Star. Share me some points Smeagol. :D |
Everyone can buy stars. |
I can't buy that many though. Stars help the game run, but, 90 stars, in my currency, that would pretty much equal the hospital bill for a C-section. I think I'll stick to my low level buffs. Some can afford that many stars, and they help the game. People like me, we give when we can, and be grateful. Not complaining though. Whatever, I'll just train more. Extra 500 unbuffed trains a day after your 1k with 200% and you'll be at the same place as the guy who did 1k with 250%. Actually it does sound like a lot, but whatever. |
Just sayin, I can't buy stars. I got college to pay for hehe. I do understand where you guys are coming from, but at the same time it is what it is. |
So much fuss over nothing. |
And besides, time/effort and build still are the most important factors. You could spend a fortune on buffs and get nowhere with a shit build. |
And I do think top 10 should get plat for level. It took me 50 days to get to 11th place, I'll have to wait another 31 days to have another chance. Top energy month takes one month and it really isn't that hard. Either even them out like 1 plat, 9 gold or 10 plats each, since the effort does not even with the award. |
Ender has said he wants the game to be more about clans than leveling. |
Good thing I'm in a levelling clan then! |
:P |
If we start down this road, people will get platinum's for top 10 total energy, top 10 wins along with your proposed top 10 level. Personally, I like it the way it is because it gives the freedom to reset your bot. Otherwise I would never reset and just make tons of dumpers/whores. |
Top 10 level is arguably the hardest top 10 to get, so if there was any top 10 trophy that was upgraded to platinum it should be that one. Top 10 wins can be comfortably achieved in one month, as can top 10 clan and any of the top 10 stats. Top 10 total energy is a bit harder, but energy scorers get enough plats as it is with the monthly energy trophies. |
iAlan [117] |
If you can get 356k wins in a month comfortably, then you should be the top of every category in the game. |
currently just takes 70k wins to break into the top 10 |
You need about 70k wins to get the Top 10. 356k would be for first place :p |
Top 10 level is arguably the hardest top 10 to get You said it yourself, I would argue it isn't that hard. Champion got it in 2 months. Just like I got top 10 energy in 1 month and wins in 2 months Top 10 wins can be comfortably achieved in one month lol ok, 70k wins in a month cannot be comfortably achieved. Even back in the bots2 days 140k cs in a month was good. Top 10 total energy is a bit harder, but energy scorers get enough plats as it is with the monthly energy trophies. Top 10 energy is the easiest, just get 15 dumpers and dump every day and you'll have it. tl;dr monthly energy scoring is much more volatile than leveling but right now leveling has the edge that there is no limit(besides buffs) on the time you can spend a day playing. |
In case you didn't read the second post of the thread, Champion placed 11th last month, and that was with 8+ hrs a day minimum using the tier 2 and tier 3 buffs and freaked gear. Top 10 level is much harder to get than any other top 10 in the game. Fair enough it's not 'comfortable' to get 70k wins in a month, but it is actually possible unlike getting to level 200+ in a month. With speed buffs and loss whores, I would argue it isn't nearly as difficult as 140k cs was back in bots2. just get 15 dumpers and dump every day and you'll have it. Because that takes no time at all right? |
I'm with the idea for the Top 10 level bots getting plats, but that and Top 10 Energy Month should be the only ones to do so. Unless some can prove that this isn't right, and achieve the Top 10 for levels by the end of the month, my point stands :) |
I think that the fact that leveling is so dependent on donating should be the main reason the top 10 shouldn't be rewarded platinum's. |
How is that a reason not to award plats to the Top 10? |
top trophy points isn't awarded a platinum at the end of every month but that is still part of the hall of champions. |
I guess so. Still, You can get top trophy points purely from donating, while getting top 10 level actually takes a lot of time and effort. |
top 10 monthly energy is the only top 10 that gets plats and i thought that was to promote a more competitive monthly race |
Well Champion said that trying to secure top 10 level was also exciting and competitive. I think maybe it's a way for more competitiveness for the game, which would be ideal imo |
maybe if levels reset each month like monthly energy |
Haha :p |
maybe if levels reset each month like monthly energy :O BLASPHEMY! |
iAlan [117] |
Yeah, that would be stupid. |
The Ganner [51] |
It's funny because that suggestion has in fact been made in the past (By dragonrose from memory), i.e. to have a separate server in which bots would be reset at the end of every month. There are a lot of pros and cons to this idea and it would obviously need some tweaking but as a concept I find it rather appealing. |
And certain runewords can only be created while on a ladder bot. :D |
Saiyan Z [140] |
The only issue with platinums for Top 10 level is that it will not be possible to make a bot and catch up easily unless you put in lots and lots of extra time. If you play 4 hours a day and the people in the top 10 also play 4 hours a day, you will never catch up. With the monthly energy race, if you play 4 hours a day and the top 10 scorers also play 4 hours a day, then you've got an even shot at the platinum. |
Head Moderator |
the alternative to a plat each for the top 10 in lvl is no plats at all for lvl. that removes the month on month advantage that the no1 gets. |
Could implement a trophy higher than platinum for those achievements that are that little bit harder than a platinum. I agree that #1 should deserve something above all else, but there's inconsistencies with others. For example, level 200 is a plat, level 500 is a plat. It just doesn't quite look right. |
Super Platinum? :p |
the top 10 monthly plats are there to try and encourage a lively monthly clan race. |
iAlan [128] |
Champion trophy? |
how the fuck blue had one clan dominating? i seem to remember quite a few good aoc vs aol fights |
I think Champion achieving a Champion Trophy would be amusing, :p |
I thought that too :P |
Also, wouldn't the next value be Diamond? |