If you haven't heard it, Megaupload has been terminated, and Filesonic and Fileserve are deleting loads of files. There goes my downloads :/
Ilithrial [137] |
Depositfiles and stuff is still up though. Hopefully they don't go about destroying all our file sharing sites, there's too much precious movies and television and music stored! Also related new stories: http://www.zdnet.com/news/megauploads-kim-dotcom-in-jail-awaiting-bail/6340451 http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9223620/FileSonicdisablesfilesharingafterMegaUploadarrests |
I ownder how much this will negatively affect the idea of storing things in 'the cloud'. I've never been for it at all too many faults on the company's and your end. |
I've been using Mediafire ever since Megaupload was taken down. |
Megaupload, to be fair was slightly breaking US law(For better or for worse, I personally dislike many aspects of DMA, at least from the indictment I read. I haven't read any indictments against Fileserve or Filesonic. |
Ya, I found that hilarious. The law that would have allowed the Feds to do what they did (as far as I understand it) was stopped. Then the Feds just go ahead and do it anyways. Although I'm sure they're using some other law to go about the process which isn't a problem. It just has the potential to create even more resistance against SOPA and the like. Especially since people don't always use those sites to store pirated stuff but other real life use things as well. With today storage media sizses though, why bother with trying to keep your data in the internet, you can just keep it at home which only police search and seizure would be able to take it from you. Or HD crash/ leave it unpugged for such a long time that it can't access the data anymore.. that was frustrating. |
anyone else asking why they where targeted? |
Large well known site with a US citizen as leader? Easier taken down since he's a US citizen, don't have to fiddle with foreign law except to bring him back to the US. |