
Forum > Miscellaneous > meh
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Rith [75]
2012-03-20 19:28:37 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

bit fucked up how all the sudden i drop to 9th after the new changes when a 197 crazilly has 2k+ energy gain with out fighting .-. bit shity its that high. sigh

Draoi [51]
2012-03-20 19:35:50 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Would be nice if ed changed the formula before all the idlers were assured top10 plats.

Rith [75]
2012-03-20 19:36:53 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

i know right? bit shity.

Rith [75]
2012-03-20 19:38:45 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

in few days Myriad possiblywwillall sudden be in top10 as well.

Draoi [51]
2012-03-20 19:44:56 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]


His eph/hour should slowly go down when his offset isn't so much. But still, he will be competing for first.

Number Two [65]
2012-03-20 20:01:22 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

he can still dump, cant he? with buffs...

neps [332]
2012-03-20 21:59:35 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]
His eph/hour should slowly go down when his offset isn't so much.

Not sure that will happen. Look at me. Zero attacks. My offset has risen to (x1.25) since the update. Somehow, the increased EPH is increasing my energy offset ratio, not sure if intended or unintended. Basically, I haven't scored all month, but I'm (x1.25). So if anything, high EPHs will only spiral out of control I guess.

SaiyanZ [130]
2012-03-21 04:36:23 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I haven't scored for over 2 weeks but my EPH keeps increasing. Even before the formula was changed. It was about 800EPH when the change was made 3 days ago...now over 1000EPH. No scoring.

Number Two [65]
2012-03-21 05:25:31 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

so you can safely idle and get top 10 energy, while i lose ability to steal energy from sucky bots that have it.

not the best of decisions...this energy mid month tweak. Ender, it might be good to just chillax and make a good discussion about it. Because the way this is headed, we have no other option but to start training and level the fuck up.

training bots shouldnt win in fighter bots field. And they especially shouldnt win it by default, idling! Myriad stands to gain over million energy, just by idling.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 05:30:20 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Lol, he'll probably have about 16k EPH by the time the month ends, unless Ender fixes it. He'll probably fix it though, like he fixed the xE just in time to prevent the hundreds of level 20s raping the HoF. This is more explosive though, and time is running out. If he doesn't fix it, well, lol.

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 07:00:01 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I wouldn't say this is more 'explosive' than the initial ability of level 20 bots to generate 60 EPH. The worst that could happen if Ender doesn't intervene is that a couple of bots get some essentially free plats - as opposed to several bots scoring well in excess of 1mill energy and significantly affecting the overall energy standings.

Some bots benefitted from easy energy dumping early in the month; some have only done like 1k fights on dumpers and are in the top 10. I wouldn't say those bots are much more deserving of top 10 plats than high level/high ratio 'idlers'.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 07:02:27 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Easy for you to say, you have 3.2k EPH atm. :P

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 07:08:10 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

How is that relevant to what I just said? Unless you're just throwing it out there so Ender is more likely to see it, lol

neps [332]
2012-03-21 07:14:04 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I said it's easy for you to say, because you have 3.2k EPH. I took "this system benefits you" and "it's easy for you to say this system is good." and put them in one sentence. How is that irrelevant? :/

neps [332]
2012-03-21 07:17:21 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Anyway, the point is, a bug is a bug. It's simple math, in the absence of scoring/attacks, (total energy gained)/(energy regen'd.) should be 1.00 If it's not, something's broken and should be fixed.

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 07:17:58 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Perhaps it is easy for me to say, but would you argue that bots who spent like 1-2 hours securing a top 10 spot deserve their spots much more than bots who have taken time to get heaps of levels/wins? Counter my arguments, don't just assume they're biased and therefore irrelevant.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 07:25:04 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Yep. That is the direction Ender has said he wants for this game, where new players have a chance to compete.

And you're missing the point. It doesn't matter how "deserving" you think you are, x divided by x still equals 1. That fact that you put hard work into your bot can't simply redefine division.

It's your argument that is irrelevant, it seems. Lol.

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 07:36:04 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]
and LOL, Myriad has 1226. That's more than 800k energy per month, just idling. :D

Seems to me you were pretty keen on complaining that high level bots were getting too much EPH before you noted the bug. I can only assume that's due to the fact you think idling high ratio/level bots don't deserve to get that much energy.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 07:44:40 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

You're right, I don't. I explicitly stated that in the line of my last post.

And lol, does ":D" translate to "FUCK THIS SHIT" for you? You're quoting me out of context from another thread, try including the whole post.

Must say though, this new system looks much better, much more stable. Let me be the first to say, thanks for the update Ender.

Also, awesome on the level based EPH. I have 753 EPH, and LOL, Myriad has 1226. That's more than 800k energy per month, just idling. :D

Talk about quoting out of context. If you read the whole post you chopped that from, you'll realize that at the time I actually liked the system. I liked the new system, and I still do, I just think that bugs should be fixed. Do you not agree?

Seriously, I don't know what your point is. You're one of the people on this forum that usually always makes sense when they post, but right now you're not making any.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 08:00:45 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

By the way, I hate people quoting me out of context, be it because they're trying to twist what I said, or because they were plain unable to comprehend anything more than a few bits and pieces.

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 08:03:22 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

That's strange, first you said:

Yep. That is the direction Ender has said he wants for this game, where new players have a chance to compete.

Then you said that you are happy with the current system minus the bug. When one player is generating 1.2k EPH and a new player is generating about 20, it doesn't seem possible that a new player could compete, yet you're happy with that?

In any case, ofc I wouldn't argue against fixing a bug.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 08:07:38 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Of course I was happy, it was unfairly biased in my favour. Lol. I don't see what's so hard to understand about this. :/

Rith [76]
2012-03-21 08:15:13 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

crazyness. Either way, poeople that score and actually do shit to get into the ranks are the ones that deserve it. levels around 200 barely have any targets which is that the lower lvls fault? No. So why should our hard work be surpassed because a higher level gets more energy for not even scoring?

If you go that high in level u chose a training bot not a scoring bot. So yea.

Alan [80]
2012-03-21 08:15:37 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Myraid, what do you plan to do with all your energy?

If it just sits, you shouldn't get a plat for getting 800k energy. This EPH cap needs to happen. I say EPH shouldn't be much more than 500. Like a log formula.

Let's say at 150, it starts to decrease the effect of level?

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 08:15:57 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

In that case I have no idea why we're arguing ;) We're talking about two different things.

Myriad [294]
2012-03-21 08:17:48 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

What everyone else does with energy I guess, keep it...

BFal [167]
2012-03-21 08:19:48 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I think Myriad should be getting all the energy he is getting atm... saying the opposite is like saying old people don't deserve food because the young ones outta get it easier!... He won a gazillion fights in the past - his bot deserves to gain good energy. Maybe a tad bit less, but still...

If Ender is planning a really cool way for lvling bots to get energy, than DO nerf this formula, but until then - lvl+ratio > all!

Alan [80]
2012-03-21 08:22:59 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

No no no.

You don't "deserve" it anymore than anyone of you don't actually score. This is like the damn jans index everyone didn't like. It catered to old players right? Myriad is technically an "old" player to what you guys are saying. So, he is destroying the new players with his massive EPH.

You want to help new players right Myriad yet, you want 800k energy for free?

BFal [167]
2012-03-21 08:24:56 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

WHAT exactly is myriad's high EPH destroying? a guy's chance for top10 in the monthly throphies? like ANY new guy can compete for that...

He is simply getting much energy on an extremely high lvl bot which is not likely to EVER lose it... how is that any other bot's problem?

Esvrainzas [125]
2012-03-21 08:25:15 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Its true Myriad worked hard in the past to get all those wins and reach his level. But we are talking about a monthly competition. So, the winners should be the most active ones in that month. If not, we will always end with the same winners every month...

BFal [167]
2012-03-21 08:26:56 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

So you're saying... if one gets a good enough lead in a race to be accelerating faster than the ones trying to catch up the system should be changed so the weaker ones would stand a significant chance?

Made2shred [71]
2012-03-21 08:27:55 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I agree with bfal here, myriad has built up a dominant bot. he deserves all that he is getting. well, maybe not all of it. more than 1,000 is a bit extreme, especially because that adds up to 720,000 idle energy on a 30 day month.

Alan [80]
2012-03-21 08:30:27 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

A race doesn't last for years does it?

WE have a monthly race. Yes, the most badass racers do win. Yet, a top racer can't win if he doesn't turn on his engine does it?

Rith [76]
2012-03-21 08:30:59 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

well looks like the people that actually try in a month get trumped cause people feel that because of pastthings the person they did they deserver idle energy due to being a training bot instead of a actual scorer bot.

Made2shred [71]
2012-03-21 08:35:45 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

look, the higher level you are the less targets you are going to have. to compensate for this your level now has a reasonably large impact on your energy per hour, I think ender has done an excellent job at this because now you don't need to sit at the low levels where the whores and dumpers are. but when we start getting a 1500-3000 EPH then we know theres a problem. the only problem I see at the moment is EPH is spiraling out of control. It went from 20, to like 80, now up to 1,000.

BFal [167]
2012-03-21 08:38:48 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

"scorer bot" come on... this is NOT bots2 and that's the point of it!

We're giving an example in the face of #4 highest bot in the GAME! that includes #7 highest wins in the game, 260,000+ trains and ratio of 10,239.50. Don't tell me he is not "scoring" be it monthly or daily.

And a race DOES last years it includes preparation. You don't see Dacias winning F1 championships, do you?

Just look at the HoF and tell me you disagree with the system... I personally like it be it 1000/h or 3000/h - catch the guy up, beat him and steal it from him it'll be waiting for you up there! That's much harder to achieve then dumping a gazillion of lowbie energy on your main bot and that's why you won't like it.

Made2shred [71]
2012-03-21 08:50:05 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

Just look at the HoF and tell me you disagree with the system... I personally like it be it 1000/h or 3000/h - catch the guy up, beat him and steal it from him it'll be waiting for you up there! That's much harder to achieve then dumping a gazillion of lowbie energy on your main bot and that's why you won't like it.

I personally think it shouldn't go above 1000 EPH, and 3000 is just way to high. energy should be earned, not given. it doesn't grow on trees, it's taken from other players. only say, 20-35% of a players energy should be just from idling, to gain energy you should be fighting for it, not just leveling and fighting whores to push up your ratio. and mentioning INT. the more of it you have, the faster you level. The more of it you have, the weaker your bot gets. so it does in a way even itself out.

BFal [167]
2012-03-21 09:15:43 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]
nergy should be earned, not given. it doesn't grow on trees, it's taken from other players. only say, 20-35% of a players energy should be just from idling, to gain energy you should be fighting for it

So... if everybody's energy is just 20-35% idle... where does the rest of the % come from? You need good energy "out of the blue" gainers to steal from. Otherwise we're back at clan dumping scenario. And sorry, but I'd much rather watch int "whores" gain ration and get it stolen from them than no-real-player-bots gathering energy just to dump it.

and AGAIN! The extreme high EPH bot in this discussion is not just a "weak" int one... its a bad ass bot that can be called a top3 player. You're simply saying - "make a low lvl bot to fight non-int whores instead of a high-level bot that has to fight all kinds of whores". Show me examples of average (70-110?) lvl bots with imbalanced EPH.

Its a simple inflation-based monthly-counted system... It'll remain that for a while I presume.

ReneDescartes [197]
2012-03-21 09:33:52 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

I'm not sure why people associate higher levels with inactivity, Myriad has gained more wins than thingEIGHT, Number Two, Corruption and Rith combined this month (Albeit with nowhere near as much energy exchange). In the original post it was stated that I had not fought this month as well; I would like to point out that I've been easily dumping more wins (But not quite as much energy) than any of the aforementioned current top 10 monthly energy bots.

Think about what you're saying, obviously we have some bots atm that represent certain flaws in the energy system. EPH and the associated energy ratio bug will be tweaked, but I don't see the problem in Myriad having a significantly higher base EPH than anybody else when he is the 4th highest bot with the 7th highest amount of wins.

Number Two [65]
2012-03-21 11:41:02 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

its because i like to attack people.

not attack myself with much lower lvl bots that i own and whore to make process faster.

but now i get 0 award for the thing i like.

Number Two [65]
2012-03-21 11:41:42 🔗
[12 years, 344 days ago]

(and its harder to win fights against dodot, hobo, rames, crab whistler & co. than to win fight by raping your bot with your other bot that is whored)

Draoi [51]
2012-03-21 14:25:55 🔗
[12 years, 343 days ago]
I'm not sure why people associate higher levels with inactivity, Myriad has gained more wins than thingEIGHT, Number Two, Corruption and Rith combined this month (Albeit with nowhere near as much energy exchange). In the original post it was stated that I had not fought this month as well; I would like to point out that I've been easily dumping more wins (But not quite as much energy) than any of the aforementioned current top 10 monthly energy bots.

Hehe, I see you skipped my named in that. lulzer.

I think everyone is missing the point, Myraid and to a degree Rene have an insanely high EPH because of BUG where your hourly regen increases your energy offset(ratio). If they have a 1k eph otherwise, that is fine. But 4k is a stupid bug.

Alan [80]
2012-03-21 18:28:49 🔗
[12 years, 343 days ago]

his EPH has gained 800 in just 11 hours. That's stupid.

Now about this whole, he has done lots of work in past months to getting to where he is. This is an energy race. Not an energy idle race. You are supposed to GAIN energy. Not "sit" and get free energy.

By "sit", i mean fighting real bots. Yes, he is a trainer. He has this in the hof, he has that in the hof. That doesn't mean he should get 4200 energy per hour. That's idiotic.

neps [332]
2012-03-21 18:32:02 🔗
[12 years, 343 days ago]

Without the bug, it would probably be around 1.2k.

BFal [167]
2012-03-22 02:00:59 🔗
[12 years, 343 days ago]

Alan, you're basically saying no one should be getting energy for idling? Where will you get the energy from then? Only bad ass high-enery-offset players? Good luck with that!

Draoi [51]
2012-03-22 14:41:10 🔗
[12 years, 342 days ago]
his EPH has gained 800 in just 11 hours. That's stupid. Now about this whole, he has done lots of work in past months to getting to where he is. This is an energy race. Not an energy idle race. You are supposed to GAIN energy. Not "sit" and get free energy. By "sit", i mean fighting real bots. Yes, he is a trainer. He has this in the hof, he has that in the hof. That doesn't mean he should get 4200 energy per hour. That's idiotic.

Why don't you understand that there was a bug? Sure he gets a free ride for this month and will prolley get a plat because ender screwed up a bit, but not much we can do about it unless we go ask ender to fix that somehow.

Alan [80]
2012-03-22 18:23:23 🔗
[12 years, 342 days ago]

I'm not saying it's not a bug. I'm just saying that it wasn't "fair", like those other two thought it was.

Ender [1]
2012-03-23 21:18:18 🔗
[12 years, 341 days ago]

The EPH spikes were due to this bug - http://bots4.net/forum/3/3763

It's not my intention to reward high level bots to the point they're being rewarded now, so I agree that is OP. March is unfortunately a bit FUBAR due to the nature of the bug. There's no way to magically set the energy regen value to the correct untruncated amount and adjust energy to the value it should have been.

I could fix obvious high-profile cases like Myriad randomly, but that doesn't seem fair (I realize not changing him isn't fair either, but someone's going to be disappointed either way, sorry). Let's just chalk March up as a growing pains month. I'll try to get any additional tweaks in before the start of April to minimize future disruption. Sorry folks!

shadow_rith [141]
2012-03-24 20:39:26 🔗
[12 years, 340 days ago]

we still love you ender and always will

Draoi [51]
2012-03-26 13:09:23 🔗
[12 years, 338 days ago]
(I realize not changing him isn't fair either, but someone's going to be disappointed either way, sorry)

I think that more people are going/are more disappointed then what myriad would have been.

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