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Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:06:19 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

just wow.

Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:11:25 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

Ya, holy crap cheap.

Yet I don't see any original PS3 controllers, WITHOUT the rumble capabilities. Damn joystick sticks just like everyone else. Holding forard on it forever.

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:20:13 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

yeah i noticed that, but its 100 bucks for a OG PS3 cuntroller, i'd rather pay 10 for a third company one for other people to use lol. And im all for rumble yo, rest that shizle on ma nut sack and let myself get killed \o/

and check these out



Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:23:28 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

What is that? Why isn't there product descriptions?

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:25:17 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

scroll down for description. you'll be amazed

Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:26:17 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

O I see it now, just scroll dow. Looks they just made an emulator that's preloaded with games that you can hook up to the tv. Do the games go all the way up to PS1 though? I'd like more detail on this thing :/

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:29:32 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

sounds cool, one of my mates ordered one, i'll keep ya posted. one has 38000 in built games and a card with a further 66666 games. yes you read correctly

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:30:56 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

the upgraded one does up to ps1 with free downloads and a link to where to get games

Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:39:13 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

I saw those numbers, that's a little unbelieveable. Nintendo the biggest maker besides Sony probably didn't even break the 10K barrier. I can't find any numbers though unfortunately...besides that official NES games are under 700.

Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:40:39 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

That is a damn good idea though to pack it all into something you can plug into any RCA pluggable screen.

Trio [176]
2012-04-15 11:45:33 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

WOO, hat trick! I have a computer though, and can do the same thing that device can, as long as I could find all the games I'd want to emulate again. I had a time when I was big into emulation and it was great fun to play all the old games again without digging out the systems.

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:46:15 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

seriously right? im going to have to get me one, just to try it out. especially with over 100k games, i'd be stuck in a retro fit for the rest of my life

Dragon [75]
2012-04-15 11:47:22 🔗
[12 years, 328 days ago]

and yeah i got a few files full of NES,SNES and GB/GBA games

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