
Forum > Miscellaneous > 30
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Marbus [36]
2012-05-31 21:40:28 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

Woo 30 people online haven't seen that in a while.

For all i know that happened yesterday but hey its still awsome.

Marbus [36]
2012-05-31 21:41:52 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

meh 29 now :(

If only it could be like the golden days with like 50+ people on blue and green

Trio [204]
2012-05-31 21:51:43 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

That would be great, but how could we move the game into the mind of grade schoolers, it seems that when a lot of us first got into Bots2, and then this came back around to pick up where Bots2 left off.

Marbus [40]
2012-05-31 22:01:56 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

That's a good question. I actually got into the game in high school. Not sure what drew me in. I just remember starting to play.

Trio [204]
2012-05-31 22:06:39 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

Ya I can't remember how I stumbled upon it. I either picked it up from my friend or I found it and shared it with him. He probably showed it to me. Who knows where he picked it up from.

You know they say no one is more than seven degrees of separation from knowing each other. So if all of us here would share this game with everyone we know, it would take 7 forewards before everyone in the world knew about this game :) imagine the popularity.

Marbus [41]
2012-05-31 22:08:30 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

The hard part is getting people to stick with the game after we told them. Something tells me this game isn't for everyone :P

Alan [19]
2012-05-31 22:09:44 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

I picked it up in 8th grade.

Two of my friends talked about it all the time. About heavy cutlasses and things. They finally told me about it one day, So i looked it up. Asked a few questions the next day and I was off from there. Played for about a year, got to level 92 with shock axes and spent a hour in the showroom and became addicted :P

shoyuken [147]
2012-05-31 22:11:28 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

you forgot the part where you quit playing and went off to your own game alan =p

Marbus [41]
2012-05-31 22:12:38 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

I think we've all quit playing at some point. I've stoped playing and came back to this game atleast 20 times.

Alan [19]
2012-05-31 22:16:12 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

^ +1 to that.

And shoy, I've made at least 4-5 games. haha

Ender [1]
2012-06-01 01:28:08 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

I spent a couple hundred dollars on an AdWords campaign a month or two ago, but I don't think any of the people that signed up through it (I tracked the conversions) really stuck around. I have some other ideas floating around in my head for promoting the game and am planning on getting to them soon once some other main features are completed and things are a bit more polished.

Marbus [49]
2012-06-01 01:35:12 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

I'm not sure how websites like Kongregate work, but they seem to take almost any indie game out there. Everything from MMO's to sports games. if it even got a decent rating on a sight like that i'm sure it would bring in more members. Not sure if you have to pay them anything though...

Marbus [49]
2012-06-01 01:35:37 🔗
[12 years, 272 days ago]

site* not sight :P

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