Your thoughts?
I'm Canadian so I won't be interjecting here. But I do love me some Obama.
Your thoughts? I'm Canadian so I won't be interjecting here. But I do love me some Obama. |
Fishwick [130] Moderator |
Everyone in England is just relieved a crazy religious guy isn't essentially the most important man in the world. |
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H.L. Mencken |
I think the Mormon ideas of Romney should of been overlooked. Obama received 27% of the white votes? Hah! Let me just put it this way. If Obama was white, how fast do you think Romney would of won? Exactly. |
And neps' quote is proven true.... |
I think the Mormon ideas of Romney should of been overlooked. Or at the very least contrasted with Obama's "meh" attitude on radical Islam, or his inability to stand up to Islam in general. |
Or at the very least contrasted with Obama's "meh" attitude on radical Islam, or his inability to stand up to Islam in general. BAD NEPS! NEVER EVER REPLY TO AN ALAN TROLL ATTEMPT EVER. |
Troll? Nah. I'm just pissed. I go to a College of 95% white guys. It's gonna be one hell of a day. If you look closely at the counties that were Obama, they are very populated areas. I wonder.... Here in Missouri, Kansas City, Colombia and St. Louis are the only counties that voted Obama. Florida, The counties with Orlanda and Miama are the one of the few that voted Obama. Facts are facts. |
Romney wouldnt be a good President. Since Obama is ok (idk how better he could be but he's not an asshole) I wasnt seeing how it could be defeated by Romney. If he had lost, well that would be quite a surprise and that would show how ignorant are americans. |
Since Obama is ok (idk how better he could be but he's not an asshole) That's not a very high standard. |
i was glad obama won i think the other guy would have been another hitler really scary |
If Obama is good enough to be President, well idk. I just know that he's better than Romney, who seems an asshole. There were just two options, so you have to choose one of them or dont vote. What happens in Portugal is that there isnt good candidates ever. I guess we lack talent in that department. Thats why almost half of the population dont vote. |
" St. Louis" Alan that aint a countie. Thats a city... |
America doesn't seem to have a functioning democracy. 2 parties, each bought and paid for. Still, makes good TV though. |
It is functioning, it is giving what people want: entertainment. |
Its a better show than Jersey Shore anyway. PS: sorry for the multiple posts, but after submitting I came up with more things to say... |
And it only took 10 replies to get us to Hitler... |
He definitively left his mark in the humanity history. |
Well I didn't follow the election I just heard clips of his speeches and he sounded like a mini hitler that's all |
ImmortalGods [48] |
i dont rememberhim saying kill the jews |
Hitler did more things than just kill jews. |
lets not go into what Hitler did it was disgusting and vile |
ImmortalGods [48] |
Chill out, it was a while ago |
True, he was too ambitious. Had he narrowed his focus a little and taken his World Domination plot one step at a time perhaps he would have managed a little better. |
I don't know the counties of St Louis. Franklin I think? Lolzzzzzz. |
St. Louis is an independent city. It's not in a county. |
Thirty-nine of the USA's 42 independent cities[1] are in Virginia. The three that are not in Virginia are Baltimore, Maryland; St. Louis, Missouri; and Carson City, Nevada. |
Head Moderator |
I concur fishy |
Moderator |
there were more people on the ballot than just obama and romney, they just didn't have the massive amount of money backing them, so no one hears about them. glad obama won though, he's been leaps and bounds better at running the country than bush and he got two terms. |
glad obama won though, he's been leaps and bounds better at running the country than bush and he got two terms. Says the guy from california ;) |
Moderator |
i wish i lived in colorado or washington, but cali is still nice |
I see you are interested in turning gay from weed? |
Moderator |
turning gay from weed, that's a new side effect? |
Apparently you have never smoked 2 whole marijuana's! |
Moderator |
no never, not even once |
Romney/obama does it really matter? Romney sucks and obama did nothing in his 1st he gets another 4yrs to do nothing but take a long vacation. man how screwed up is the u.s under obamaalready just to re-elect him again. what the u.s needs is a businessman or Ender.... |
^this was really funny (i'm not racist btw) |
Hahahhah! |
I skipped a bunch of the thread, but something needed to be said. |
This thread is whiter than Marshmellow Fluff. @FTP: I agree with you. He did do a lot for his country. Too bad his economical standard only worked while the war was going on. Afterwards they realized that the war had destroyed 20 percent of all housing. Food production per capita in 1947 was only 51 percent of its level in 1938, and the official food ration set by the occupying powers varied between 1,040 and 1,550 calories per day. Industrial output in 1947 was only one-third its 1938 level. Moreover, a large percentage of Germanyβs working-age men were dead. But even so in 1948 and 1949 a couple of small things gave Germany it's economic power back. Currency reform, the elimination of price controls and reduction of marginal tax rates were the main reason for this. Btw, this is the only factor on which I agree with anything on Hitler. He was still very insane for all his supposed genius. Mind you on the economic front all he did was took a country with high unemployment and give them a job and a focus. He didn't really feed them well nor did they much care for Hitler later on in the war, which is why there was a fair amount of desertion. 15,000 men or so were executed never mind the ones that got away. Not as high as Soviet desertion mind you, in which 158,000 men were executed in 1941. |
All genius take some form of insanity. Remember that. |
Not really. It all depends on how you go about becoming a genius. I mean, Stephen Hawking and his associates proposed the four laws of black hole mechanics and he himself also calculated Hawking radiation. Stephen Hawking is seen as a genius because of his superior learning skills and his attention to detail, which helped him in his career exponentially. Hitler on the other hand was what you call the lucky genius. He had ideas that once executed would be highly effective while also showing a personality of power and confidence to the common German at the time. But the problem with his type of intelligence is that it leads to very random non-linked thoughts that end up making him look extremely stupid. What I mean by that is he had a second agenda all along before he became leader and most of his supposed genius was a ploy to hide the extreme antisemitism and hatred he had for pretty much all humans except his own people, and even then he was not very strict on that policy. Now let's stop about Hitler and refocus about Obama please. \o/ Obama \o/ Obama! |
And by the Stephen hawking thing I meant that his ideas were only seen insane by certain ignorant professors/scientists but they came around to accept them. His insanity became sanity. Hitler's ideas will always been seen as insane by most people. |
Hitler was Jewish, but did you ever think that Hitlers main agenda was to make Germany a Stronger Germany? That with this power came the second agenda of genocide. Also I don't think Hitler was against Jews, but he needed to pick a certain type of people to do this to, otherwise his plan could not be executed and made to work. It's like sports for your team to be good you want to alienate the other teams have all the good players on your team and let the others suffer. Ala Germany being the Lakers/Heat/New York Teams Where all good players wanna be Ala Jews being the Raptors/Panthers/Bobcats/Hornets Where players go to die or end there careers. |
Yes, but that's proven by DNA results long after Hitler was dead. He didn't know he was Jewish. Although in 1933 the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler. It is now known tha this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leaders grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself. Plus his entire thing about Jews was mostly about the Bible, which was also mostly a ploy to alienate the Jews and strengthen Christian resolve to commit the acts. After all, before World War II, about two-thirds of the German population was Protestant and one-third was Roman Catholic. In the north and northeast of Germany especially, You learn something every day =D I don't watch basketball. |
Obama watches basketball....see what I did there lol. Cfl Montreal, BC, Sask, Calgary, Edmonton Germany Winnipeg, Hamilton, Toronto Jews. Better? |
The Edmonton Germany and Toronto Jews would make great team names. |
always forgetting to use my spacing lol |
really who gives a shit, he's not running my country, why are these damn us erections followed everywhere(R is correct) |
Because masturbation is a very personal issue to us all. |
:) zal |
Cause, you would have to be slightly retarded like most Saskatchewan residents to not care about any US election. The U.S is still the most powerful country despite the rise of India, or China. You may not realize it but the United States probably has a massive undertaking in your economy in one way or another. So yes, you should care about how Obama will set up tariffs, taxes, import and export standards, and other things because all this will translate into your country. |
only reason is we europeans discovered it :) if it wasent for europe there were still some bloody indians running around with bow and arrow chasing there cows, |
Cows are yet again another European commodity that was brought to North America After the fact. Buffalo = North American Cows. |
lol a ukranian that knows history, score, your right |
Born in Kiev, Raised in Canada. |
@FTP: Said like a true Albertan. Mind you Alberta should be an American state rather than a Canadian province in comparison to how much the Albertan health care/oil responsibilities/Conservatism you share with the Americans. Btw, the only people that care are people that are dependent on America for trade and/or protection. Most of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America could care less about bloody American politics since America will always be there buying all the crap nobody wants. @TheCause lol. Mind you if only Aboriginals had guns and less of a "let's have a Thanksgiving" attitude when Columbus came over then America+Canada would've been way different :P |
i actually like Canada, :):) been there lotsa times, have family there, i love it, wat better that those US bastards who think they are better then all, i some a kind of tech support and us are the most absend minded idiots to give support too |
You should really "come" at him. |
@Zal, I was also referring to mainly company and product placement. Like Rose and her apple products. And chances are the major companies ran in there separate countries are most likely located in the states so a poor economy in the states could by all means make lower prices in the States, but Increased prices for out of country services. ergo Iphones could cost 200 usd in America to ease the burden on American citizens but increased to 500 for UK residents to help replace the lost profit. |
Hitler was a Jew when he was younger and while he was at school he got bullied by many people even the teachers but he was a very good artist and after leaving school he wanted to show that he was good at something so he got a job as an artist and funnily enough his boss was a Jew and after being sacked by his boss him mum got really ill and was in hospital for months upon end and died,her doctor was a Jew and then he began to hate Jews so thats when Hitler became to hate Jews true story i studied history for 2 years it was exciting learning about him. |
Alaclipse [12] |
While Hitler's heritage is of Jewish heritage (he did not know this), he was raised by Catholic parents and he was baptized in 1889 and confirmed by the church in 1904. As for the "very good artist" part, Hitler was eighteen years old when, in 1908, he moved from Linz and took up residence in Vienna. He often slept in a squalid homeless shelter, if not under a bridge. Intent on becoming an artist, he twice failed the art academy's admission test; his drawing skills were declared "unsatisfactory." A thin, sallow youth, he wasn't cut out for physical labor. With help from a friend, he earned a meagre living drawing postcard views of Vienna and selling them to tourists. He proved, however, an apt pupil of the city's rampant strains of anti-Semitism, which exploited popular resentment of the wealthy Jewish bourgeoisie that had arisen under Franz Josef I, the conservative but clementβand, effectively, the lastβHapsburg emperor. Hitler studied the spellbinding oratorical style of the city's widely beloved populist, anti-Semitic mayor, Karl Lueger. In the early hours of December 21st, amid the glowing lights of the family's Christmas tree, she died quietly. Adolf was devastated. Dr. Bloch arrived later that day to sign the death certificate. He later said he had never seen anyone so overcome with grief as Adolf Hitler at the loss of his mother. The next day, Christmas Eve, Hitler and his sisters paid a visit to Dr. Bloch and settled the medical bill. The doctor gave the family a break on the charges considering the many home visits he had made to his patient. Adolf Hitler expressed profound gratitude to the doctor. "I shall be grateful to you forever," Hitler told him. In 1938, five years after his attainment of power and after he had begun the persecution of Jews that ultimately led to the Holocaust, Hitlerβs personal intervention to get Dr. Bloch the necessary travel permits and visa to allow him to emigrate from Austria to the safety of the U.S. after the Anschluss. So I'm sorry leader but everything you were told is wrong. Or right, but who the fuck cares. Why is everyone so focused on Hitler 0.0 Bloody white people... |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Actually, they had left the Jewish hater debate and was focus on the black man in power of the USA. |
Yes but then it went back to Hitler again. So therefore that = silly white people. |
or just plain stupid americans :) |
All the people who talked about Hitler in this thread are either Europeans or Canadians. Nos said a remark about how fast this turned into a Hitler thread and he's American and Alan talked about Obama so he didn't talk about it at all. When are you ever right leader2... |
who cares if im right or not you said silly white people so i said or just plain stupid americans |
a quote from Obama " I won that Vote Obamaself " |
like it matters, its all going to hell anyway (or rotschilds wallet) |
Here is some facts for you guys. Obama only won like 1.5% more of the popular vote than Romney. One of the biggest things, about 4 million less white people turned up to vote. Basically, Romney didn't receive the votes he should of. The votes where there, the people just didn't show up. Romney also received like 25% of the Hispanic vote, and 15% of the Black vote. It's just that the people didn't show up to vote, while the supporters for Obama did. If one million people had shown up, the election could of been entirely different. I take my back my racist remarks in other posts. It's just that the supporters for Romney just didn't show. |
I know fuck all about american politics, but "The votes were there, they just didn't turn up" is bullshit. The votes obviously weren't there. |
I don't swear often, sorry if that came off aggressive, I don't really care about Obama vs Romney :) |
If you don't care, then why even bother posting? Bullshit? No. It's truth. 4 million less white votes showed up. Let's say a million of them went to Obama, That still means 3 million goes to Romney. |
Not showing up doesn't mean he got the votes. No one knows who they would have voted, but more importantly they didn't vote, so they don't matter. |
But make no mistake: What happened last night was a demographic time bomb that had been ticking and that blew up in GOP faces. As the Obama campaign had assumed more than a year ago, the white portion of the electorate dropped to 72%, and the president won just 39% of that vote. But he carried a whopping 93% of black voters (representing 13% of the electorate), 71% of Latinos (representing 10%), and also 73% of Asians (3%). From So, 93% of black voters voted Obama but Romney got 15% of the black vote by your statistics? I think this proves that percentages are just imaginary constructs meant to dumb down the total votes by group/specific group. They are bound to be inaccurate based on the agency doing the calculations. On top of that I think it's sad when certain nationalities and sexual preferences of people are blamed for winning/losing nationalities when 72.4% of America is classified as white Americans. Nobody can be elected in America without at least 1 white person voting for either side so stop with the bigotry. |
Politics are dumb, votes are rigged, our candidates were half retarded at the very least. It's just a big game of House and the president gets to be uncle Jesse. |
"I'm a celebrity get me out of here" |