
Forum > Miscellaneous > Going B-A-N-A-N-A-S
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Endzeit [58]
2012-11-24 02:55:15 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

Just my luck to be up camping 2 hours now for a damn Venom grip

Damn not having stars!

Esvrainzas [134]
2012-11-24 05:45:33 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

When you need a set of armours, you will get them much faster by camping than ordering with stars. Ordering is just good when you have 10+ stars and 1 day order.

Lyrad [134]
2012-11-24 05:55:01 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

for me, having stars is just for the stash space I'm getting and not mainly on ordering items (as I'm camping the items myself).

Endzeit [58]
2012-11-24 05:58:26 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

I have to camp them. I wish I had stars for stash space as well. Would be nice to have a set of armor for INT to level quick and then be able to change back to something else.

Zuzanna [67]
2012-11-24 13:45:34 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

its only 10 bucks for a star - not a lot of money

Black Mage [112]
2012-11-24 13:56:16 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

And they make great stocking stuffers! All you need is a digital sock to put them in and place that sock on a digital mantle place and have your little digital kids come and see what's in them on Christmas morning and their eyes will shine bright with love and happiness and give you the biggest digital hug ever to be had!

Leader2 [100]
2012-11-24 16:35:41 πŸ”—
[12 years, 105 days ago]

it takes 3 stars to order an item mate you pay for 3 stars and gift them him if its not that much

Jans [87]
2012-11-25 07:49:10 πŸ”—
[12 years, 104 days ago]


Gpof2 [130]
2012-11-25 07:51:37 πŸ”—
[12 years, 104 days ago]

I should shoot you.

User Name [266]
2012-11-26 00:30:45 πŸ”—
[12 years, 103 days ago]

I knew exactly what that was before I even clicked it, and I still clicked it....

Gpof2 [130]
2012-11-26 02:43:44 πŸ”—
[12 years, 103 days ago]

What nos said.

Shoegazer [90]
2012-11-27 11:48:59 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

I'm just saying, if you want to complain about not being able to order gear from the shop then save up the little money it takes to buy stars and save the whining for the complaints forum.

Leader2 [100]
2012-11-27 11:58:35 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

Miscellaneous shoe :/ wat if the guy is a kid and doesn't get any money

Shoegazer [90]
2012-11-27 12:09:38 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

most kids have a means of saving money, be it by an allowance, doing some work for a neighbor, saving birthday or holiday gift money. it may be harder than it is for me and others, but not impossible.

Shoegazer [90]
2012-11-27 12:10:06 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

and this game is full of people who will pay a star to have a bot made, make a few bots and get some stars!

Mith3 [22]
2012-11-27 12:10:45 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

then he can just put it on his wish list, maybe Santa will give him a star

Leader2 [100]
2012-11-27 12:38:58 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

hhmm good idea sit but what if he cant make a bot good enough for someone to buy? he will just have to camp for the piece of Armour he wishes for wont he

Shoegazer [90]
2012-11-27 12:44:28 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

guess he is destined for mediocrity, poor fella

Leader2 [100]
2012-11-27 17:32:59 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

Poor little fella tell us your story mate and p.s message around see if you can get some stars On your bot it would help very much

Esvrainzas [134]
2012-11-27 18:22:12 πŸ”—
[12 years, 102 days ago]

I would buy a low level bot with lots of wins and few losses. It doesnt have to be good.

Endzeit [61]
2012-11-28 09:55:40 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

LOL. Quiet contrary to what one would think, I do have money. I just end up spending it all on my fiancΓ©e and 8 month old daughter. Don't make much cash when you're just 19 sadly.

neps [374]
2012-11-28 10:09:22 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

Well, to be honest, it's a lot easier to earn 10 dollars than to camp for stuff, a lot of times. I mean, seriously.

Endzeit [61]
2012-11-28 10:16:37 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

It may be more convenient, but my child comes even before my lady. And even if it is 10 dollars, it's 10 dollars that can be used to purchase formula, diapers, wipes or a bundle of roses to bring home to the lady. It really is true what my mother always said, "If mom isn't happy, nobody is happy."

Jans [87]
2012-11-28 10:18:22 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

Stick to the subject guys..

neps [374]
2012-11-28 10:48:59 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

You kind of missed the entire point of what I was trying to say. Meh.

Gpof2 [130]
2012-11-28 13:18:57 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

What neps is saying (my interpretation, I don't mean to put words in his mouth) is that the time you spend camping items could be spent working or doing something else productive. Buy star(s) and it will save you some time, most likely more than 10 dollars worth of time. Efficiency, basically.

hayabassie [140]
2012-11-28 16:17:57 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]

Must be a real blast at family Eindzeit's when mommy gets her period.

Zal [133]
2012-11-28 18:59:14 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]
"If mom isn't happy, nobody is happy."

The divorce lawyer would beg to differ.

neps [374]
2012-11-28 20:50:38 πŸ”—
[12 years, 101 days ago]
What neps is saying (my interpretation, I don't mean to put words in his mouth) is that the time you spend camping items could be spent working or doing something else productive. Buy star(s) and it will save you some time, most likely more than 10 dollars worth of time. Efficiency, basically.


Forum > Miscellaneous > Going B-A-N-A-N-A-S
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