
Forum > Miscellaneous > Hey Ender my nigga
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Dragon Summoner [130]
2013-03-25 19:17:34 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]


Fuck yeah

something2 [74]
2013-03-25 19:32:59 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

bots4 the movie

Mithrandon [163]
2013-03-25 20:27:13 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

wont come to dk before November :(

Ender [1]
2013-03-25 20:36:44 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

Holy shit, it's really happening finally?!

Zal [133]
2013-03-25 20:56:52 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

I don't have high hopes for the movie. Why? Because as a movie it would be near-impossible to fit perfectly with the books. The author did make the screenplay and threw some stuff around to make it flow better but I still have doubts. In comparison to how protective the author has been of the rights to the series I really do not know why it's finally been finished after 27 years of dickering with the movie industry. There's also other problems like this:

  • During post-production, the special effects company working on the film, Digital Domain, filed for bankruptcy; it is uncertain whether this will cause a change in the release date.

  • The director is Gavin Hood, who's most well known shows are X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Breakout Kings. Remember when Wolverine was released early and all hell broke lose? This may not be the best director for the role.

  • The cost of the movie is $110 million dollars, $32 million less than the Hunger Games, of which was made and released by the same parent company in this. Their hope is that people will go coo-coo for cocoa puffs for a movie in the mold of the Hunger Games that they can also make 3-4 movies out of and rake in the cash. But there is a big difference between the Hunger Games and Ender's Game: namely the directors.

  • The story is dated in comparison to it's nearest competitor in the sci-fi realm now, which is the Hunger Games. Other older sci-fi even holds up better really. There's an entire section of the book where the internet is used to gain political influence, which in 1985 sounded cool but now sounds ridiculous and we all know the internet is full of cat photos and general retards. The only politics that get done on the internet is how gay certain people/things are. That part luckily has been dropped from the movie.

    And the biggest problem of all is this: people may be getting jaded with all the damn sci-fi the past 3 years. There's absolutely tons of it and it is all getting very similar. The people who originally read this book 28 years ago may not want to pay the $10 to see what will likely be only an average movie. Older sci-fi has been doing dismally is all I'm saying. Remember John Carter? Ya, didn't think so.

    But hey, it may be good. Maybe. I probably won't go to a theater to see it though. Already read the book and to be honest, I liked the story up to the end of the first book and then the end just killed it for me. It was so, so stupid. Like if you took a book going at the speed of a train with great action and story and derailed it right off the god damn cliff.

something2 [75]
2013-03-25 20:59:37 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

As an aside, I still found it remarkable how well Card predicted the idea of and the impact of the internet, even if his guess on its political influences was way overshot, haha.

Zal [133]
2013-03-25 21:00:32 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

Btw, there might be a trailer release tomorrow, maybe.


Ender [1]
2013-03-25 22:23:02 🔗
[11 years, 339 days ago]

Yeah, I do have pretty low expectations for this given how awful book adaptations seem to regularly be. I'll still definitely see this as soon as it's out in theaters though. I'm still very excited. Who knows, maybe it'll be great.

I agree it's probably better the whole "Peter/Valentine become influential via the Internet" plot line got dropped. I've read Ender's Game countless times and it sounds more and more far-fetched with each reading as the years pass.

I personally loved the ending to Ender's Game and thought that was one of the things that made the book. Maybe that can help it stand apart from other more generic sci-fi movies.

Esvrainzas [134]
2013-03-26 07:55:25 🔗
[11 years, 338 days ago]

I'm curious to see it because of you Ender.

Honestly, one friend of mine put this on his fb and I got back to bots after some idling days to see if anyone had posted it! Damn you Dragon Summoner :(

Zal [133]
2013-03-26 11:44:54 🔗
[11 years, 338 days ago]


You'll have to wait for May 17th it seems for a trailer and also get some JJ Abrams shoved down your throat if you want first dibs on seeing it XD

Although I did love the 2009 Star Trek movie and probably will see the upcoming one sometime. Problem is the theaters here suck ass and aren't worth $2 nonetheless $10. The speakers crack and you can't hear the movie, it's uncomfortable and they charge $4 for a bottle of water. Maybe there's a reason why some people pirate movies eh movie industry?

Dragon Summoner [130]
2013-03-26 15:51:27 🔗
[11 years, 338 days ago]

I'll see it assuming I have someone to go with, which means 10% chance to go see it

I'm excited regardless, it's an Ender movie, even if it's aids I'll still be glad it finally happened

User Name [284]
2013-03-29 14:31:42 🔗
[11 years, 335 days ago]

The one issue with Books adapted to movies is just that, they're an adaptation and not a word for translation. I think this is the issue most of the time, not the actual movie. If you go see a movie based on a book, especially one you have read, and it attempts to follow the book and fails miserably then there is an issue. However if you have a movie, based on the main idea from the book, using the elements and the characters, but only using the plot from the book to help build yours then you could be successful. The issue is that most try the former when they should follow the latter.

Of course, some books don't allow the lead way for you to do the second option, in which case you should use the book as your script and follow it to the letter.

EPro [137]
2013-03-29 14:55:06 🔗
[11 years, 335 days ago]

I don't much mind that people try to make "book movies" but rather the amount of effort they put into it is what matters. If you try to improve upon or condense the story into a 90-minute to 180-minute you may find that the finished product is not the thing that you wanted. In fact, not the thing anyone wanted. Some books feel sacred to people. They don't feel that a combination of effects or good acting or even an improved story could change that. A book is something you invest yourself into, contemplating all that is within it in the amount of time you wish to give to it. A movie can be so condensed that you may have to watch it multiple times to even get a hint of what is going on. For example, I watched the Wizard of Oz as a child a number of times and JUST THIS YEAR I found it on and switched to it when it was just starting and found out that all the characters in the story were neighbors and acquaintances of Dorothy. That changed my entire knowledge of the show.

tdlr; I find that books are better investments since you get all that the author wants you to get. Movies can miss those things.


Forum > Miscellaneous > Hey Ender my nigga
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