Just sayin'
Even those of you that I think are fags, you're all cool man
'cuz we bonded over a game where you click links, over and over and over again man
Like, how fucking cool is that dude, that a game so simple can create such complex relationships between people
Holy shit dude
Also, I'm thinking of getting a kitten 'cuz animals help with mental diseases and stuff, what do I name it?
If you guys need pictures of it and stuff before deciding on a name, I'll rescue one and then post pics y'all
Peace out and stuff, you're all great
Gilgamesh, Drogo, Calcifer, Krosp, Sigfreid (siggy), Steve, Bruno...
Curiously I've always wanted to name a pair of cars Hopes and Dreams. Then I could say your/my hopes and dreams are dead heh.
cats* i would think, and trio, bmail me, you sound depressed.
and DS - from one cat person to another, go rescue those kitties!
Yeah I always said that if I got a pet, I'd rescue, 'cuz like, fuck breeders and stuff man, I dunno
Animals deserve a second chance you know, and they're adorable
Cats <3
Mine's called Ren. His brother Stimpy died real young.
I love you too Erica ... even if I suspect you of being sarcastic <3
& yes kitteh pics!
As for the name, I never decide on a name before I get a pet. But as soon as I pick him up I just know what to name him :)
Also get a male cat. After he's been sorted he'll be so loving & cuddly :)
^ThatΓΒ΄s a great name for a cat.
I think you should post pictures then we can decide :)
we named a white dwarf hamster that had a spot on its head Moo. Fiance looked at me like i was crazy but i wanted to call it Moo xD.
No shoe I'm not depressed, just have an odd sense of humor. Thank you for the sleeping correction.
When we tried to get kittens we did try shelters etc, but the application process was like adopting a damned kid, to much trouble for a cat. Got a pair from a country cats's first litter.
what do I name it
patches, scamp, tina, zack, riley. RIP all my dead cats :(
I love you too DS, plz send nude pics.
patches, scamp, tina, zack, riley. RIP all my dead cats :(
had a came named patch when i was about 7/8
kewl :)
my fave was riley, he was a stray we adopted, every couple days he would bring us rabbit ears attached to a scalp.
i watched him acquire said trophy one day, better than discovery channel
very nice image there to have first thing in the morning :)
always better to see stuff like that in RL then on tv :)
patches, scamp, tina, zack, riley
that's a lot of dead cats DNM ...
did they all die in the years following your puberty?
/continues reading about the escalation cycle of serial killers.
They died generally to cars.