FIFA 15 is a lot harder than any other fifa I've had!!
Pothead [71] |
Try going to game setting and changing the difficulty. :P |
or try man'ing the fuck up and stop being a bitch |
Sesshomaru [100] |
Yeah, real men play soccer by kicking the big white balls ATTACHED to the men playing the game! Or you could try to stop playing against Arsenal. You know they are too OP to play against (has never played FIFA and doesn't know if Arsenal is in the game). |
Fishwick [134] Moderator |
Problem with arsenal is they always try to walk it in... |
Lol fuck off satanic I'd dick you on fifa anyday and it actually is more harder lol |
Pothead [71] |
Try being the best team which is ofcourse liverpool, buy suarez back(like wtf)..and it should be a piece of piss. |
Pothead [71] |
PS- i see his face and i fall in love and i just cant seem to get enough of DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU LUIS SUAAAAAAAREZ!!! |
Head Moderator |
pothead let it go ... jaws is gone & ain't never coming back ^^ |
Sesshomaru [100] |
Every time I hear the word Liverpool I wonder if the guy who thought of that word tried using a liver to play pool somehow. Like the pockets were livers or something. |
Pothead please tell me your a liverpool fan?! Because they are the best team in the world!!!! |