
Champion LX [60]
2016-02-22 14:30:52 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

this ^

Fishwick [134]
2016-02-22 14:40:12 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

Xerex, 393, hit 375 just over 24 months ago. Maybe ~20 months.

TheCause, 388, hit 375 around 15 months ago. Maybe ~25 months.

Lyrad, 387, hit 375 around 11 months ago. Maybe ~18 months.

Thats not using any fancy maths method, just (probably inconsistent) guesses that assume they all keep the same speed they're currently at.

Fishwick [134]
2016-02-22 14:41:54 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]


Neps, 376, hit 375 just over 3 years ago. Maybe ~250 years

TheCause [388]
2016-02-22 14:44:46 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

ill do a level per month currently so mostlikely i wont hit 400 this year, xerex might since he is overconned and puts the time into it, lyrad will not hit it for sure, this is 388:

1,276,828,460,933 / 2,106,855,208,325 (60.6%)

Boondox [305]
2016-02-22 14:52:07 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

i hit level 300 about 10 days ago let see how quick i can get 400 lol

TheCause [388]
2016-02-22 14:55:01 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

you are being traing by 5-6 inlcuding me

Boondox [305]
2016-02-22 15:27:42 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

not the point doesnt matter how many level it its about how long it takes to get 400 lol

Luth [234]
2016-02-22 16:31:14 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]


Zord [61]
2016-02-22 17:45:08 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

I've also been wondering if the total XP well ever be enough to get to level 500.. ?

Boondox [305]
2016-02-22 17:49:15 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

give it another 5 years and yes lol

Ender [1]
2016-02-22 20:47:29 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

I can pretty confidently say that no one will ever get to level 500. The exp just rises so dramatically/sharply because it's exponential.

Did anyone even get that high during the end-of-beta time of madness with the 1000x exp multipler (and other goodies)? I thought I remembered a screenshot/thread floating around from that time, but I can't find it now.

Satanus Inaximasus [329]
2016-02-22 21:13:45 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

I think the exp needed for them higher levels need to be changed ender what is the point in levelling, us levellers may as well quit if we are going to be clicking and not getting anywhere

Or maybe make the train bots a little easier and add more so we can gain more exp

Zord [61]
2016-02-22 22:33:02 🔗
[9 years, 4 days ago]

I was not talking about a single bot, but about the total amount of exp in the documentaion... Currently 463..

I agree with SI..

Fuck Boi [1]
2016-02-22 23:19:42 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]


TheCause [388]
2016-02-23 04:58:57 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

+1, little less xp per level might be good

jezz [323]
2016-02-23 05:15:05 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

i think when we all start...rules were the same, so why changining them not? cause its hard?

diablek [231]
2016-02-23 05:19:27 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

Yeah, it would be good to have another "drop-off" or whatever that is called. Last one was on lvl180 (cause exp mode changed, right), so you maybe it would be a good move to add another exp mod on lvl350 or if its not possible to edit levels which some ppl already achieved, put new, lower expmod to lvl400 atleast. Then we/them atleast have some goal at knowing that after you reach 400, it will be fairly more easier. Current exp mod is "totalexp*1.03" for lvls181+ so its up to debate how much lower should go. The more, the better :P

Satanus Inaximasus [329]
2016-02-23 05:28:00 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

I can pretty confidently say that no one will ever get to level 500. The exp just rises so dramatically/sharply because it's exponential.

that is the reason why it needs to be changed fifty

ender as admitted nobody will ever get level 500 so if thats true we may as well quit now cause we will be clicking and never go no where

if we spend hours on the game and achieve nothing why keep playing?

Ecoueses [275]
2016-02-23 05:32:06 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

It should be harder to get levels 200+. Every trash can now be high level. Just look at me.

Satanus Inaximasus [329]
2016-02-23 05:56:21 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

this is also another reason

level 400 to 401 you need to do 3,003,870,554,412 exp

level 1 to 281 you need to do 3,060,324,250,96034 exp

Riae [115]
2016-02-23 09:49:27 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

Moo or not to moo tis the question. Be nice to see someone get 400+ though.

Judge Zal [1]
2016-02-23 10:49:11 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

Maybe the solution is 500% xp buffs ;D

diablek [231]
2016-02-23 16:04:45 🔗
[9 years, 3 days ago]

All bots in this game put together just leveled to lvl464. Last time i checked few days ago, it was stil 463.

664,169,957,609,862 [enough to get to level 464]

So yea, good luck to get any near 500 invidual:P

Zord [61]
2016-02-24 00:25:39 🔗
[9 years, 2 days ago]

No one talked about 500 individual XD It was 500 all together

Champion LX [60]
2016-03-01 14:22:20 🔗
[8 years, 361 days ago]

lmao at replies itt

jezz [325]
2016-03-10 09:07:05 🔗
[8 years, 352 days ago]

So Ender...Will u consider some changes to make levelling Lil bit easier? Or itp Just closed subject? :/

Fishwick [134]
2016-03-10 13:39:10 🔗
[8 years, 352 days ago]

It shouldn't change really, its unfair to everyone that got this far

ChaosEmperorDragon [77]
2016-03-10 16:21:31 🔗
[8 years, 352 days ago]

Generally speaking the xp formula could be reworked for the 400 tier at least since nobody has gotten there yet. So it's more in line with the time it takes from 300-400 maybe.

Ender [1]
2016-03-11 00:19:28 🔗
[8 years, 351 days ago]

Nothing is ever set in stone. I think people are reading too much into a comment I made in passing that was really about exponential growth, not my intentions for high-level bots. That being said, I don't have any specific plans to address this at this time.

TheCause [389]
2016-03-11 05:40:17 🔗
[8 years, 351 days ago]

fish, i am that far, and would not mind some changes, maybe more xp drops like the last is at 180 if i say correctly

jezz [326]
2016-03-11 10:30:24 🔗
[8 years, 351 days ago]

So its closed subject. :/ top bad cause lvl 400 its a huge barrier for most players. Ender should think about drop off exp after 400 lvl...then levelling will makes sense...

dragonrose [40]
Head Moderator
2016-03-25 12:07:41 🔗
[8 years, 337 days ago]

a serieses of xp drops would make sense.

the 180 one is a hangover from bots2 & was too low then!

TheCause [390]
2016-04-27 04:58:37 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

im wondering, and maybe this should be in suggestions

is it not possible to create EQ purely for training? not to be used for fighting/tourneys.

I mean high level(could be lower level as well) extremely potent stuff for train only, i mean even if i could beat Scorpion X on a regular base it would rock, xp wise.

Instead of having XP drops(might stil be fun) having extreme training equipment could make leveling easier for those who just train?



TheCause [390]
2016-04-27 05:21:10 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

the only problem i see is that of leaving your bot offline with these kinds of EQ, making them practically unbeatable, maybe there is a workaround this, not sure though.

Silva [222]
2016-04-27 06:13:15 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

I know for a fact I wont hit 225 but surely you should be able to reach level 500 whats the point in making a trophy if its impossible people play games to achieve 100% but no one will ever be able to get 500?

If there was anyone to do it, we need neps back :)

jezz [330]
2016-04-27 06:24:13 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

the most important thing in this subject is what idea got Ender to make it a little bit easier...but sadly probably he wont do nothing new... :/

Silva [222]
2016-04-27 06:33:19 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

People will lose interest in the game and it will be dead shortly.

I feel for the guys who's bought 100+ stars which is a $1000/£670 and its not like only a 100 stars have been bought thousands of stars have been bought and he won't even consider peoples suggestions.

TheCause [390]
2016-04-27 06:36:21 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

this was not my intention, i would like to make it more easy for trainers, its really hard to get anywhere now(referring to my level), even xp drops after 400 wont be enough, but train only EQ might help.

Thing is how to integrate this in current game, because if you create this eq it should not used for defense, making them impossible to beat.

It was just a idea, not sure if it can be implemented though.

Silva [222]
2016-04-27 06:39:07 🔗
[8 years, 304 days ago]

Should come play Lyrania 2.1 Loads of people play currently 260 online and you'll defiantly reach level 500 even I'm 850 :)
