
MrZal2 [100]
2016-06-24 09:53:59 🔗
[8 years, 246 days ago]

While I personally have no particular quips about this turn of events, I would like to know what the European players on this game have to say about it just to learn more about your views about what's going to happen. I'm sure there's even a few UK players here that voted in the election. Just keep it civil and don't get too pissed off ;)

Phobos [59]
2016-06-24 15:52:18 🔗
[8 years, 246 days ago]

In or out doesn't really matter. I live in uk 9 years and nobody will kick me out ;)

African Jack [12]
2016-06-24 16:08:03 🔗
[8 years, 246 days ago]

The UK now has two years of winding down towards the exit of the EU. The EU now has two years of constructed mischief making to financially beat UK citizens into voting back.

Esvrainzas [150]
2016-06-24 16:39:21 🔗
[8 years, 246 days ago]

As a Portuguese I dont have much to say, we follow what others decide... ofc european union will be weaker without UK and thats bad for Portugal. I dont know what will happen to UK, if it is a good decision or not... time will tell :)

Fishwick [134]
2016-06-25 02:51:10 🔗
[8 years, 245 days ago]

Took a 6 hour trip back to my parents purely to vote. Gutted we're leaving, terrible news for the country and for Europe. The vote was decided by the media and lies (both sides) rather than informed discussion.

We'll be fine long term, but the next 5 years or so will suck.

MrZal2 [100]
2016-06-25 11:08:09 🔗
[8 years, 245 days ago]
We'll be fine long term, but the next 5 years or so will suck.

What's 5 years to a nation of vampires?

But ya, it's gonna suck. I think it's all a bit of an overreaction right now. it really is just a shuffling of terms and laws really. I mean, when England does finally leave, they're not going to suddenly stop trading with France for example. I mean there's a bloody undersea train that connects the two countries. They may as well just be combined at the hip. It's just that new contracts will have to be made up. But the media acts like the ground is going to collapse and swallow the entire world because of this :/

VonClausewitz [235]
2016-06-25 15:47:15 🔗
[8 years, 245 days ago]

i'm mindblown and bonne st-jean

Fishwick [134]
2016-06-26 12:19:21 🔗
[8 years, 244 days ago]

It's gonna have a huge impact on our politics too for a while yet. This is a good summary of how it'll affect the Tories in the coming months, but its also spelling a huge change for Labour, Lib Dem and UKIP. Labour need to get their shit together and have lost a lot of their working class votes. Lib Dem are now coming out as hugely europhile and promise to keep us in the EU if they get in power which could see them pick up a lot of votes from the 48% of Remainians. UKIP will either thrive or die depending on how the Tories treat Brexit (mainly whether we stay in the EEA or not).

Interesting times! Sucky, but interesting.

PeachCobbler [276]
2016-06-27 07:50:05 🔗
[8 years, 243 days ago]


Triumph [208]
2016-06-27 14:04:42 🔗
[8 years, 243 days ago]

I voted to remain, we're stronger together. Its made me very sad we're leaving the european union. Thanks to games like this i've made a good few european (and beyond) friends and I hate how this vote reflects on the country I live in.


dragonrose [40]
Head Moderator
2016-07-10 15:53:09 🔗
[8 years, 230 days ago]

I voted to stay in too. I guess the media machine was just too much & fooled a lot of people