
Ecoueses [286]
2016-08-13 21:24:51 🔗
[8 years, 195 days ago]

Every year he International Championship is held, gathering the best 16 teams in DotA 2, fighting for immortality and bla bla.
There tend to be this thread every year, yet i didnt find any this time. Currently ongoing finals are being played with score 1-1 in best of 5 series.
Winner takes a bit more than 9 milion $ as a reward I know there aren't many people that will see this in time to watch actual thing online, but still; It is a great game, with sick players who prepared for this whole year, since last international.
Every year i am prepared to be blown away with chaotic sick plays, and i am still being suprised by robotic precision, calculated decisions and immense will of these players to be the very best in that thing they do.

You can watch it here: https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ti

P.S. Ignore cancerous twitch chat.

Champion LX [60]
2016-08-14 14:16:31 🔗
[8 years, 195 days ago]

kinda late lol, today was already the grand final :)

Dragon Summoner [134]
2016-08-22 14:19:36 🔗
[8 years, 187 days ago]

Went there live for the third time, shit was great