
Forum > Miscellaneous > Boo!
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MrZal2 [100]
2017-10-29 09:43:48 🔗
[7 years, 130 days ago]

I know, even the thought of me coming back scares you all! Happy Halloween! Don't have any heart attacks, I know this scared you all up so well ;)

Oh yes, forgot to say, I've stayed quit by the way. If you think that I'm playing any bot at all or taking part in any clan race or anything, you're wrong. I could care less about the game.

Pothead2 [30]
2017-10-29 14:23:25 🔗
[7 years, 130 days ago]

Nice to see you back Zal, one of the nicest and unbiased bots players that doesn't play anymore :)

hater [84]
2017-10-30 01:43:24 🔗
[7 years, 129 days ago]

You should do that too Potty

Nosferatu [280]
2017-10-31 11:05:13 🔗
[7 years, 128 days ago]

I could care less about the game.

couldn't* ? Unless you are saying your caring for the game isn't at it's lowest and you actually still care.

Fishwick [135]
2017-10-31 12:01:47 🔗
[7 years, 128 days ago]


Gpof2 [131]
2017-11-01 00:18:32 🔗
[7 years, 127 days ago]

"Holding down the fort", I always think of it in the context of when you put something on lockdown, not letting anybody get in or out. Maybe a bit far fetched though.

Pothead2 [30]
2017-11-03 05:29:16 🔗
[7 years, 125 days ago]

I Should do what hater?

MrZal2 [100]
2017-11-03 12:50:58 🔗
[7 years, 125 days ago]

I think hater is suggesting me and you make a clan together Pothead and show everybody who's boss around here! What a grand idea! xD

As for the couldn't thing, I care a small bit about the game, yes. But it's more for certain people on the game, not the game itself. If you want to know a game I care about it would be Transistor. Man, that game is fantastic. For $3 on sale you get more gameplay, art and entertainment than this game can ever provide you.

And just for fun, I'll give you a silly reply to the grammar replies for you to go over:

"Hey ya'll bitches, if you don't put out, I don't care about ya opinions."



hater [84]
2017-11-03 15:27:21 🔗
[7 years, 125 days ago]

Yeah exactly, ill even join you and kick some asses

Pothead2 [30]
2017-11-04 00:01:21 🔗
[7 years, 124 days ago]

Yeah I don't mind Zal if you want to create a clan I will join you, don't play a tenth of what I used to anymore but I will still chat to you in forum and help with stuff.

Forum > Miscellaneous > Boo!
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