
Forum > Miscellaneous > 36 online
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Warmageddon [25]
2018-06-18 08:27:54 🔗
[6 years, 221 days ago]

The most I've seen for a while

Retirement [71]
2018-06-18 08:47:08 🔗
[6 years, 221 days ago]

(from 19 unique IP addresses)

Ender [1]
2018-06-22 23:11:51 🔗
[6 years, 216 days ago]

Looking at the past 30 days of stats, looks like this was definitely close the the max! We reached 39 on a couple days, and 38 on one day.

$ for date in {20180522..20180531} {20180601..20180621}; do echo -n "$date: "; cut log/monitoring/online-count/$date.log -d ',' -f 2 | sort -nr | head -n 1; done
20180522: 27
20180523: 30
20180524: 32
20180525: 39
20180526: 21
20180527: 21
20180528: 27
20180529: 30
20180530: 38
20180531: 19
20180601: 29
20180602: 28
20180603: 27
20180604: 30
20180605: 28
20180606: 22
20180607: 25
20180608: 17
20180609: 21
20180610: 21
20180611: 24
20180612: 21
20180613: 19
20180614: 22
20180615: 24
20180616: 17
20180617: 20
20180618: 39
20180619: 30
20180620: 22
20180621: 24

(note that the stats are recorded only once per minute, so in theory it could have gone a bit higher)

Forum > Miscellaneous > 36 online
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