
Forum > Miscellaneous > merry x
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El Hefe [378]
2018-12-24 09:12:37 πŸ”—
[6 years, 32 days ago]

well.. our aussie friends already kicked it in by now, so best to add my european best wishes in here as well..: time for some holidayseasongreetings!

tho im not a big believer in anything but myself, i am a religious drunk, so lets all pray that tonight the taps will keep the holy water flowing.. (key kicks of communion, then a long night of confessions)..

because, yay, we will all party and celebrate saint nick's (who is actually a big and cheesy ripoff of our sinterklaas ofc; nicely reshaped to fit american customs, mainly by adding a couple of hundred pounds to his features) b-day.. or, for the older people amongst us, it was actually some other guys remembrance.. i think it is jesus' bday or graduation day or the day he got his favourite dog, or something like that?

so yeah, what i was trying to formulate here was, that, until X-mas will finally be X-ed because some smart guy actually proves that jesus *) never existed but as a doodle in our collective brainwashed minds.. we will party hardy.. make and send love to our family and friends and more of those gay (the merry one, not the same-sex one) exclamations of total bliss.

*) im guessing our muslim friends are celebrating somethings these days too, mainly becaue all religions are just the same one, exlpained in slightly different ways.. so when i say jesus i mean muslim jesus too ofc.. and buddhist one and euhm what was that other one again? him/her too.. i wont be making any stepchildren tonight

me for one, will be spending the next couple of hours with some of my best international friends, like my golden gabber from ireland, my colourless acquaintance from russia, my stinky brown morrocan bestie, my white buddy from colombia and ofcourse my yellowbellied pal with his funny white head from the netherlands..

since i seem to be getting older each year, partying with those buds seems to get harder too.. so if i dont see you guys again, be reassured that i died happy.. and if i do see you again.. prolly tomorrow.. that is beacause of our national saying: weed doesnt perish that easy (no pun intented).

right now its time to hit them pub (not literally, that would be stupid), cause im about sure its past noon already i think

oh and did i mention merry X yet? if no, merry X to all! and be good to everyone and such.. wash the feet of a beggar if you can!

(merry K too btw)

Gpof2 [131]
2018-12-24 12:38:47 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

i am a religious drunk

The most universal religion. Happy boozedays

MrZal2 [100]
2018-12-24 17:40:15 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

I hope Santa gives most of you coal.

Try not to eat it though if you have an IQ above 2 though. Hard for the people on this game I know, but my wish for Christmas is that most of you epileptic idiots don't choke on your tongue this Christmas.

Extra special PS: The epilepsy is from lack of oxygen to your brain in this sense from dumb shit you've done, not epilepsy from other means, that would just be mean to epileptic people.

Benny [44]
2018-12-24 18:17:44 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

Love you Zal 😘

Sully [133]
2018-12-25 00:35:53 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

I wish you would have just said merry Christmas and left it that.

Pothead2 [1]
2018-12-25 04:05:09 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

Merry Christmas to you all (even escapism), have a great day :)

Fishwick [135]
2018-12-25 07:49:23 πŸ”—
[6 years, 31 days ago]

Merry Christmas botters

Cosby [194]
2018-12-25 14:12:21 πŸ”—
[6 years, 30 days ago]

Merry Christmas fellow botters. Ho-ho-ho!!! :)

Ender [1]
2018-12-25 21:00:56 πŸ”—
[6 years, 30 days ago]

Merry Christmas to all!

Bammiiee [103]
2018-12-26 10:57:57 πŸ”—
[6 years, 30 days ago]

merry X-mas and a very happy newyear 2019!!

Forum > Miscellaneous > merry x
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