
MrZal2 [100]
2019-04-29 09:24:44 🔗
[5 years, 302 days ago]

We all know they are the square-est of squares out there already and I know that posting things in certain forums is frowned upon, but c'mon, I can still find the n word on this forum in search yet one can't post anything funny to their friends/other people unless it's in misc or complaints. Everywhere else is over-modded. Not that many people post anymore because some of the people left on this game are fairly toxic and even more un-fun than Ender and Fishwick are. They modded SJ to death, they told me a number of times that I'm a troll and to stop posting, they just want everyone somewhat interesting to shut up or follow the rules. That's the real reason why the forum is dead, the real reason why nobody gives a shit anymore.

Just getting some frustration out over the years of overzealous moderation and lack of implementing suggestions/road map items. I should also state that Fishwick even went so far as to try and moderate me in a clan forum once and gave me a warning about suggesting something when he's in Escapism and I wasn't. He's overbearing and should've been given the boot years ago. He stalks certain people like SJ and myself to the degree that my friends and I had to get rid of everyone else in the clan just to prevent him from getting in. The abuse has gone on too long and I thought it would be a good time to put it out there so others know.

Oh and to El Hefe or Luthrin, while I don't mind talking to you guys, I don't specifically attack you on the forums like you do me. It's fine to disagree with me, but can you please calm the level of vitriol down a bit sometimes? I know I complain about the state of the game but it's mostly because if I suggest anything it always got thrown away, not by you two, but by Fishwick or Ender, and the state of the game itself is extremely stale. Even if I wanted to play the game, I probably wouldn't because of the people in it now. Years of dissent and good ideas have changed nothing and I gave up trying to even make a difference. So enjoy your game with the fun police. Zal out \o/

P.S. I also know this thread will change nothing because I'm sure Ender wouldn't waste the time to even change the names to the fun police. But he should hear from us about what we think is wrong or right with the game, regardless of whether you agree with me, him, or just have your own ideas. I know we'll all just be shoved off and nothing will happen, but hey, it's fun to type words and scream at walls I hear.

Fishwick [135]
2019-04-29 10:17:29 🔗
[5 years, 302 days ago]

Zals mad because I removed his post that he admitted was a troll post and expected to get removed, on someone's serious thread about selling a bot. First time I've pressed the remove button in months, but sure, the mods are overbearing.

If anyone's the fun police, it's Mr "tell everyone how shit the game is and that they shouldn't play it".

Fishwick [135]
2019-04-29 10:30:23 🔗
[5 years, 302 days ago]
Zal out \o/

I hope this is true, once and for all. Everyone will be much happier - you included.

Ecoueses [353]
2019-04-29 10:53:53 🔗
[5 years, 302 days ago]

did you forget to take your meds?

El Hefe [389]
2019-04-29 12:41:49 🔗
[5 years, 302 days ago]

yay my name was mentioned.. muzza flamoes!

if it wasnt so long id even read it!

Gpof2 [131]
2019-04-29 17:20:04 🔗
[5 years, 301 days ago]

It's fine to disagree with me, but can you please calm the level of vitriol down a bit sometimes?


Ender [1]
2019-04-30 00:28:31 🔗
[5 years, 301 days ago]

Zal, you're repeating the same rant every couple months. Pretty much everything you said can be addressed by my response on 2019-02-14 00:11:39 here. Please stop spreading misinformation if you actually care about this game. No one is trying to silence you. For your own sake, please just leave if this place is so terrible. As I said in that thread:

You're free to continue posting in whatever capacity you want as long as you follow the posted rules. I'd appreciate less negativity, but like I said before, I value and welcome feedback in any form.

And based on actual data (see below), this forum is lightly moderated. Most of the deleted posts are double posts, are about/from cheating/cheaters, are clearly across the line (e.g. homophobia), or me/mods leaving otherwise-invisible mod-only notes. Your post in the marketplace was deleted yesterday because it was completely off-topic. If you have legitimate concerns about racism in the forums, real examples of unfair moderation (I review all moderation, FWIW), please bmail me privately so that we can sort this out without it being a public spectacle.

With all that said, I'm now going to lock this thread because I don't think you ever intended it to be productive.


mysql> select date_format(posted, '%Y-%m') month, count(0) posts, sum(is_deleted) deleted_posts from posts group by 1 order by 1;
| month   | posts | deleted_posts |
| 2018-01 |   133 |             4 |
| 2018-02 |   105 |            10 |
| 2018-03 |   111 |             4 |
| 2018-04 |   331 |            10 |
| 2018-05 |   160 |             6 |
| 2018-06 |   147 |             1 |
| 2018-07 |    77 |             0 |
| 2018-08 |    51 |             0 |
| 2018-09 |    93 |             3 |
| 2018-10 |   116 |             0 |
| 2018-11 |   132 |             0 |
| 2018-12 |    67 |             0 |
| 2019-01 |    88 |             0 |
| 2019-02 |   110 |             1 |
| 2019-03 |    85 |             3 |
| 2019-04 |    62 |             4 |