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CarterHallie [61]
2023-12-10 09:32:59 🔗
[1 year, 76 days ago]

I'm soon to turn 31, 2 kiddos and I've played bots since 06/07. This mofning, walking back up from hotel breakfast I saw a computer "room".

I remember in maybe 2010 on Blue server the two top clans, Angels of Light and The Dynasty. Racing back and forth every month, when I run down in the hotel lobby on family vacation to see a new top clan, Acedia. I forget who was owner, I want to say Nos was. What a time!

Everyone comment that old school memory that still comes up here and there when playing.

Smeagol [355]
2023-12-10 11:16:37 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I started around the same time, back then I was 25-26 years old.. today I am 43.. close to 44 lol.

Just remember I wanted a highlevel bot.. so I trained and trained.. and eventually got to level 260 or so before server went down. Was happy when I heard Bots4 was gonna launch, played the beta and the first year or so of bots bots4 then took a long break (like 10 years), came back last year again.. and here I am clicking train over and over. Haha

Smeagol [355]
2023-12-10 11:20:51 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

Remember I wanted a highlevel bot, like "George, Project X, Active X" on green server.

Mange [258]
2023-12-10 11:51:12 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I started playing bots 2 around 2004-2005. I used to play with my RL best friend, and sometimes we'd walk back to his house after school and play. I mainly just fooled around back then. I didn't have any super high level bot, and I wasn't active clan wise. I remember being in BNW for a short while, but I didn't really contribute much. Back then I was known as Grottesca, which was my "best" bot at a meager level 178 or something like that.

Saint [38]
2023-12-10 13:14:19 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

i was on blue server.. i started playing around 2004 also when i was 13. im almost 33 now and still playing. i remeber those clans and i also remember 12 monkeys on green server i rememeber bots 2 being that busy you couldnt log in

CarterHallie [61]
2023-12-10 15:49:01 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I found out you could prepay VISA cards at my local Walgreens for $5. Then I'd buy stars and bots.

Like a WEEK before bots2 went down, I had planned to go to the store and get a $300+ visa card to buy a guy out of most of their stuff. Just couldn't find the time to drive there until like the day bots went down. I go to Walgreens and the attendant wouldn't let me fill the card for being under 18 shrugs, go to log on to let the seller know I'd need another day and it was gone. Woof.

Nosferatu [282]
2023-12-10 15:51:03 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I was also in Angels of Light prior to starting Acedia.

MrZal2 [100]
2023-12-10 19:24:48 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I cannot for the life of me remember how long I've been on this game. I think I was on the first or second month the game was created. I was in 12 Monkeys with Jans etc. I can't even remember my name back then. I want to say Black Knight (I might be wrong) or something. Then I joined Black and White with Roffler and others. Then I helped make Rapture with FNIX later on. My bot in there was called Cream and I had 191,748 cs and was 74th overall in CS. I also had a bot just called Zal that I apparently got 52,546 cs on back in August 2007 and 5th place (which was way harder back then, you guys have it freaking easy with your dumpers and lack of competition). I was Ancient Knight on blue and Led Zeppelin II among others and I played in AoC or Age of Champions with Adsymatix, Coleman, Private Piles etc. and others. Before that I was in a clan with dragonrose and others. I quit after awhile though and wasn't really around when davidd and Nikacc autoclicked their way to victory and destroyed the game lol.

On bots4 I was part of the beta even though I didn't really even want to join . I had one bot before this one here I think but I forget what it was: http://bots4.net/profile/7583/Zalfor . Built: 2011-08-10 12:31:39 [12 years, 125 days ago] lol. Since then I've been everywhere. Was part of Eternal with Sera and others for a long while and probably every clan since except for the boring Apex and Escapism. I once had close to 1,000 whores haha. I helped both games in a million ways but all I ever get is shit from everyone because I've never liked their precious dumper strategy. Which I still think is the worst part of the game and why it's still dead overall. The past 6-7 years of this game have been absolute shit in comparison to the first 3-4 to the degree I left for 5-6 years of it and missed absolutely dickall. The clan with the most dumpers, money/stars and time to waste wins and everyone else can go f themselves. Go ahead, look at the last 7 years and tell me I'm wrong.

March 2023 - Apex
March 2022 - Apex
March 2021 - Apex
March 2020 - Strung Out
March 2019 - Escapism
March 2018 - Torment
March 2017 - Escapism (although this month I played and got 3rd in energy)

Boring, boring, boring. All dumpers for the most part. And it'll keep on continuing on because nobody gives a shit. Everyone left seems to think the game is just perfect as is and the toxicity and dumping should just continue forever. Well you guys can have that game to yourselves :P

Sorry for blathering on, you don't actually have to read any of this. I'm sure Zach and Fishwick (and whoever that Doggett guy is that always disagrees with me) and all the others who think I'm undesirable will chime in on how great the game is so long as they have the winning strategy and nothing should change and that all the new players should just make 500 dumpers to fight them or they're not good enough to play the game. To them I'll gladly say they can try and attempt to shove their own heads up their asses further but I don't think it's possible because they're pretty stuck up there as is. If you have an ego so damn big that you just pick and choose who you think is a worthy opponent or that there's a person you don't like that shouldn't win then you're just a couple of narcissistic pricks.

This got long but it's just how I feel about things on this game. So do many others that don't play anymore or barely play as is. I stopped bothering to bring it up anymore because I thought Ender was going to do something about these things and improve the game but meh. I guess I was too optimistic. If he reads this then I hope you do continue to work on the game and don't get too demoralized about these things. But as is your game is not much better than bots2 when it was near death. In fact if the game ended tomorrow only like 10-20 people might be sad about it lol. Probably 100+ would be happy its dead or forgot its existance already xD

Storm of Memories [150]
2023-12-11 01:45:36 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

Zal, you are absolutely correct on the dumper part with that exception that you arent counting in this upraping. There you can actually use your main bot.

I've been lately having some throwbacks to bots2. My "career" started when I was around 15 years old so +20 years ago while doing an internship in local IT store. There worked SamHane from Kiss of Death at the time and he introduced me to the game. I was known as Kaapo those days. After Deckham quit Kiss of Death kinda died and I followed asian lover into his many clans like Eclipse, Eclipsed etc. After Bobby quit green i went to Krenshaw Krew and then Immortalis and then came Nikac and Dakovo boys and I quit.

For Bots4 I started in closed beta with my old bot kaapo and was supposed to join BahamutZero, Shadowfax, kofi etc. in a superclan that never was founded. Then I ended up in Atreides which was my home until I was poached to Escapism to take down Eternal. After that for me it was back an forth Eternal - Escapism to bring balance to the force. After Eternal died due to natural and unnatural reasons I founded Torment with Kevin and Tucks and we managed to get couple of wins before I quit and sold everything I could. Now after few years break I am back rebuilding stuff and let's see how long this visit lasts.

Myriad [425]
2023-12-11 03:50:43 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

I remember I started playing was when I was in grade 8 at school and bots was all the rage at the time. There was a login limit of 40 at the time, and the server was almost always full, so we'd constantly refresh the login page to try to get in as soon as someone logged out. We didn't have wireless at home at the time, so I remember constantly pestering my sister to get off the computer so I could play, lol.

Too many in game memories in bots 2 to recount all of them, but I remember a favourite of mine was when Frown beat the all-conquering SI Kni8htz in late 2003. The clan rankings were based on jansindex, which partly included ratio or win/loss in the formula. Xisor had a low level bot invited by SI Kni8htz early in the month, then proceeded to give it hundreds of thousands of losses throughout the course of the month by attacking it with two shields equipped, which would give 100 losses each at the time. So despite SI Kni8htz having a significant lead in the final day of the month, Xisor accepted the invitation several seconds before the end of the month and Frown ended up on top. I think invitations got an expiry date soon after that :p

Anna Villani [35]
2023-12-11 04:37:20 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

Best part of Bots for me still was meeting people like Jans, Linuxxx and Lunchbox irl.

Esvrainzas [300]
2023-12-11 06:44:23 🔗
[1 year, 75 days ago]

Since this became a thread where you tell your story (a sign that we are all getting too old), I'll tell mine too. I think I started playing bots2 in 2003. However, in bots2 I didn't have many knowledge about the game as I have now about bots4. I remember my main clan was Boondock Saints in green server and Timbuktu was the first person to teach me something about the game. I wasn't around when bots2 ended. I just found out about it in December 2011 when I discovered bots4. Btw, soon this bot will be 12 years old! You can continue reading in my profile my early story in bots4.

I can say that I have more memories and had more fun in bots4 than in bots2. Being part of Escapism was truly amazing. Now I've set a new goal. I'll try to develop a new clan and that's my motivation to play again :)

Zach01 [361]
2023-12-11 16:05:17 🔗
[1 year, 74 days ago]

I was shown Bots2 in around 2004/2005 whilst visiting my dad in Angelsey in North Wales, my step brothers friend introduced me to it on our PC. I didnt really play much consistently after that just logged in from time to time and attacked stuff without knowing what I was doing like a typical noob, eventually somehow I met Basher and John and we started playing in Satans Soldiers, they really taught me everything I know now about the basics of bots, building etc. Apart from Basher and John all I remember is buying a whore clan off Peet for the month and then getting top cs month once on PuRe DrEaM during our summer holidays but that's about all I did on bots2.

PS- Zal it's a bit hypocritical to waffle the same shit for years then call others boring, nobody cares about your moaning and crying most enjoy the game including myself, hope you enjoyed coming second in your exciting Chainsaw Man clan this October.

Sympathy [35]
2023-12-11 19:48:35 🔗
[1 year, 74 days ago]

That's not all that nice Zach but I get it. Anyways I couldn't tell anyone exactly when I started playing bots2 but I was Beststrbotever back then, followed the old guide of building bots until either answerers or thunder hammers I believe. I was in many clans. The few I remember are 12m and BnW. There were many others I joined over time but those 2 stick out the most to me. I met Rivan and was shown the doom maul build and power maul builds that were optimal at the time. Gave it my all in the final month that the game was alive just being barely behind rivan in which we went back and forth for who was in first. I met a lot of great people back then, Jans, sofaking, Asian, noz, nith, rithy, rivan, roff just to name a few.

Being on bots4 things nowadays are much let's fun as most of the players of old have went on there way. Shoe was a good friend of mine and helped me when I came to bots4. Enjoyed my time in eternal as George II and Delta. As I progressed in life the game took a back seat. I do miss the friends and glory days of old but that's life. We get old, have kids and a job or 2 and life just becomes less available for games. I truly believe most of the active players on here have a good heart and found almost all of you to be very helpful when I came back. Sorry I couldn't put the work in score wise to make it to the top anyone of the months but I did enjoy the back and forth with peet a few months back. Anyways this has gone on long enough.

Nosferatu [282]
2023-12-12 16:43:11 🔗
[1 year, 73 days ago]

I started during the summer of 2003, between my junior and senior years of High School. Pretty sure my activity is what caught the eye of most people, and in this game that's truly the winning formula. (The person whom has the most time to pour into playing this game will typically be triumphant.)

I played on the green server (obviously considering I began before blue was created), but migrated to the blue when the clan I was part of got infiltrated (and everyone got kicked) because no one really liked Asian (to be fair he was a douche bag) and attempted all the time to cause him to lose.

Blue was basically a race between AoL and AoC for the better part of it's existence. Blue was my playground and home until it perished. I was online when it went down.

I was grateful for Ender stepping up and attempting to recreate it. There are differences, but the spirit of the game still exist.

The greatest thing that has come from playing this game is my friendships and entertainment. It's why I never really leave, nor really act maliciously towards anyone. I'll poke fun, but at the end of the day its a game.

Also, contrary to popular belief: I'm not that great at this game. I just have time, and plenty of it.

Bug Delora [2]
2023-12-19 20:38:44 🔗
[1 year, 66 days ago]
Also, contrary to popular belief: I'm not that great at this game. I just have time, and plenty of it.

It's all good bro nobody ever thought you were any good

Asmodeus [6]
2023-12-19 22:32:37 🔗
[1 year, 66 days ago]

I've been around this game since I was 11 or 12, far too young to be exposed to the cesspool of filth that exists in this game.
This has always been my main bots name and I think my favorite memory was gaining 17000cs (was somewhere around there) on the first day of the month and then sleeping for 20 hours afterwards, haha.

I will agree that I believe the biggest mistake Ender made with this game was allowing dumping to become the most optimal way to play. I think there is something very jarring about finding out the best way to use your time scoring is not even on your main bot, and while the game would struggle to retain players in general I am sure this has a bigger impact than people are willing to admit.
Freaking has grown on me a bit but it has always headed towards p2w territory which is concerning for a niche game with a small population. Increasing the base number of stash spaces or so could alleviate this and may turn less players off from the game.

Besides all that I am happy to be back for however long my interest is kept this time and hope you are all doing well.

FNIX [66]
2024-10-30 11:04:04 🔗
[115 days ago]

I miss Jans index, the diplomacy, the real wars. Ender recreate the game, but messed it up in his way. Oh well.

Inferno [100]
2024-10-30 20:16:42 🔗
[115 days ago]

I remember jumping on bots2 back in middle school at the library. I introduced a bunch of my friends to it too.

I don't know where the urge to check back in came from but it's cool seeing familiar names still online :)

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